How To Become A High Potential Coach?
An organization’s high potentials are evaluated and supported via High Potential Coaching. When high-potential employees receive this type of coaching, they have a better understanding of who they are and how their beliefs match with their work. An authentic leader who understands and practices desired leadership and coaching behaviors will emerge as a result of this training.
You can work with a group or an individual as part of the Pathfinders High Potential Employee Coaching program.
Besides being cost-effective, it provides an opportunity for significant relationship building. This common experience and interactions that only twelve people can participate in at once.
As a result, your future leadership team will be better equipped to deal with the silo phenomenon by cultivating strong cross-functional relationships.
- How To Become A High Potential Coach?
What Is High Potential Coaching?
Effective coaches have five distinct goals in mind when working with high-potentials. One of these goals is to help them develop their ability to influence as well as their other skills. Learning agility is made possible by cultivating acute self-awareness. An organization’s “high potentials,” or “emerging leaders,” can be found in the top 3-5 percent of its workforce. People with great potential are known for their drive, ability to quickly pick up new skills, ability to think creatively, and social intelligence. Investing in the development of these leaders pays dividends in the form of increased productivity and a lower turnover rate.
What Does A High Potential Coach Do?
The good news is that we can all develop our leadership abilities through consistent practice, focused attention, and deliberate effort. One of the most efficient (and enjoyable!) ways to strengthen these new muscles is to work with an executive coach who can help maintain focus, re-frame when necessary, and hold you accountable. High potentials are an intriguing group of employees because they are often mistaken for high performers. It’s a common observation amongst clients and coworkers alike that high achievers produce excellent work but lack the motivation and in some cases the skills necessary to assume leadership roles. According to Berlin by Deloitte’s high-potential strategy maturity model, high potentials have the “potential, ability, and aspiration for subsequent leadership within an organization.”
Finding and developing high-potential employees is no easy task, but coaching these self-motivated go-getters presents a tremendous opportunity to help them achieve their long-term professional goals. As a result, firms gain from a better work environment and a strong leadership pipeline, as well as higher employee retention and a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Supporting and maximizing the growth of an organization’s top leadership talent is a win-win situation for all parties concerned. Every interaction you have with them is an opportunity for you to play a significant part in their success.
Here are three ways an executive coach may help high-potential leaders create authentic leadership:
Coaches Assist Leaders in Recovering From Failures More Rapidly
Leaders that are able to bounce back from setbacks more quickly are those who have a growth attitude. That way they can glean valuable lessons from the incident, then reframe and move on. The ability to bounce back quickly from setbacks necessitates a series of actions. To begin, leaders must have a firm grasp on the workings of the brain. An emotional response is characterized by the amygdala (a portion of the brain’s center for emotions and emotional behavior) becoming activated. The phrase “amygdala hijack,” coined by psychologist Daniel Goleman, refers to a strong and instantaneous emotional response. As a result, leaders aren’t able to perform at their best.
Coaching provides leaders with the chance to not only understand this reaction pattern, but also to notice when it occurs, allowing them to consciously alter their thinking and reactivate the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for higher-level cognition. We can’t make excellent decisions, plan long-term, or see things from other people’s perspectives without the prefrontal cortex, the region of the brain that helps us do those things. As a coach, I assist my clients in regaining their footing after a psychological or emotional setback. A number of stress-management methods are shared after I explain the biology of their response. My clients put these principles into action every day, both at business and at home.
As an example, have a look at this: A biotech VP realized that she would get agitated in meetings when given a vital subject about which she had no evidence. Her thoughts froze, her heart sped up, and she would be incredibly self-conscious subsequently in similar instances. To help her deal with a particular circumstance in meetings, we looked into neurobiology and developed replies she could employ. For the final step, we rehearsed these responses in a low-stress setting so she would be ready to utilize them in the event of a real-life crisis.
Is this what happened? After that meeting, Rebecca said, she didn’t freak out when someone asked her a subject about which she didn’t have an answer. She was able to recall and implement the plan we devised. In the aftermath, she was much less critical of herself and able to swiftly return to the task at hand due to the adjustment in her mentality and behaviors.
