Teen Coaching
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), teens between the ages of 13 and 17 spend an average of almost nine hours a day online on social media sites, not including study time.
This results in teens feeling isolated from adults or one another and experiencing feelings of loneliness or depression.

So if you’re curious about how Teen Coaching:
1. Helps parents actively engage with their children
2. Improves their personal and social skills
3. Creates an opportunity for teens to develop self-awareness
Then this is the perfect guide for you.
It will provide an in-depth look at Teen Coaching, its background, benefits, and best practices.
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Fundamentals Of Teen Coaching
Many people believe that teenagers are lazy or unmotivated because they don’t want to talk with adults. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Most teens want nothing more than to have meaningful conversations about what matters most to them, but they feel awkward initiating these conversations themselves. Drawing from my experience, Teen Coaching provides parents with a way to monitor what their children do online and teach them how to communicate more responsibly.
This chapter will explore the fundamentals of Teen Coaching, how it pans out in real life, and why it is suitable for teenagers.
What Is Teen Coaching?
Coaching is a process that helps someone achieve a specific goal.
Teen Coaching is coaching specifically designed to help teenagers reach their goals. The coach and teen work together to identify what the teen wants to achieve and then develop a plan to help them get there.
Research suggests that one of the biggest benefits of Teen Coaching is that it can help teens set and achieve goals. This can be an important skill, especially during the teenage years when so much change and growth happens.
Teen Coaching can also help teens build self-confidence, learn how to control their confused emotions, and deal with challenges and setbacks.
Who is a Teen Coach?
A Teen Coach is an individual who is specifically tasked with the responsibility of working one-on-one with teenagers. They’re trained in coaching techniques and can take on any number of types of clients, including teenagers.
Based on my research, the task of a Teen Coach can be to help teens develop personal strengths and abilities and provide guidance on certain decisions they are facing. They could even relate to them on a peer level so that they become more comfortable talking about their issues.
Why is Coaching Suitable For Teenagers?
Things become challenging for teenagers during adolescence.
Through our practical knowledge, balancing the expectations of their parents, school, and peers becomes a source of confusion and anxiety for them. They have various resources available to them, but they have no idea how to put them to good use.
Most teenagers are in need of coaching because they lack the knowledge and experience to make decisions that will positively impact their lives. Teen Coaching provides an opportunity for teens to improve their interpersonal skills, self-awareness, self-esteem, problem-solving skills, and decision-making abilities.
How does Teen Coaching work?
The way coaching works is pretty simple – the coach listens, provides support, and helps keep the teen on track while delivering on their commitments and working towards achieving specific goals.
Here is an example of how coaching might work in practice:
Sally has just started college, and she wants to make new friends, but she finds socializing really difficult. Her coach helps her identify this as a goal, and they discuss strategies Sally can use to build her confidence.
Here, Sally might decide to join a few clubs on campus and make an effort to chat with people she meets at the club events.
Her coach helps her break this down into small steps – for example, by making sure that she knows what to say if someone tries to talk to her in the dining hall or by supporting her when she attends her first club event, and finds that she doesn’t feel comfortable opening up to the other people there.
Chapter 2:
An Overview & The Purpose Of Teen Coaching
Most parents want the best for their children, and this often includes wanting to help them navigate through the difficult teenage years. However, it can be hard to know how to do this, especially when it feels like the teenagers themselves are closed off from communication.
Our investigation demonstrated that Teen Coaching is a very capable way for parents to bridge this gap and help their children learn and grow in a safe and supportive environment.
This chapter will discuss the purpose of Teen Coaching, and how it can help both parents and teens. In addition, we will discuss the importance of finding the right coach for your child.
What Does a Teen Coach Do?
A Teen Coach is a specially-trained individual who helps teenagers navigate through the difficult teenage years. Our findings show that they provide guidance and support and help keep the teen on track while working towards achieving specific goals. Along with that, Teen Coach will work with your child or youngster to assist them in the following:
- Decision-making
Making decisions that are in their own best interests.
Helping to identify personal goals and objectives. Developing the skills they need to achieve their goals. Assisting them through times of challenge or difficulty.
