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Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching

Are you in search of some mind-blowing books to read on meditation? Are you a meditation coach, or do you want to become one? If so? Then it would help if you went through this article. In this article, we will tell you about meditation and its benefits and prescribe you 10 stunning books to read on meditation. So, do not waste your time on other useless activities; give this article a read.

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

Meditation is about focusing on yourself and your thoughts, and meditation’s ultimate purpose is not escapism. Escapism is about denying reality or fact and living in an imaginative world. But meditation is about confrontation of yourself in the most authentic manner. Meditation brings relief, peace, serenity, calmness, and confidence.

To become an exceptional meditation coach, you need to gain knowledge first. And you cannot get an understanding without reading books. So, read as much as possible and learn to become a fantastic meditation coach. You will surely love these ideas, and your clients will get many benefits.

In Brief : Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching

How Meditation Coaching Books Help a Coach

Meditation coaching books will help you learn different techniques and ways of focusing. You will start focusing better, and you will be able to teach better. In short, reading meditation coaching books will never let you down. But the thing is, what type of books are you reading? Not every book is worth reading, and not every book is worth applying. 

That is the reason we have chosen some fantastic books for you. Always remember one thing, being a coach, it is your responsibility to gain knowledge first. You cannot teach others without becoming an expert. And you cannot become an expert without reading. So, reading is essential and integral to making you a better coach. Never undermine the importance of reading.

These books will help you internalize that you knew nothing before reading them. No matter how expert you are in your mind, you still need training and knowledge. So, go through these books, learn the art of meditation profoundly, and ultimately become a fantastic coach.

10 Books for Every Meditation Coach

Every meditation coach needs some interesting and exciting books to work better. And below is the list of 10 books that every meditation coach needs. In these books, authors have told how to become a better meditation coach. There are excellent tips, tricks, and ways. Always remember that as a meditation coach, it is your responsibility to have some authentic knowledge.  

And you can not get that valuable information other than through books. So, it should be your habit to read more. The more you will read, the more you will coach better. Another important thing is that you are not there to earn only money; your aim should be to make people aware of themselves. Your purpose should be to help people set a particular goal and achieve it. It would help if you behaved like a mentor. 

These ten books are full of quality material written by famous authors. These books are overflowing with fantastic knowledge. You have to go through them and digest the relevant knowledge. Once you digest it, you will start implementing it for your clients.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s check out 10 must-read books on meditation coaching!

1. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This fantastic book was published on May 26, 2020. This book states the importance of breathing, as it is evident from the title that breathing is essential to living and staying focused. There are two ways of breathing. The first one is nasal breathing, and the second one is mouth breathing. In today’s hectic world, people are shifting towards mouth breathing. Now, why is it so?

Well! According to research, many harmful effects are associated with mouth breathing. Mouth breathing is associated with many diseases. And you will be shocked to know that. These are not just physical diseases; mouth breathing also impacts mental health. Now, what are the causes of mouth breathing? The primary reason is eating processed food. So, avoid that to live healthily.

  • This fantastic book stresses nasal breathing.
  • It also discusses the harmful effects of mouth breathing.
  • Mouth breathing is also the cause of many diseases.
  • As a life coach, you must train your clients to breathe from the nose.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

2. Meditation Made Easy by Lorin Roche

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This mind-blowing book was published on December 11, 2018. If you want to pursue meditation as a career, this book will significantly help you. This book stresses the idea of adopting the real essence of meditation. Meditation is to make you feel better. The ultimate purpose of meditation is to focus on yourself. It makes you aware of yourself, your thoughts, your ideas, and your visions.

That’s what Lorin Roche is trying to say in this book. According to Lorin, there are so many artificial and false ways of meditation being practiced by many coaches. To become an authentic meditation coach, you must realize meditation’s real meaning before starting to teach.

  • Meditation is the name of self-love.
  • Meditation is the name of self-awareness.
  • Stop following the wrong ways of meditation.
  • These are the fundamental concepts of this book. 
  • It is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

3. Strength in Stillness: The Power of Transcendental Meditation by Bob Rothe

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This fantastic book of meditation was published on January 1, 2018. You will fall in love with the simple yet most refreshing way of meditation discussed by Bob Rothe. So, what idea makes you feel much better and helps you heal? Well! That idea is known as transcendental meditation.

Transcendental meditation is one of the most exciting ways of knowing yourself. As we have already discussed, the ultimate goal of meditation is to know yourself deeply. Why is it so? When you understand yourself, you tend to live better, heal better, love better, and laugh better. In short, meditation will make your life beautiful. So, always remember, there is a lot of strength in silence.