Coaches Are Encouraged To Look At Things From A Fresh Viewpoint By A Coach
It wasn’t until she learned how to coach that Alyson realized how inflexible and predetermined her perspective on people was. Among other things, she stated that one of her coworkers was purposefully passive-aggressive when replying to work text messages. She addressed this coworker like an adversary, which was not a surprise. In coaching, rethinking and imagining the world in new ways is a key component. The truth is that we all get caught up in our own perspective and believe that it’s the only truth. Isn’t it possible that there are multiple ways of looking at a person or a situation?
My role as a coach is to push my clients to reframe their thinking about a problem. Upon hearing Alyson express her dissatisfaction with her coworker, I said, “What could be going through the head of your coworker? It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking. What may be causing her anxiety?” Alyson’s annoyance was immediately replaced by interest as a result of this line of enquiry (and even a bit of compassion.) It was a breeze to come up with new ideas for effective communication with this coworker after this shift. Emerging leaders can gain a new perspective on their coworkers, superiors, and subordinates by participating in coaching sessions that shift their perceptions of these individuals on a broader scale. Analytical and left-hemisphere thinkers tend to be high-potential leaders. Big-picture and high-level right-hemisphere thinking is crucial for inspiring and engaging one’s team, but they haven’t always had the opportunity to exercise it. Coach, this is one of my favorite phrases to use “Big picture thinking is in order here. In what ways does this project matter? What are the consequences for the customers users?”
A high-potential leader can then explain the significance of their effort to their team by thinking in a larger sense. As a result of coaching, leaders are more equipped to identify and develop their core values, priorities, and strengths. Being a leader necessitates a firm belief in one’s own abilities and worth. Leaders are expected to take a stand, make a challenging decision, or persuade obstinate stakeholders. They must do these things. These activities are not suitable for persons who lack self-assurance or courage.
Believing in your ‘why’ is essential for leaders who want to make decisions that will have a positive impact on their teams and the organization as a whole. Coaching provides the time and space for self-reflection that is so critical to personal growth and development. I help my clients connect to their authentic leadership by asking those questions and providing exercises that help them clarify their identity and beliefs. Once the groundwork has been laid, we’ll look at how these character traits can be applied to their day-to-day leadership. This procedure instills trust that lasts a lifetime.
What Are The Benefits Of Becoming A High Potential Coach?
High-potential employees (sometimes known as “HiPos”) are highly valued in any company. They’re the people who have the drive to succeed at the highest levels of their organizations. Potential employees work an average of 21% harder than their non-potential counterparts, and they also contribute 91% more value to the company as a whole.
Your top priority as an HR leader should be to keep your best employees by ensuring that they are content in their current positions. Offering mentoring and leadership coaching programs, which are two of the most underserved requirements of potential employees, is an excellent method to accomplish this. Our most important employees can benefit much from coaching and mentoring, as we’ll discuss in this essay.
1. Improved Role Proficiency
It is common for organizations to think that HiPos are “innately” good at their work. As with any other employee, they will benefit from the guidance and assistance they get. As part of this, employees should be given the opportunity to make errors, get criticism, and grow at their own speed.
This kind of assistance can be obtained from mentors and coaches. HiPos can benefit from these partnerships in a variety of ways, including providing guidance through challenges based on their own experiences and recognizing areas of weakness that need strengthening. That’s why 84% of leaders who were mentored said they became more proficient in their professions more quickly, and leadership coaching that incorporates goal setting and feedback has been found to enhance productivity by up to 88%.
2. A Greater Sense Of Accomplishment At Work
HiPos are feeling the heat. Because they are extremely driven and skilled, these employees tend to be given more duties and have more expectations placed on them because of their abilities. While it’s good to be stretched in a role, low morale will certainly result if you’re pushed to accomplish too much without proper assistance.
Mentors and coaches can supplement the support that HiPos receives from their supervisors and managers, who should be commended and encouraged in their work. With 91 percent of HiPos who have a mentor saying they are satisfied with their job, these relationships have a significant impact on how they view their roles. Employees who work for companies with strong coaching cultures report higher levels of job satisfaction than their counterparts at companies without such a culture.
3. An Increase In Self-Assurance
Assuming that HiPos know they’re doing a terrific job, it’s easy to assume. Furthermore, they’re continually complimented for their achievements and given the most critical assignments. However, this isn’t always the situation. Self-doubt, Imposter Syndrome, and a lack of self-confidence can all have an impact on their performance.
Because of their great self-awareness and propensity to focus on their flaws, HiPos are especially vulnerable to a lack of self-confidence. Fortunately, research has shown that mentorship and coaching programs can help students overcome these internal roadblocks and realize their full potential.