- Overcome Challenges At School
The teen years are often filled with challenges, both at school and away from it. Based on our observations, a coach will provide the encouragement your teenager needs to face these challenges and learn how to overcome them.
- Improve Self-Awareness
During these challenging years, your teenager is likely to lose sight of who they really are or what makes them stand out positively.
A coach can help them learn how to focus on their strengths and then develop a plan for making the most of these qualities.
During this time, teenagers often lose sight of what they are good at and why that matters. Our analysis revealed that coaching will allow them to explore their interests and then develop a plan to turn these into strengths that can be used in the future.
Teenagers and young adults often struggle with building good relationships and communicating effectively.
A coach can help them identify their needs and then figure out ways to communicate those needs positively.
- Feel More Confident and Believe In Themselves
Your teenager is going through a lot of changes during the teen years. They might feel confused by all these changes, or even overwhelmed by them. As per our expertise, a coach can help them understand more about who they are becoming, and make the most of this transformation.
- Emotional Management
During their teen years, teenagers are likely to experience various emotions.
Unfortunately, they might not have the skills needed to work through these emotions healthily, or even know that other options are available to them. Leading experts in the field agree that a coach can help them explore their feelings and manage them more effectively.
Who is Teen Coaching for?
While Teen Coaching was originally designed to help young adults transition into adulthood, it has become popular with different age groups.
Teen Coaching can be helpful for teens between the ages of 12 and 19 who are not sure what they want out of life, but know that they do not wish to continue in the same direction that they have been going.
If your teenager falls into this category, a coach can help them find their passions and then set goals to achieve them. This help is not just limited to academic or professional goals; a coach can assist your teenager in any area of their life, including personal ones.
With that said, anyone can benefit from coaching, no matter their age. If you feel like you need assistance in any area of your life, do not hesitate to seek out a coach who can help you achieve your goals.
What do teens want in a Teen Coach?
Before selecting a Teen Coach for your teenager, it is important to ask what they are looking for in a coach. Not every coach is the right fit for every teenager. Numerous studies have conclusively demonstrated that some coaches specialize in certain areas of interest or learning, while others help teenagers with specific needs. While others have a more general focus.
The most important thing is that your teenager feels comfortable with their coach and that they feel like the coach can help them achieve their goals. If you are not sure what type of coach would be best for your teenager, you can always ask their guidance counselor or another trusted adult for advice.
There are a few key qualities that teens look for in a Teen Coach. These include:.
Someone willing to listen and not tell you what to do
No one likes being told what to do all the time; least of all people between the ages of 12 and 19! Well-established theories in the field assert that a coach should be willing to listen and not tell you what to do. Someone who can help guide your child and respect their own point of view.
A coach who can give you a different perspective
Teenagers often have a certain way of seeing the world. Authoritative sources consistently affirm that a coach should offer a different perspective on life, helping clients explore their beliefs and values more thoroughly.
A Supporter
Teenagers are going through a lot of changes during their teen years. They might feel confused by all this change or even overwhelmed by it.
A coach can help them understand more about who they are becoming and how to make the most of this transformation.
Someone you can trust
No one wants to work with someone they cannot trust, least of all young adults! Through our practical knowledge, a coach should be someone your teenager can trust, regardless of the topic you are discussing.
Growth Mindset Coach
As part of the Teen Coaching process, your coach will help you identify areas that need improvement.
Drawing from my experience, a growth mindset coach can help you find ways to develop these skills or qualities through the Teen Coaching process. They might also have specific strategies that they will share with you along the way.
A growth mindset coach will encourage your teenager to make mistakes and view these as opportunities for learning. Someone with a fixed mindset, on the other hand, would tell them not to make mistakes and focus on being perfect, instead of pushing themselves forward.
Tough But Fair
Some teenagers might not respond well to a coach who is too emotionally involved in the coaching process. They need someone who can be tough when necessary but still maintain an open, warm relationship with them.
Some teenagers might not want their coach to have an emotional investment in them or their lives. They need someone who can be impartial and focus on uncovering the information they need while maintaining some distance during the coaching process.
What is Teen Coaching Like?
The Teen Coaching process is different for everyone, depending on the individual teenager’s needs. However, as our tests have shown, teen coaching can take place either one-on-one or in a group setting.
