How to Become a Successful Motivation Coach

Do you aspire to become a motivation coach?

Great! That’s awesome news.

Motivation is the foundation of every coaching niche. Such a coach is no less than a savior.

Every second person you will see is struggling. Some are facing personal ups and downs. Others are victims of the company’s workload.

People forget that life is to live and not survive.

Moments of happiness and content are difficult to find. You would see many around you who are working for the sake of working. They have aimless lives.

They are toiling but the purpose seems unclear. It is not the aim but need driving them.

Dejection and depression weaken many.

They ask themselves- “What am I meant for?”

Life becomes a mystery.

Everyone has goals but not everyone achieves those.


There are two kinds of people:

One, who knows what are they striving for. They are crystal-clear in their minds. They are self-motivated and confident to achieve goals. Optimism and pragmatism characterize such people.

Then some people aren’t clear about their purpose. They lack motivation and confidence. Others may influence their decisions. They ponder more on the negatives. They don’t consider them capable of achieving something. All their hard work seem labor.

Do you consider yourself in the first kind?


You are perfect to coach the people of the second category.

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Motivation increases efficiency. A motivated person creates a positive surrounding. This helps in nurturing relations.

Life appears as a gift rather than a burden. A motivated mind can attract prosperity and happiness. Who doesn’t wants this? Right?

Are you passionate to motivate others?

Do you think you can inspire people to achieve their goals?

Do your friends come to you in their dark times? Do they find relaxation with you?

Do they thank you for being beside during a tough situation?

Wonderful, you should start to coach people for motivation!

Learn the top skills and qualities of a successful coach and get started.

What does a motivation coach do?

Let’s get to some formal grounds. You are going to have your coaching business.

People do not pay for products people pay for people.

Why would someone hire you?

What can you do?

Let’s consider what are Motivation coaches responsible for.

A Motivation coach helps you to face your problems in life. Personal, financial, work-life- everything.

You might be thinking:

Is the support of family and friends not enough for motivation?

Sometimes it’s not. Situations may differ from person to person.

Motivation coaches help people identify their goals. They create a roadmap to achieve them without losing motivation in the path.

But why would someone go to a third person for discussing problems?

A true Motivation coach is the one who has objectives. Such a coach doesn’t judge someone. He/she feels empathetic and caring towards the person. The coach doesn’t point mistakes. More than concentrating on the past he/she sets future goals and considers ways to achieve them?

Won’t you like a companion like this in similar conditions?

Yes, Right?

This is the reason why people sometimes search for a helping hand like this.

Do you want to become such a Motivation coach?

Do you want people to look for you during their terrible nights?

If yes, then as a Motivation coach you will have to do the following:

Assessing the client’s situation

A Motivation coach helps to assess the situation of the client.

Where is the client currently?

Where does the client wish to go?

What are the roadblocks?

What are the clients’ strengths and weaknesses?

A Motivation coach analyzes these all with care.

Setting Clear Goals

Your client may get short-term fulfillment but not the ultimate goals.

Why is this happening?

Is the client working with a half-heart?

Does he/she need a push?

Has the client come to you to learn from your expertise?

What is the end-goal the client wishes to achieve?

As a Motivation coach, you would help them with goal-setting strategies. This will increase his/her pace towards accomplishments.

Creating action plans

A Motivation coach creates an action plan after careful analyses. The coach makes sure that the client sticks to it. He/she remains beside with support tools and resources if the client becomes unsure of the path.

Track progress

The Motivation coach tracks your progress at intervals. He/she modulates the action plan if the need arises. The coach holds the client accountable along the way. The coach leaves no that no stone unturn to create transformation.

How does Motivation coaching help?

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Successful people follow certain methods. Motivation coaching teaches them. The Motivation coaches know what those methods are.

Are you aware of certain motivation killers?

