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How to Create a Sample Coaching Plan

Are you thinking of becoming a life coach? If so, one of the first things you’ll need to do is create a coaching plan. This document will outline your goals, strategies, and methods for helping your clients achieve their desired results. In this article, we will teach you how to create a sample coaching plan that can help you get started in this exciting career!

How to Create a Sample Coaching Plan Coaching Plan
In Brief : How To Create A Sample Coaching Plan

Steps To Create The Perfect Coaching Plan

What Documentation To Include In A Coaching Plan?

  • Client History Form – The Client History Form helps track client progress and includes essential personal and goal-related information.
  • Performance Review – A Performance Review assesses client achievements, goals, and areas for improvement.
  • Goal Setting Worksheet – The Goal Setting Worksheet assists clients in setting and monitoring their goals.
  • Progress Tracking Sheet – The Progress Tracking Sheet monitors client progress and coaching sessions.
  • Coaching Agreement Form – A Coaching Agreement Form outlines expectations, services, fees, and tracks the coaching relationship’s progress.
  • Evaluation Forms – Evaluation Forms assess client progress, goals, and areas for improvement, aiding in providing tailored coaching services.

How To Measure The Success Of Your Coaching Plan?

  • Goal-based measurements – Goal-based measurements involve setting and tracking specific goals to gauge success in coaching programs for individuals or teams.
  • Performance measures – Performance measures track athlete or team performance metrics such as winning percentage and points scored over time.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys – Customer satisfaction surveys gather feedback from athletes, parents, or coaches to identify areas of improvement and assess coaching experience.
  • Lessons learned – Lessons learned involve reflecting on each season to evaluate successes and areas for improvement, benefiting coaches and teams alike.

What is a Coaching Plan?

A coaching plan is a road map that guides you to your desired destination. It helps you identify where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. A coaching plan includes your goals, action steps, and accountability measures. Having a coaching plan will help ensure your success as a coach and provide focus and direction for your coaching business.

If you’re like most people, you probably have a lot of goals and dreams. But without a plan, it can be difficult to know where to start or achieve your goals. That’s where a coaching plan comes in. A coaching plan can help you clarify your goals, develop action steps, and create a timeline for achieving your goals.

Why Do You Need a Coaching Plan?

A coaching plan is important because it gives you a road map to follow and helps keep you on track. It also provides structure and organization to your coaching sessions. Having a plan makes sure that both you and your client are getting the most out of each session.

When creating your coaching plan, be sure to include the following:

  1. The goals you want to achieve
  2. How often you will meet
  3. What topics you will cover
  4. Any assignments or homework you will give your client

With a coaching plan in place, you can be confident that you are providing your clients with the best possible service. You can also be sure that each session is helping them make progress towards their goals.

If you’re not sure where to start when creating your coaching plan, there are many templates and resources available online. Just do a quick search for “coaching plan template” or “coaching program template,” and you’ll find plenty of options to choose from.

Steps to Create the Perfect Coaching Plan

As a coach, you need to be able to create a plan that will help your athletes achieve their goals. Here are some steps to creating the perfect coaching plan:

1. Assess the Current State of the Client

It is important to take a look at where your client is starting from. This includes assessing their current fitness level, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as taking into account any other factors that may be impacting their ability to achieve their goals.

Once you have assessed the current state of the client, you can start to create a plan that will help them progress.

The post Assess the current state of the client appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.

We recommend that you always assess your client’s starting point before creating a plan. This will help ensure that they make progress and achieve their goals. By assessing their current state, you can identify any areas that need improvement and design a plan that will address these weaknesses.

2. Identify Areas in which the Client Needs to Improve

It’s important to be honest with your client about areas that need improvement. This will help them set realistic expectations and avoid disappointment later on. However, you should also be sensitive to the fact that this feedback may be difficult for them to hear. Choose your words carefully and try to emphasize the positive as much as possible.

Some areas that may need improvement include:

  1. Communication
  2. Time Management
  3. Productivity
  4. Organization
  5. Finances
  6. Marketing Strategy

3. Establish what the Client wants to Achieve

It is important to understand what the client wants to achieve before starting the project. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the project stays on track. 

Some questions you may want to ask include:

  1. What are your goals for this project?
  2. What do you hope to gain from working with us?
  3. What are your expectations for this project?

By understanding the client’s goals, you can start to develop a plan on how best to achieve them. This is an important step in ensuring that both the client and the service provider are on the same page. Once you have a clear understanding of what the client wants to achieve, you can start to develop a plan on how best to achieve it.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask the client. It is better to clarify anything upfront rather than make assumptions that could lead to problems later on. By taking the time to establish what the client wants to achieve, you can help ensure that the project goes smoothly and that everyone is happy with the end result. 