One-on-One Coaching
One-on-one coaching might occur over the phone, by email, or even in person. It will depend on your teenager’s learning preferences and how comfortable they feel in that setting.
Our team discovered that the advantage of one-on-one coaching is that it can be tailored to your teenager’s specific needs and goals. The disadvantage is that it can be more expensive than group coaching.
Group Coaching
If you are looking for a group setting, your coach could book an appointment at their office or meeting room to accommodate everyone. You might also consider online group coaching, which is becoming more popular.
Group coaching has several advantages. It is more affordable than one-on-one coaching, and it can be a great way for your teenager to connect with other young adults who might be going through similar changes. The disadvantage of group coaching is that it might not be as individually tailored to your teenager’s needs.
What Are the Most popular Techniques Coaches Opt For When Coaching Teen?
Depending on your child’s learning preferences and personality type, your coach might use different techniques during the Teen Coaching process. Some of the techniques that might be used during Teen Coaching include:
Asking your teenager questions is a key part of the
Some coaches might use more directive techniques, such as giving your teenager a task to complete and then discussing the results. Others might take a more hands-off approach and let their teenager lead the conversation.
Our investigation demonstrated that it is important to find a coach who uses techniques that are compatible with your teenager’s learning style.
Active listening
This is a technique where the coach really focuses on what the teenager is saying. They might repeat back what they have heard to ensure they understand, and they might ask clarifying questions.
This technique can be helpful for teenagers who need help sorting through their thoughts and feelings.
This is a technique where the coach reflects back to the teenager what they have said, without judgment. The aim is to help the teenager explore their thoughts and feelings in greater depth.
Our findings show that this technique can be helpful for teenagers who are struggling to understand their own emotions.
This technique is where the coach summarizes what has been discussed in the coaching session. This can help consolidate learning and ensure that key points have been covered.
Our research indicates that this technique can be helpful for teenagers who need help understanding the main points of the conversation.
Understanding the Process of Teen Coaching
During the initial meeting, you will talk with your teenager about what they want out of life and their vision for themselves. You should also discuss with them their areas of strength and weakness.
Your coach might also give you a questionnaire that you need to fill out ahead of time, which will help your coach get a better sense of who they are working with.
After this meeting, the Teen Coaching process can begin.
Based on our observations, you might have regular meetings or more sporadic sessions with your teenager’s coach. The frequency of these meetings will depend on your teenager, and their individual needs, during the Teen Coaching process.
In Chapter 3, I will get you acquainted with the solid benefits of Teen coaching.
Chapter 3:
Perks of Teen Coaching
In order to develop holistically, teenagers need guidance in different areas of their life. A coach can provide this support system for your teenager during their teenage years and help them grow into a well-rounded individual.
Teen Coaching can help you develop the skills you need to achieve your goals. But that’s not all – there are plenty of other benefits to be had from working with a coach!
In this chapter, we’ll take a look at some of the best perks of Teen Coaching.
A Great Sense of Achievement
Coaching is all about encouraging and motivating your teenager, helping them develop as they go along. When you coach someone, you’re there to cheer them on as they accomplish their goals.
This can be a great source of satisfaction for you, as well. Your teenager will appreciate all of your support and encouragement, and it can help them feel a stronger sense of commitment to their goals.
Your Teen Learns How to Achieve
One of the biggest advantages of coaching is that it helps your child develop self-confidence.
When you coach someone, they are able to see what they are capable of achieving when they make an effort and put in the time. Seeing this can help them feel more competent and confident.
Good Time Management Skills
One of the first things a teen will learn about when working with a coach is time management.
Coaches have a way of making sure that your teenager isn’t going to waste their time – and this makes it so much easier for them to focus on achieving their goals.
More Awareness of Stress Levels
Teenagers can be very stressful to live with. They’re going through many changes at once, which means that their emotions are on a roller coaster ride.
Teen Coaching helps them learn ways to keep their stress levels under control, to become calmer and more capable of focusing on what’s important to them.
Stress is a common factor in many teenage problems, so the more they learn about controlling it, the better.