These include:

  • Procrastination
  • Negative beliefs about oneself
  • Unclear or shifting goals
  • Lack of encouragement

Motivation coaching helps to kill them!

Motivation coaching empowers one with a solid mindset

Motivation coaching refines one’s ideas. It helps to set realistic goals and move forward.

The enthusiasm for action replaces the fear of failing.

Setbacks transform into learning opportunities and not reasons to quit.

Motivation coaches offer genuine support in the hour of need.

This develops an inner feeling of positivity. One becomes more conscious about the goal. There is no need for setting aside dreams. Coaching empowers one’s belief in himself/herself.

Motivation coaching transforms goals into action.

If a person achieves more, he/she will be more motivated.

Coaching helps with setting plans and decision making. The plan breaks large tasks into small chunks. The achievement of each raises the confidence and motivation level.

Motivation coaches help in decision-making. They show the clients the pros and cons of the decision. Until one makes choices, it is very hard to maintain motivation.

The Motivation coaching toolbox has several ways to help one:

  • Encouragement and confidence-boosting
  • Question and answer sessions
  • Journaling
  • Meditation etc.

The change in mindset welcomes new opportunities. One starts looking at achieving success rather than the difficulties in reaching there.

What kind of people hire a Motivation coach?

As a Motivation coach you need to make a very important decision:

“Fixing your target audience.”

You can define your target audience in 5 easy steps.

For this, you must know who would take an interest in buying your services.

As a Motivation coach, you can target a variety of prospects:

  • Young college students who are unsure of their career paths.
  • Corporate professionals who want to strike a personal-professional balance. There are great benefits of highly motivated employees.
  • People who want to achieve certain relationship goals.
  • Victims of attacks, or terrific situations, etc.

All can be your clients.

Motivation coaching doesn’t mean that one cannot face a situation himself/herself. It means that a supporting hand can make the process fast.

You may come across people who start and give up soon.

Some people face repeated failures and hence fear grips them.

Some people wander through life wondering what it could be.

Why does this happen?

This happens because people do not have clear goals. And if they have, they lack a perfect action plan. Some may even have that, but then sticking to it may be difficult.

Such people look for Motivation coaches like you.

Ask yourself:

Where does your inclination lie?

Would you like to work with the youngsters?

Are you comfortable with executive clients?

Do you want to help someone recover from trauma?

Your own experiences will help you to decide better.

How should you plan your Motivation one-to-one coaching sessions?

You will get ONE CHANCE.

Yes, one chance to mark an indelible impression on your client’s mind.

Getting your initial clients fast is a difficult task.

Once you start getting, you have to be very careful.

Do you know that your clients work as a salesperson for your coaching business?

As they say:

The first impression is the last expression.

If you can make your client happy, you will get others on their referrals.

Now the question arises:

How can you assure that your clients like your coaching services?

The answer is:

By planning your coaching sessions with care.

And how do you do that?

Let’s see!

How to make your motivation coaching sessions successful?

Look for the main cause

What is the main cause of loss of motivation? What are the hurdles that your client is facing? Where does the change need to occur ( in thought-process, attitude, hard-work, etc)?

As a Motivation coach, you need to check for the MAIN CAUSE.

Understand that your client wants someone to listen to him/her.

Not everyone can relate to the troubles that someone is facing. Even if they can, they have their priorities. Your client may be lacking a support system.

You have to become one for your client.

Figure out what is stopping your client to reach his/her goals. What all things need a transformation.

Does the client lack dedication?

Is the client’s past becoming a roadblock?

Is the client clear about his/her path?

Have some other situations forced your client to make a decision?

Figuring out the main cause is the first step to set the foundation of motivation.

Once you do that it becomes easy for you to proceed.

You may discover certain things that even the client may not realize. This kick-starts a special relationship. Your client starts expressing with you more. Both of you together start to dwell on the possibilities. You become a friend to your client more than a coach. The engagement gives rise to optimism, confidence, self-efficacy, and MOTIVATION.