4. Set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound Goals for the Client

This is perhaps the most important step in designing a successful behavior change program. You need to set clear, concise goals for your client that are both measurable and achievable. Make sure that the goals are relevant to the client’s lifestyle and interests, and also establish a timeline for reaching these goals. This will help keep both you and your client accountable and motivated to succeed.

It is also important to keep in mind that not all goals are created equal. Some goals, such as quitting smoking or losing weight, may take longer to achieve than others. Be prepared to adjust your program as needed to ensure that your client reaches their ultimate goal. Remember, the most important thing is that the client is able to see progress and experience success along the way.

5. Create a Timeline for Accomplishing these Goals

It’s important to set a timeline for each goal you want to accomplish. This will help ensure that you stay on track and make progress towards your goals. Having a timeline also helps keep you accountable, as you can check in with yourself regularly to see how you’re doing.

When creating your timeline, be realistic about the amount of time you need to accomplish each goal. If a goal is too large, break it down into smaller steps that you can complete over time. And remember to factor in time for rest and relaxation!

Creating a timeline for your goals is a great way to stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress. 

Follow these tips to create an effective timeline:

  1. Start by setting a deadline for your goal.
  2. Break down your goal into smaller steps that you can complete over time.
  3. Factor in time for rest and relaxation.
  4. Be realistic about the amount of time you need to accomplish each step.
  5. Check-in with yourself regularly to make sure you’re on track.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals!

6. Outline the Different Phases of the Coaching Plan

The first phase of the coaching plan is the assessment phase. During this phase, the coach will assess the client’s goals, values, and needs. The coach will also assess the client’s strengths and weaknesses. This information will be used to create a custom coaching plan for the client.

The second phase of the coaching plan is the action phase. During this phase, the coach will help the client implement the coaching plan and make progress towards the client’s goals. The coach will also provide support and accountability during this phase.

The third phase of the coaching plan is the maintenance phase. During this phase, the coach will help the client maintain their progress and keep them on track with their goals. The coach will also provide support and accountability during this phase.

The fourth phase of the coaching plan is the termination phase. During this phase, the coach will help the client terminate their coaching plan and transition back to their normal life. The coach will also provide support and accountability during this phase.

7. Use a Coaching Database for Statistical Analysis

A coaching database can help you improve your statistical analysis. By tracking the data of your opponents, you can quickly identify patterns and trends. This information can be used to make strategic adjustments to your own game. Additionally, a coaching database can help you manage your time and resources more effectively. By keeping track of your opponents’ schedules and results, you can anticipate their next move and prepare accordingly.

A coaching database is a valuable tool for any coach. By using the right software, you can make the most of your data. With the help of a coaching database, you can take your game to the next level!

8. Assign Homework to Help the Client Stay on Track between Sessions

If your client is struggling to maintain progress between sessions, assign homework. This could be something as simple as practicing a skill for 15 minutes each day or keeping a journal of thoughts and feelings. The key is to make the homework specific and relevant to the goals you are working on in therapy. Assigning homework can help your client stay on track and make progress even when they are not in therapy.

Do you assign homework to your clients? What kind of homework do you find to be most helpful? Let us know in the comments below.

9. Hold the Client Accountable to their Goals

It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of our work and lose sight of the bigger picture. That’s why it’s important to hold clients accountable for their goals, both big and small. By doing so, we can help them stay on track and achieve their desired results.

There are a few ways to hold clients accountable:

  1. Regular check-ins to review progress and identify any potential roadblocks
  2. Setting specific deadlines for tasks or goals
  3. Providing feedback and suggestions based on observed progress or lack thereof

Whatever method you choose, be sure to communicate clearly and concisely with the client. This will help ensure that they understand your expectations and can be successful in meeting them.

By holding clients accountable, we can help them stay focused on their goals and ensure that they are making progress. This not only benefits the client but also helps to build a stronger relationship between you and the client. Win-win!

Do you have any tips for holding clients accountable? Share them in the comments below!

10. Celebrate Successes and Troubleshoot any Problems that may Occur

Celebrating successes is a great way to stay motivated and keep pushing forward. However, if any problems do occur, it’s important to troubleshoot them as quickly as possible so that you can get back on track. 

If you’re not sure how to troubleshoot a problem, there are plenty of resources available online, or you can ask someone who is more experienced for help. Whatever you do, don’t give up! Keeping a positive attitude and celebrating your successes will help you reach your goals. 