More Free Time
If you’re a parent, you know what it’s like trying to juggle your teenager’s needs with other responsibilities. It can be tough to find time to just relax and enjoy your life.
Working with a coach can help your child find that balance. You’ll have more free time to enjoy your hobbies and activities, without worrying about your teenager’s wellbeing.
Leading experts in the field agree that when they work with a coach, you might see their need for free time ebb away as they focus more on achieving their goals. This could be great news if you need some help balancing your busy schedule!
A Positive Outlook on Life
Finally, coaching has been shown to impact teenagers’ outlooks positively.
When they learn new skills and develop their abilities, it can help them feel more confident about who they are as people. This isn’t just good for them – being confident is one of the key components of happiness!
Improved Focus and Concentration
Students who put off studying by surfing social media instead, report greater anxiety according to a study. It shows that using social media to procrastinate does more than just block the attainment of objectives.
With all of the distractions and interruptions we deal with every day, it’s easy to lose focus and get distracted.
This skill becomes even more important for teenagers as they spend more time at school and university – both of which require a lot of focus and concentration!
Being Able to Handle Problems Better
Most teenagers go through tough times – like learning how to deal with friends who aren’t supportive.
When they work with a coach, your teenager can learn new ways of dealing with these sorts of challenges, so that they become more capable when it comes time for them to make decisions.
A Good Understanding of Communication Styles
Most teenagers are interested in becoming more independent. What better way to do this than by developing the skills needed to communicate with others?
With coaching, your teenager can learn new skills and better understand how different people approach communication.
Having Someone Around for Support Other Than Parents
Coaches can also serve as great sources of support for teenagers.
They become someone your child can turn to when they feel like things are tough, or need some help figuring something out – which is really important since it’s often hard for teens to turn to other people.
Some parents are smart enough to understand that their children need some help and advice to grow up into successful adults. If you are one of those parents then becoming a teen coach might be the right solution for you. In chapter 4, we will explore what you need to do to become a teen coach.
Chapter 4:
Becoming a Teen Coach
Becoming a Teen Coach is a great way to help your teenager learn new skills and feel more capable. It can also be a very rewarding experience for you, as you get to watch your child grow and develop into a happy and successful adult.
If you’re looking for a way to support your and other children during their teenage years, becoming a Teen Coach might be the perfect solution for you.
There are a few things you need to keep in mind if you’re interested in becoming a coach, though.
This chapter shows you what it takes to become a Teen Coach with practical tips.
How to Become a Teenager’s Life Coach: A Comprehensive Guide
Coaching teens has become one of the most talked-about topics on social media, parenting forums, and blogs.
This is because it’s a great way to help people learn new skills, gain more self-awareness, and improve their quality of life.
Proven methodologies and rigorous analysis prove that if you are thinking about becoming a certified life coach for teenagers, this chapter will help you understand what you need to do.
This step-by-step guide will give you an idea of how you can start your own adult life coaching business.
Seek Out Coach Training Programs
As with any business, when you start, ensuring you have all the proper training and credentials is important.
Coaching teenagers can be even more challenging than coaching adults because they require a different approach to communication and motivation.
When it comes to coaching teenagers, you’ll need to be able to utilize effective communication styles and understand the mindsets of adolescents.
Plus, you’ll need to learn how to manage teenagers’ emotions during sessions so that they can feel supported when discussing sensitive topics.
Focus On The Bigger Picture
If you want to become a teenager’s life coach, it’s important to think about what they are going through because that will help you get into their mindset.
Our research indicates that, while learning new skills can be really valuable, teenagers have unique challenges that affect them differently. As a Teen Coach, you’ll need to understand what it is like to be a teenager, in order to effectively motivate them and help in ways that they need it the most.
Study More On Life Coaching
The more you know about life coaching, the better a coach you’ll be. There are plenty of resources available that give life coaching advice for teenagers.
While reading is always useful, most experts agree that one-on-one training is a fantastic way to boost your knowledge base and skill-set as a teenager’s life coach.
Get Recommendations From Certified Coaches
Look for life coaches who have experience coaching teenagers and ask them for recommendations.
The more you know, the better you’ll be able to improve your teenager’s quality of life.
Tips For Coaching Teenagers
If we are not experienced in a thing we are not good at it, this is why it is important to get recommendations from certified coaches.