That’s how you would achieve change. That’s how you earn clients and skyrocket your Motivation coaching business.

Now the questions arise:

How will you discover the REAL or the MAIN CAUSE?

This takes us to our next point.

Ask great coaching questions


Coaching questions are the only way through which you can get closer to your clients. There are different types of coaching questions that you must ask.

Great Coaching questions will enable you to know your client. These will let you get hold of the situation.

Another thing that matters is how you ask the coaching questions.

Take care that you aren’t too direct. Set a comfortable tone. Let the client answer in detail. Listen and note down small details. Even if the client is stubborn take care that the session proceeds with the least arguments.

Your body language and tone will matter a lot. This will set the bonding between both of you.

Motivation coaching sessions are a joint exercise and not a discourse

You and your client should work together.

Scan the aspects of your client:

  • Ambitions
  • Targets
  • Strengths
  • Difficulties
  • Dreams
  • Vision for change
  • Letdowns

During the session, you may come across certain signs. This will be a signal to change track.

For instance, you may find that the discussion is getting non-collaborative. You may see certain signs of resistance building up.

Reignite the empathetic.

Do not move ahead of the client’s personal space.

Do not over-emphasize the importance of change. Take care not to reduce the client’s sense of control or autonomy. This may break the essence of your intention.

Make your coaching sessions inside out

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Many coaches try to put things in the client’s mind. You should try to draw things out of the client’s mind. Encourage your client to tell you.

Ask the client about his/her concerns about the current situation.

Enquire the reasons for changing. Include the barriers that the client may encounter. Ask him/her the best way to encounter them.

Also, ask your clients the reasons to stay confident.

Ask your client to come up with reasons, ideas, and arguments. This will boost transformation.

Do the above in contrast to telling your clients why and how to change.

Make the coaching sessions inside out and not prescriptive.

Accept don’t judge.

Base your coaching sessions on acceptance and not judgment.

Respect the client’s freedom and autonomy to choose. Both of your personalities may differ. Your perspectives may differ. Your values and principles may differ.

This doesn’t mean that you will judge your client. You need to step into his/her shoes to understand him/her better.

Base your Motivation coaching sessions on compassion and acceptance.

Understand that the client is an active decision-maker. He/she has full rights to explore and choose what’s right for him/her. Even if that means not changing and staying the same.

Don’t fix things for others

A true Motivation coach guides and mentors but doesn’t fix things for the client.

If you do this today, your client will never become independent.

Along with that, this may even break the relationship-bonding.

You may jump to questions such as:

“Why don’t you do this…?”

“Could you try this…?”

“Handle it in this way…?”

This may make the client feel that his/her autonomy is being undermined by you.

Do you know what can be even worse?

The client may go opposite to the course of action which you suggest.


And why would that happen?

This would happen to show you his/her autonomy and freedom.

Years of coaching and mentoring experience has taught me something:

Sometimes one can not relate with your intentions.

You must learn to respect individual decisions and set boundaries.

Avoid asking close-ended questions

Understand your client’s motivation by asking open-ended questions.

Follow this with empathetic listening statements. Ask more questions, affirmations, and summaries sometimes.

Do you want me to give you some examples of open-ended questions?

Here are they:

Why do you consider to change?

What are your top three motivators?

How do you visualize your life once the change occurs?

What would be the beenfits of the change?

How important is it for you to change?

How critical the change is for you and why?

Listen and nod while the client speaks. Even if you aren’t satisfied with a point, ask/tell with gentleness. Don’t sound too pushy.

Embrace the client’s will to open up to you. Encourage and praise the client on instances.

This would strengthen your participant’s motivation to change.

How much do Motivation coaches charge?

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This is important.

After all, you are running a business. You have to earn not to sustain but achieve profits too.

Charges of different Motivation coaches vary. This variation may depend on experience, region, coaching style, and process, etc.

