How to Get New Coaching Clients Knocking Down Your Door

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So, you’ve taken the plunge, and you’ve set up your life coaching practice. You’ve prepared yourself to be a fantastic life coach, you’ve prepared the best strategy to guide your clients and you’ve worked on the right techniques to help your clients. But before you begin, you’ll need figure out how to get coaching clients!

Starting a coaching business is certainly hard work, you need to refine your approach, marketing skills, and networking abilities.

But what happens after that? Now what, you ask?

Like so many people who decide to make the foray into life coaching, this is an important junction- the junction at which your clientele builds up.

More than anything, for a successful coaching practice you need to know how to get new clients. It is however important, to bring in the right clients- you’d want clients who would benefit the most from what you have to offer.

The hard truth is you can be a great coach, but if you sit around and wait for the word to go out about your coaching business, you be waiting for a very long time for new clients to show up.

Getting those new coaching clients comes with a little creativity and the right know how.

If you’re concerned, don’t be. You’ve come to the right place.

In my previous articles, I’ve discussed what it takes to build a life coaching practice from the ground up. In this article, I will help you ensure those new coaching clients come knocking at your door.

What really matters?

How to Get New Coaching Clients Knocking Down Your Door how to get coaching clients

Before we begin, here’s something you need to know. You’re a great life coach, regardless of whether you just started or whether you’ve been working at for sometime.

And the fact that you’re on this journey, is the first step toward building a very successful practice with the right client base, and get those new coaching clients.

So let me tell you another truth- it IS possible to get clients.

All it takes is smart work, and the right work.

What can I do to bring in new coaching clients?

So without further ado here are 10 strategies you can use to get new coaching clients:

1) Figure out who your ideal client is

This goes without saying. It is very important to have an understanding of which clients you will be able to best help.

Once these sort of clients start coming in, they are the ones who will see the most prominent effects of your work with them.

Not only will lead to a satisfied client base, but it will also ensure that your new coaching clients will walk away knowing that you are the someone they would want to turn to.

And most importantly, you will be able to really help them.

Building that connection with your clients will help them know that you are a right fit.

By getting those conversations going, either on social media, blog posts or even in person, your clients will be able to tell that you know what really matters to them.

The key to understanding your ideal client is the word understanding. Remember, if you pay a little attention, and are able to build the right relationships, it will go a long way toward helping your clients.

2) Identify your area of speciality

Right off the bat, it’s very important to know where you can have the most impact.

Take a moment to address whether your strengths lie in working with, adolescents, elderly individuals, mothers etc. Rather than adopting a generalist approach, a more specialized approach will help you narrow down your clients and also enable you to deliver better results. This will help you find new coaching clients in your niche.

Keep in mind that carving a niche out for yourself, and building a brand as a specialist will attract more clientele than someone with a broad approach but lesser depth.

Once you’ve figured out who your target audience is, and your specialist areas, build your brand around that and focus on reaching out to these individuals, as a first step.

How to Get New Coaching Clients Knocking Down Your Door how to get coaching clients

3) Ask the right type of questions

This point factors into understanding your clients. When you, as a life coach, are aware of the kind of results your clients seek, you will be able to ask them the right kind of questions.

Having a clear client intake strategy along with asking them the right questions will help you focus on exactly what your clients want.

This in turn, can help you work with your  new coaching clients to achieve the outcomes they are looking for.

When the coach and the client are on the same page with expectations, it can help build a healthy, successful, working relationship.

4) Work through your mind

It is easy to assume that the number of new clients knocking on your door is directly proportional to how good you are as a coach or your marketing strategy. However let me tell you, that it’s not always the external that matters.

Just as you’ve devised the tips and techniques to help your clients, it’s time to do that same introspective work on yourself. Take a minute as envision where you want to me and the roadblocks that you currently face in getting there.

By envisioning your goals, the type of clients you want, and your beliefs you will be able to evaluate how to get there. Breaking up a mammoth task into smaller components can go a long way (just as I’ve discussed in some of my previous articles).