11. Evaluate Progress and Make Necessary Adjustments

It is important to take some time periodically to evaluate your progress and make any necessary adjustments. This could include changing your goals, altering your methods, or even scrapping the project altogether and starting over. If you find that you are consistently not making the progress you want, it is important to make these changes sooner rather than later.

Don’t be afraid to change course if necessary – the only thing worse than failing is never trying at all. By periodically evaluating your progress and making adjustments as needed, you increase your chances of success. So don’t be afraid to fail, and don’t be afraid to change course if necessary. With this attitude, you are sure to find success.

What adjustments have you made in your life in order to achieve your goals? Share your stories in the comments below!

12. Wrap up the Coaching Period with a Review of what was Accomplished

It’s important to take some time at the end of a coaching period to review what was accomplished and identify any areas for improvement. This will help you and your team to be more successful in the future.

Here are some questions to consider:

-What goals were met?

-What goals were not met?

-What worked well?

-What didn’t work well?

-What could be done differently next time?

Take some time to reflect on these questions and discuss them with your team. This will help you to improve your coaching methods and make sure that your team is able to achieve its goals.

What Documentation to Include in a Coaching Plan?

As a coach, it is important to have a plan for each coaching session. This plan should include what documentation to bring with you to each meeting. The following list includes the different types of documentation that can be helpful to have on hand during coaching sessions.

-Client History Form

-Performance Review

-Goal Setting Worksheet

-Progress Tracking Sheet

-Coaching Agreement Form

-Evaluation Forms

1. Client History Form – The client history form is a great way to track a client’s progress. This form should include information such as the client’s name, contact information, date of birth, and any other relevant information. The form can also be used to track the client’s goals, progress, and coaching sessions.

2. Performance Review – A performance review is a document that can be used to assess a client’s progress. This review should include information such as the client’s goals, objectives, and accomplishments. The performance review can also be used to identify any areas of improvement for the client.

3. Goal Setting Worksheet – The goal-setting worksheet is a great way to help clients set and track their goals. This form should include information such as the client’s name, contact information, date of birth, and any other relevant information. The form can also be used to track the client’s goals, progress, and coaching sessions.

4. Progress Tracking Sheet – The progress tracking sheet is a great way to track a client’s progress. This form should include information such as the client’s name, contact information, date of birth, and any other relevant information. The form can also be used to track the client’s goals, progress, and coaching sessions.

5. Coaching Agreement Form – The coaching agreement form is a great way to outline the expectations of both the coach and the client. This form should include information such as the services that will be provided, fees, and any other relevant information. The coaching agreement form can also be used to track the progress of the coaching relationship.

6. Evaluation Forms – Evaluation forms are a great way to assess a client’s progress. These forms should include information such as the client’s goals, objectives, and accomplishments. The evaluation forms can also be used to identify any areas of improvement for the client.

As you can see, there are many different types of documentation that can be helpful to have when coaching a client. By having these forms on hand, you can ensure that you are providing the best possible service to your clients.

How to Measure the Success of Your Coaching Plan?

One of the most important steps in creating and implementing a successful coaching plan is to measure its success. This can be done in a variety of ways, depending on your goals and what you want to track. Below are some methods that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of your coaching program:

1. Goal-based measurements: One way to measure success is to set specific goals at the beginning of the coaching program and then track whether or not they are met. This can be done for individual athletes or teams as a whole.

2. Performance measures: Another way to measure success is by tracking athlete or team performance over time. This could include things like winning percentage, points scored, fastest times, and other measurable metrics.

3. Customer satisfaction surveys: Athletes, parents, or coaches can be asked to provide feedback on their coaching experience through surveys. This can help identify any areas of improvement and give you a better understanding of what is working well.

4. Lessons learned: Coaches should take the time to reflect on each season and assess what went well and what could be improved upon. This can be done individually or as a team.

No matter which method(s) you choose to use, it is important to track the progress of your coaching plan so that you can make necessary adjustments along the way. By taking the time to measure success, you will create a more effective coaching program that benefits everyone involved. 

Do you have any other tips on how to measure the success of a coaching plan? Share them in the comments below!


Congratulations! You now have a coaching plan. Remember, it is always important to keep your clients’ best interests in mind and to be flexible with your approach. If something isn’t working for them or they do not see the results they hoped for, don’t be afraid to make changes. Be sure to document your coaching sessions so you can track progress over time. What challenges do you anticipate when implementing this coaching plan? How will you overcome them?


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