On average, Motivation coaches charge between $175 to $250 per hour.

Do you know what is the average salary of a Motivation coach?

As per a survey (in North America) it is $50,500 in a year.

Usually reputation and market play a key role in determining the charges.

I would recommend beginning with a low charge. Your focus, in the beginning, must be to build your portfolio. After getting enough clients you can jump to a higher price. Pricing and packaging your coaching services with care is a must.

You can supplement your coaching sessions with other sources. This can include content, podcasts, videos, speaking appearances, etc.

With many streams of revenue, it becomes easier to earn and get discovered.

How should you get started as a Motivation coach?

Do you need a professional certificate?

No, you don’t.

Kick-off your Motivation coaching business by filling up the coaching licenses.

Get your website ready. Create an enriching website design. Start popularising yourself with your social media accounts.

This is a wonderful start.

What’s next?

Grow your network with word of mouth and marketing.

There’s one interesting fact that I want to share:

On average, a customer interacts at least seven times with you before buying.

Thus it becomes vital to create a solid marketing plan to find the right clients. Include practical marketing strategies for your coaching business.

Coaching certificates might lend you credibility in the beginning. If you wish to succeed in this career, you should have the following:

  • Experience in overcoming obstacles
  • Ability to maintain motivation to succeed
  • Meeting goal timelines

5 coaching techniques to become a great Motivation coach?

Model motivation in your behavior

Walk your talk. Appear energetic. Model someone passionate about coaching. Smile. Move your body. Give your clients high-fives. Your attitude, behavior, and personality every day are crucial. You can’t expect your client to show up enthusiasm if you are yourself late or unorganized. Body motivation and it will become irresistible for your client to feel the same.

Build self-esteem

Build self -esteem in your clients. Keep it high. This will help them to remain motivated.

And how do you do that?

There are various ways:

  • Make them feel good about their efforts.
  • Recognize where they are doing their best and reward them for it.
  • Remind them of the level of improvement since the first session.
  • Make them realize their immense potential.

Even if the clients fail to succeed praise them about their good time-sticking and hard work.

Assume the potential of greatness in every client

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You may get both easy and challenging clients. You should make both of them realize that:

They are capable of being great!

Neither get happy with easy clients nor frustrated with difficult ones. In both situations, you will undercut the client’s potential.

Remember one thing:

Talent, skills, and hard work can combine in an infinite amount of ways in different people.

You never know how this will develop with the right coaching.

Final Thoughts

So, we have come to the end!

It was a good read, what say? 😉

I hope I got some important points that would help you in becoming a Motivation coach.

If you need anything else, I am only a text away.

Always beside you 🙂

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Motivation coach?

A motivation coach is a professional who helps people achieve their goals. They do this by helping the person find and keep their motivation to succeed. 

What does a motivation coach do?

A motivation coach helps their client set and achieve goals. They help the client find and keep their motivation to succeed. The coach does this by working with the client to create a plan, providing support, and giving feedback. The coach can also provide resources and advice.

What kind of people hire a Motivation coach?

People who may hire a motivation coach include athletes, students, professionals, and anyone else who wants to reach a goal. The coach can work with any type of person, no matter what their age or level of experience is.

What qualification do you need to be a motivational coach?

A degree in psychology or counselling is the most important qualification for a motivational coach. You should also have experience in helping people to achieve their goals. This could be through work experience or volunteer work. Other qualifications that may be beneficial are coaching training and/or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) training.

How do you become a motivational coach?

In addition to the relevant qualifications, to be a successful motivational coach, you need to have experience in coaching and mentoring. Additionally, you should have strong communication and interpersonal skills in order to build positive relationships with your clients.

How much does a motivational coach make?

A motivation coach typically earns a salary that ranges from ,000 to ,000. However, salaries can vary depending on a number of factors, including the experience and qualifications of the coach, the size of the company or organization, and the level of coaching services offered.



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