Working on your mindset will help you get the refresh and put in the work needed toward achieving your larger goals.

Starting trouble can be hard to deal with, so relax, make sure you’re doing the best work on yourself, and the rest will follow.

5) Use your experience

It’s easy to write off your prior experiences as irrelevant to your life coaching practice. But that’s a contradiction right there.

You see any of your prior experiences in your professional sphere of ‘life’ will help you in building your ‘life’ coaching practice.

You’ll often find that people relate to others who share similar professional or personal experiences. In fact, it can help both you as a coach AND your clients open up to each other.

Corporate folks will find it easier to relate to a corporate man, an artist will find it easier to speak to an artist. Everywhere, commonalities make it easier for individuals to connect.

Leverage your experiences to reach out to clients. Do you share common experiences with a type of person? Great. Reach out to them.

If you want to learn more about how to grow your coaching business by learning the right coaching techniques, build a six figure coaching business and learn how to get better results for clients in less than half the time, sign up for my launchpad here!

6) Work on your hook

Unfortunately in the age of social media, attention spans are limited to a few minutes. This is why it’s very important to be able to say what makes you unique as a life coach in, quite literally 30 seconds.

For example, instead of listing out the clients or the expertise you’ve got to begin with, tell them you’re the corporate veteran who’s instilling greater confidence in two days.

Once you’ve got the initial interest, you can elaborate how exactly you plan on helping your clients do that. Keep in mind, that the initial hook as to be strong enough to make your clients want to find out more.

7) Create video content

Suffice to say, video is a great way to engage with your potential clients.

It’s also a great way for them to get a look and feel of what you have to offer. Use video to create refreshing and engaging content that could serve as a draw for your clients. It doesn’t need to be fancy, it just needs to be unique.

To elaborate on point number 6, use short, crisp videos to convey why potential clients stand to benefit by working with you.

How to Get New Coaching Clients Knocking Down Your Door how to get coaching clients

8) Help people first

As a life coach, remember your first commandment is to help your clients. Make it your prime focus to deliver help first. Offer your service, and help as much as possible (for free if necessary) to build your reputation as a valuable resource.

Once you’ve established yourself, it’ll be far easier to take on paying clients and to monetize on the brand you have built.

Before the payments, work on putting your service out there.

9) Network

This is perhaps one of the biggest points to note. If you want clients coming to you, you have to begin by going to them. Once you’ve identified the client base you can help the most, identify how you can get conversations with those people going.

Is it at a seminar? A workshop? A book launch? Make sure you’re putting in the effort to get the dialogues going.

When people are aware of you, and what you offer, it’ll be far easier to attract clients.

Spend time where your potential clients are, because you never know when and how the leads come up.

It’s also important to put in your miles in networking, because this will help you understand what your clients are looking for and you can tailor your offerings and services to suit their needs.

10) Work on your branding

It might be a great gadget, but if the box doesn’t look good, it’s not going to sell. It is very important to build spot-on branding.

Create a unique brand so that potential clients can recognize it easily.

Work on the message your trying to convey, invest in a good website, and make your life-coach package relatable and easy to consume.

Remember, before a client gets to know you or works with you, the only thing they’ll be able to see if your store front. Which is why it is critical to build a solid and consistent branding strategy.

Incorporate this brand and messaging strategy in all of your collaterals and content, from your website to social media.

There you have it, the ten points required to get new coaching clients, and getting them knocking on your door!

With a little hard work, and the pointers I’ve mentioned above, I have no doubt that clients will soon start lining up for you.

So on that note,

Are You Ready To Become A Life Coach?

Are you?

Yes, you are…of course, you are.

So why are you waiting?

This is my webinar:

How Your Coaching Business Can Let You Live The Lifestyle Of Your Dreams

Because of the demand for the webinar, the seats will be filling up very fast, so please make sure that you register as early as possible.

I don’t want you to miss out on it because you were lazy.

Just go and register right now.

I will see you on the other side :).

How to Get New Coaching Clients Knocking Down Your Door how to get coaching clients

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