So, here are some important tips for coaching teenagers from the pros:
Spend Some Time Learning Teen’s Goals
The best possible way to help someone is to know what they want. Spend some time learning about your teenager’s goals and motivations so that you can provide the right kind of support throughout their coaching sessions.
Don’t Forget about Individuality
When it comes to coaching teenagers, you need to remember the variations that exist in attitudes and personalities.
Just because one teenager might respond well to certain motivation, doesn’t mean they all will. The best coaches can adjust their approach based on the skill-set of the teen client.
Learn the Art of Listening
One of the most important things you should focus on as a teenager’s life coach is to learn how to be an active listener.
You can do this by remaining open to new ideas, while learning about your teen because it will help better equip them for success in their lives.
Don’t Criticize, Be Constructive
Teenagers are very self-conscious about their actions, so you don’t need to criticize them because it will only make them feel worse.
Instead of telling your teen what they did was wrong, focus on how they can fix it or prevent it in the future.
Coaching teenagers isn’t easy, but it can be challenging and rewarding if you know what you’re doing.
Get Feedback From Your Teen
You should always be open to getting feedback from your teenage client to better understand how to move forward.
See what the teen thinks, and ask if they think anything should be modified in order for you to get the best results possible.
Always Be Flexible
Just like teenagers, life coaching is full of surprises.
You need to be open to new ideas and approaches every step of the way in order to help your teenager effectively.
It looks like you have read a lot about coaching teenagers and feel confident that you can help them. In order to ensure your success, continue reading to learn about the most frequently asked questions when it comes to coaching teenagers.
Congratulations on making it to the end of the guide to Teen Coaching!
Teen Life Coaching is a rewarding career. It can be emotionally and physically taxing, but it could be the right profession for you if you love working with teens!
The best way to find out how much your Teen Life Coaching clients will need from you is by doing research or talking to other coaches in that field.
You should also consider what skills are needed for the job (e.g., strong communication skills) as well as any formal training courses completed which may increase your salary potential.
Have you found what you were looking for in this guide?
Or is there something that I have missed?
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments below and I’ll be sure to answer them!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Right Age For Teen Coaching?
There is no definitive answer to this question since coaching teenagers can vary in what age group is being targeted. However, many coaches agree that the most effective age range for Teen Coaching is between 13 and 19.
This is because, during these years, teenagers are experiencing a lot of changes, both, physically and emotionally, which can affect their lives in various ways.
How much does Teen Coaching cost?
The cost of coaching is dependent on the kind of coaching provided by the coach, i.e., individual sessions or group sessions.
There are two main types of Teen Coaching– individual Teen Coaching and group Teen Coaching.
When it comes to costs for one-on-one sessions only, the price ranges anywhere from $75 to $200 per session, depending on which coach you choose, and whether you purchase packages with weekly or monthly payments.
Group sessions will often be less expensive than individual ones, because they can include more than one teenager at a time, so the overall cost is divided among them equally.
Do parents/guardians participate in the coaching sessions?
The coaching relationship should be built between the coach and the teenager, with parents/guardians only being involved when necessary.
If parents/guardians are included in the sessions, it can often be difficult for teenagers to open up and honestly share their thoughts and feelings.
This is because they may feel as if they are being judged by their parents or guardians, which can hinder the overall progress of the coaching process. However, there may be times when parents/guardians must be involved, such as when the teenager is facing a difficult situation at home or school.
In these situations, coaches should communicate with both the teenager and their parents/guardians to ensure everyone is on the same page.
How much does a teen life coach earn?
The average salary of a teen life coach is about $52,115.
Aides, janitors, assistant coaches, and therapists might earn less than this.
Of course, many factors can be taken into account when determining an individual’s pay rate, such as:
1. The specific skills required for the job
2. The level at which they are qualified
3. Whether or not they have completed any formal training courses
4. Experience in their field
5. Wages from previous jobs in the same industry – even the geographical location where they work have an effect on what people earn when working as a youth life coach.
Teen coaching is an often misunderstood and misused practice. The information we’ve provided in this article should help you get started on the right track to providing successful coaching services to teenagers.
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