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How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business

A client intake process is a crucial aspect of any successful life coaching business. It involves a systematic approach to gathering important information from potential clients to determine if they are a good fit for your services. To create a client intake process, you should first identify the key questions you need to ask to assess a client’s needs, goals, and challenges. 

How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business

Next, develop a questionnaire or intake form to collect this information and establish a standardized procedure for reviewing and analyzing the responses. Finally, use this information to tailor your coaching approach to each client’s unique needs and goals.

In this blog, we’ll explore:

  • What is the client intake process in a life coaching business?
  • Overview of what a client intake process entails
  • How to use client intake information to improve coaching services

So, let’s get started!

What is the client intake process

A client intake process in a life coaching business is a systematic approach to gathering important information from potential clients to determine if they are a good fit for your services. 

It typically involves an initial consultation or assessment where you ask questions to assess the client’s needs, goals, and challenges. The information you gather during the intake process helps you tailor your coaching approach to each client’s unique needs and goals.

To create a client intake process, you should first identify the key questions you need to ask to assess a client’s needs, goals, and challenges. You can use this information to develop a questionnaire or intake form to collect this information before the initial consultation. You should also establish a standardized procedure for reviewing and analyzing the responses.

During the initial consultation, you should use the information you gathered during the intake process to get to know your potential client better and determine if your services are a good fit for their needs. You can also use this time to discuss your coaching approach and answer any questions your potential client may have.

Overall, a well-designed client intake process can help you attract and retain clients who are a good fit for your services, and it can help you provide more effective coaching services that meet your client’s unique needs and goals.

What a client intake process entails

The information gathered in a client intake process is used to tailor the coaching approach to each client’s unique needs and goals. This process is crucial in determining if a potential client is a good fit for the coach’s services and ensuring client satisfaction.

Determine the Necessary Information

Determining the necessary information is the first step in creating a client intake process for a life coaching business. This involves identifying the key questions that will help assess a client’s needs, goals, and challenges. 

The questions should be specific to the coach’s niche and the services offered. Common questions include the client’s current situation, desired outcomes, expectations for coaching, and previous experience with coaching. 

This information is essential in creating a tailored coaching approach that meets each client’s unique needs and goals.

Create Intake Forms

Creating intake forms is the second step in creating a client intake process for a life coaching business. The forms should be designed to capture the necessary information identified in the first step. The forms can be in the form of questionnaires, online surveys, or in-person interviews. 

The questions should be clear, concise, and relevant to the coach’s niche and services. It is important to ensure that the forms are easy to understand and complete to encourage potential clients to provide accurate and honest information. 

The intake forms serve as a starting point for the initial consultation and help coaches tailor their approach to each client’s unique needs.

Establish Communication Channels

Establishing communication channels is the third step in creating a client intake process for a life coaching business. This involves determining the best ways to communicate with potential clients and creating a standardized process for doing so. Communication channels can include email, phone, video conferencing, or in-person meetings. 

The coach should establish clear communication guidelines and response times to ensure that potential clients feel heard and valued. Effective communication channels help coaches build rapport with potential clients and provide a positive experience from the start of the coaching relationship.

Train Staff

Training staff is the fourth step in creating a client intake process for a life coaching business. This involves training all relevant staff members on the intake process to ensure consistency in the quality of service provided. 

Staff members should be trained to handle inquiries, review intake forms, and communicate effectively with potential clients. 

They should also be familiar with the coach’s niche and services to answer questions accurately. Properly trained staff members ensure a positive client experience, increase the likelihood of client retention, and contribute to the overall success of the coaching business.

Review Intake Forms

In order to ascertain the needs, objectives, and difficulties of potential clients, reviewing intake forms entails carefully reviewing and analyzing the information they provide. Coaches should look for patterns and identify areas where they can provide the most value. 

Reviewing intake forms allows coaches to tailor their approach to each client and provide a more effective coaching service. It also helps coaches identify potential red flags, such as clients who may not be a good fit for their services.