92 percent of Torch mentees say they’ve gained more self-awareness and confidence in their ability to handle difficult situations at work, according to our own research. The International Coach Federation also discovered that 80 percent of persons who undergo coaching express enhanced self-confidence. With the help of a mentor or coach, your HiPos’ self-esteem can soar when they are reminded of their own personal best qualities.
4. More Chances For Growth
Lack of career advancement is cited as a prevalent cause for leaving a company by employees who have done their research. This is particularly true for HiPos, who are constantly on the lookout for new ways to advance their careers and themselves as individuals. Opportunities for growth can be provided by mentors and coaches who identify areas for improvement, assist with new initiatives or blockages, and promote the development of new abilities.
As a matter of fact, we discovered that 89% of Torch’s mentees are more eager than ever to take on greater responsibilities. Coaching, on the other hand, has had a positive impact on 70% of respondents’ relationships and communication abilities. Your HiPos are more likely to leave their current positions if they don’t have the opportunity to learn and grow.
Take care not to take your HiPos for granted! Increase the likelihood that they’ll stay with the company if you put money into their growth by providing them with tools like coaching and mentoring programs.
How To Become A High Potential Coach?
The demand for qualified coaches has increased as businesses have come to appreciate the value of leadership coaching. There has never been a better moment to start a career in this extremely important and in-demand field.
Leadership coaching certification can be obtained through an ICF-accredited coach training program to help organizations produce cohesive, skilled, and effective leaders.
High Potential Coaching Certification Program
You can learn more about being a qualified professional coach and the importance of having credentials and certification here. When it comes to coaching and ethics, the two are inseparable. For anyone wishing to market themselves as a coach or teach coach training courses, upholding high standards of ethical conduct is a must. Coaches achieve the designation of coach through studying, practicing, continually improving oneself, and obtaining ongoing credentials.
To become a leadership coach, an individual must first complete a certification program and then apply for an International Coach Federation accreditation (the ICF).
Credentialing is the process of obtaining, validating, and evaluating a practitioner’s credentials. Documented proof of education, training, and experience, credentials are known as credentials. All of the ICF’s accreditations are available through the ICF.
Choosing the right coach training institution is the most important step in obtaining your credential. Coach training programs are available around the world in a wide range of specializations, including leadership coaching, executive coaching, life coaching, and more. Make sure that the coach training program you are considering includes a focus on leadership coaching in its curriculum before you enroll. Here at The Coaching Academy for Leaders, we provide the Certified Leadership Coach title and a program that emphasizes leadership development, training, and coaching in addition to teaching all the essential skills for coaches. A discovery call, program enrollment, and the commencement of your coach training are the first steps in finding the ideal leadership coaching program.
Who is a good candidate for high potential coaching?
Executive coaching dollars (or Euros, yen, or any other currency) should be spent in one of two ways: on the right people or the wrong people.
As a preliminary step, consider asking yourself, “What individuals do we want to stay at the organization who could contribute much more if they were to improve in one or two critical areas?” In order to be clear, this screen is not a form of damage control, such as attempting to influence the behavior of a toxic individual. In most cases, remedial coaching is ineffective. These questions relate to leaders who are normally excellent at what they do but face new obstacles owing to changes in their role or business. As a result of efforts in succession planning or as part of the organization’s support for someone to overcome a promotion threshold,
This first layer of protection is followed by a second layer that includes multiple components. Before choosing someone for executive coaching, make sure they have the following qualities.
1. A Proven Capability to Learn
In the past, the person has shown the ability to receive and act on feedback for improvement and progressed in other areas of development. Coworkers may be able to refer to instances in which he or she has applied what they have taught him or her, whether through training or other means, and shown improvement.
2. A Sense of Purpose
The potential coached is a willing participant who is eager to learn and improve on himself or herself. Coaches can’t work with those who don’t want to learn.
3. Support from within the organization
Everyone in the person’s life is rooting for him or her to succeed. “What one thing would make the greatest impact on her performance?” was the question I asked her team members when I was doing a 360-degree assessment for a nonprofit leader. It was an emphatic “Nothing!” in response. To put it simply, “We just want her gone.” It ended up being a waste of time and money because they fired her before we even concluded a development plan.