Create an Action Plan

Creating an action plan involves using the information gathered during the intake process to create a tailored coaching plan for each client. The plan should outline specific goals, objectives, and milestones, along with strategies for achieving them. 

Coaches should also establish clear expectations for the coaching relationship, including communication guidelines and response times. The action plan serves as a roadmap for the coaching relationship and helps to ensure that both the coach and client are on the same page.

Provide Feedback

Providing feedback is an important step in the client intake process for a life coaching business. This involves giving potential clients feedback on their intake forms and initial consultation. The feedback should be constructive and focused on areas where the coach can provide the most value. 

It is also an opportunity for the coach to clarify expectations and ensure that the potential client understands the coaching process. Providing feedback helps to build trust and rapport with potential clients and encourages them to move forward with the coaching relationship.

Evaluate the Intake Process

Evaluating the intake process involves assessing its effectiveness and making improvements where necessary. Coaches should gather feedback from both staff members and clients to identify areas for improvement. 

They should also review the intake forms and action plans to ensure that they are aligned with the coach’s niche and services. Evaluating the intake process helps coaches improve the quality of their services, increase client satisfaction, and contribute to the overall success of the coaching business.

How to use client intake information to improve coaching services

Using client intake information to improve coaching services involves tailoring the approach, identifying trends, setting specific goals, personalizing communication, developing new services, and tracking progress. 

By using this information, coaches can provide more effective and personalized coaching services, leading to greater client satisfaction and success. Here are some ways to use client intake information to improve coaching services:

1. Tailoring the coaching approach: The intake information provides insight into the client’s needs, goals, and challenges, allowing coaches to tailor their approach to each client.

2. Identify trends: Reviewing intake information for common themes or trends can help coaches identify areas where they can improve their services or develop new coaching programs.

3. Set specific goals: Using the client’s desired outcomes and goals, coaches can create a specific coaching plan and establish clear objectives that will help clients achieve their goals.

4. Personalize communication: Knowing more about the client allows coaches to personalize their communication style to better connect and communicate with them.

5. Develop new services: Intake information can help coaches identify new coaching services that meet the needs of their clients.

6. Track progress: The intake information provides a baseline for tracking progress and evaluating the effectiveness of coaching services.


Creating a client intake process is a crucial step in building a successful life coaching business. It involves determining necessary information, creating intake forms, establishing communication channels, training staff, reviewing intake forms, providing feedback, creating an action plan, and evaluating the intake process. 

A well-designed intake process allows coaches to gather essential information about potential clients, tailor their coaching approach, and set clear objectives to help clients achieve their goals

It also provides an opportunity to build trust and rapport with clients, identify areas for improvement, and evaluate the effectiveness of coaching services. By following these steps, coaches can create a streamlined and effective client intake process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it important to have a client intake process for a life coaching business?

Having a client intake process is important for a life coaching business as it enables coaches to gather essential information about their clients. It helps to understand their unique needs and tailor their approach accordingly. 
It also helps coaches set clear objectives and expectations and build trust and rapport with clients. A well-designed client intake process enables coaches to provide more effective and personalized coaching services, leading to greater client satisfaction and success.

What kind of information should be included in an intake form/questionnaire?

An intake form/questionnaire for a life coaching business should include essential information about the potential client, such as their contact details, goals, challenges, expectations, motivation for seeking coaching services, and any previous coaching experience. 
It may also include questions about their personality, values, interests, and strengths to help coaches tailor their approach to the client’s unique needs. Additionally, intake forms may ask for information about the client’s preferred communication style and availability to schedule coaching sessions.

How can the client intake process be regularly evaluated and improved?

The client intake process can be regularly evaluated and improved by gathering feedback from clients and staff members about their experience with the process. Coaches can review the intake forms, identify areas for improvement, and update the forms as needed. 
Additionally, coaches can track the progress of their clients to evaluate the effectiveness of the intake process and identify areas for improvement. By continuously evaluating and improving the client intake process, coaches can provide more effective and personalized coaching services to their clients.

How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business


I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.

How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business
How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business
How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business
How To Create a client intake process for your life coaching business client intake process for life coaching business
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