While working with a customer who was an individual contributor, I found that her company wouldn’t allow her to employ someone who could manage the details, despite the fact that she needed to be more strategic. As a result, she was unable to achieve long-term development because she was still responsible for all the details.
4. The Ability to Recognize and Accept Oneself
The person has shown the ability to notice and reflect on his or her own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and is generally aware of the impact he or she has on others.. The 360-degree assessment procedure reveals any potential blind spots. People aren’t surprised to learn about the key areas of improvement, but they’re enlightened by the level of detail presented. Instead of using an internet tool, my colleagues and I conduct qualitative interviews. As a result, we are able to get the most meaningful, actionable feedback, as we can ask detailed questions to pinpoint individual behaviors and their effects on the business.
5. Participation in self-reflection is required
Those who are willing to dig inward and address the fundamental reasons of identified issues or challenges are more likely to succeed. In at least 95% of our coaching engagements, we work with clients to address adaptive problems, such as limiting beliefs or mindsets that are impeding their progress (i.e., they are getting in their own way).
Those convictions are frequently based on a sense of terror. As human beings, we all share this irrational fear. Fear of failure (or success), fear of being overshadowed, or fear of appearing foolish is all possibilities. Long-term, sustainable improvements can only be achieved if the client is upfront and honest with their coach about what is really going on beneath the surface. Many times, when working with clients, I’ve encountered people who were very “buttoned up” and sought to give the impression that “everything’s fine,” but in reality, things were far from that idyllic.
6. Ability to Commit to a Task
Senior executives have a lot going on. Meetings are postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s not unheard of. Because of this, coaching loses its power when it occurs two, three or more times consecutively and the individual hasn’t had a meeting with their coach in two months or more.
When they have so many other things to do, some people find it difficult to focus on themselves for an hour or two a week, even if it’s just for one or two weeks. As with any other business commitment, I advise my clients to handle their coaching appointments as such. Coaches should avoid working with people who are on the road for three weeks a month or in the middle of a product launch.
7. The State of One’s Mind
Deep psychological trauma does not explain the person’s actions. Psychological disorders including depression, narcissism, and others are all too commonplace in the workplace. Six percent of the American population has a narcissistic personality disorder, according to a recent study which found that 16 million persons in the United States experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2012. Mental health specialists should deal with any issues relating to a mental health problem. I am aware of my limitations and have referred to others as necessary.
High-potential programs (HiPo) provide substantial benefits to talent managers who are looking for a one-stop solution for attracting and retaining top personnel. Nevertheless, the secret to building a massively successful program lies in thoroughly comprehending what today’s high potentials truly desire. The training professionals who take the time to develop programs that cut through the clutter of standard offerings and actually meet the needs of their clients will notice a difference—in the quantity and quality of top applicants, the quality of new hires, and the longevity of influential talent, among other things.
Frequently asked questions
What does a high potential coach do?
The coach frequently aids high potential and high performance clients in identifying strategies for generating support that is commensurate with the magnitude of the task. As with the other two essential viewpoints, high potential and high performance clients are likely to differ in a number of significant ways from troublesome employees/clients in their respective industries.
What resources are available to help you become a successful high potential coach?
High-potential personnel are valued by every company (HiPos). In order to ascend to and flourish in a senior position, these persons must have the drive, ability, and organizational commitment to do so. HiPo employees work 21% harder than their non-HiPo counterparts, according to the research, and they also contribute 91% more value to the firm as a whole. They are accessible for use. Curiosity is the best attitude to have when listening. We mean to imply a sincere interest in what the other person has to say when we state that we listen with curiosity. Listen to what is being said. Accurately Reflect. Querying for the Purpose of Discovery. Make Your Thoughts Known.
What is the future of high potential coaching?
Traditional coaching has typically been reserved for high-ranking executives, mostly for the perceived costs associated with such strong personal one-on–one support. Additionally, it can be viewed as a remedial intervention that is employed when a person needs it. However, this is far from the truth, and coaching can be used to great benefit when focusing on specific areas of development or maximizing abilities.
Is it necessary to gain certifications and experience to become a high potential coach?
If you want to be a successful coach, you need to focus on a specific type of client you want to work with. Your ideal clientele will seek you out, fill your programs and courses with ease, and you’ll have more time for self-care and relaxation if you focus on a certain specialization. Even so, it is one of the most difficult and demanding decisions a coach must make.
I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.
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