  • Meditation makes you aware of yourself.
  • You tend to live better.
  • You tend to inspire others.
  • You tend to heal better.
  • Transcendental meditation helps you achieve all these benefits.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

4. The miracle of mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This marvelous book was published on May 1, 1999. This remarkable book is worth reading, especially if you want to be a meditation coach. This book will make your life easier, and you will start living better. The author’s aim in writing this book is to make his readers aware that if you are depressed, you are living in the past. And if you are anxious, you are living in the future.

So, what do you think, where should you live? It would help if you lived in the present to live peacefully. Another fantastic thing discussed in this book is that meditation does not make you get rid of reality but helps you accept the truth calmly. In short, meditation is the best way to live in the present.

  • If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
  • If you are too anxious, you are living in the future.
  • Meditation helps you live in the present.
  • Meditation helps you accept the bitter realities authentically.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

5. Wake Up to the Joy of You by Agapi Stasinopoulos

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This fantastic book was published on December 27, 2016. It is one of the best books you can ever go through. You can never deny the positivity it will bring to your life. The main points of this book revolve around hope, zeal, zest, courage, and happiness. It helps you face the real you. It makes you know yourself beautifully, and you will fall in love with this beautiful creation.

This fantastic book by Agapi will help you meet a new you. A you, who will be filled with elegance, grace, spirit, and hope. It will make you aware of your crisis, no matter what type. Your crisis can be financial, relationship, childhood, or anxiety. It will help you map how to deal with atrocities and live with faith and courage. Keep this book with you, as it will become your best friend.

  • Everyone is living in a state of denial.
  • If you want to live with peace and love, then choose this book.
  • It will help you love yourself and live your life better.
  • It is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

6. The Three Pillars of Zen by Roshi P. Kapleau

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This fantastic book was published in 1996. As a meditation coach, you must go through it once. It will help you discover the inner you. You will start to experience life beautifully. Zen is the culture of peace. It means that the human brain should be trained to stay calm, no matter the scenario.

So, you can understand this concept more profoundly with the help of an example. Suppose you are poor, then you have to accept that state and live like that. And if you are rich, then you have to live like that. It means you have to flow with the flux of life.

  • The three pillars of Zen are teaching practice, enlightenment,
  • The ultimate purpose is to accept the real you.
  • It helps you focus on your inner you.
  • It aims to give you mental peace.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

7. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This mesmerizing book was published in 1970. This book explains that Zen or meditation is not just a way to relax. You can’t take it lightly because it is not merely a way to heal but much more. It is a philosophy, it is an art, it is a habit, and above all, it is peace.

Meditation helps you focus on your goals. You tend to live better; you start to think better, and you begin to attract better. By adopting this habit, you will never feel alienated. It makes your body and mind coherent. You will fall in love with the magnificent ideas prescribed in this book.

  • It is not just a way to live.
  • But it is much more than that.
  • It helps you live your life by understanding who you are.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

8. 10% Happier by Dan Harris

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This remarkable book was published on March 11, 2014. This book is worth reading as it states that mindfulness is like a miracle. You must change your perception if you think mindfulness will eradicate your problems. Mindfulness won’t eliminate it, but it will help you respond positively. 

That’s what mindfulness is. Dan Harris further states that mindfulness will make you 10 % happier. Of course, when you learn to respond positively to your problems, you will feel at ease. And it will help you feel satisfied. That’s why meditation or mindfulness is essential.

  • Mindfulness will make you feel much happier.
  • It won eradicate your problems.
  • But it will help you respond positively,
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

9. Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat Zinn

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

This mesmerizing book was published in 1994. It aims that mindfulness is not only for monks but is for everyone. Sometimes people believe that mindfulness or meditation is for some selective people. Well! That’s just the myth. No matter who you are or your age, you can practice mindfulness.

The author also tells you some incredibly excellent tips to focus on. And these tips include: putting your phone aside for some time. Secondly, never give anyone control over your mind. Thirdly, focus on your mind and body during automatic behaviors to connect them. All these tips will help you live fantastically.

  • This book will help you focus on yourself.
  • It states that mindfulness is for everyone.
  • It states that you put your phone aside for some time.
  • Never let anyone control your mind.
  • Focus on the body and mind while actions.
  • This book is available on Amazon. 
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

10. The Book of Joy by Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

It was published on September 13, 2016. It is a remarkable book that helps you heal and love yourself. In today’s world, everyone is in search of permanent happiness. But this book stated that there is a hell of a difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is a temporary state, but joy is a permanent one.

The ultimate goal discussed in this book is to become a sea of joy, a pool of serenity so that others can get the same vibe from you. This book is so unique because it helps create an upbeat vibe and hope. The book is based on 8 pillars of joy: acceptance, humility, perspective, humor, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion, and generosity. You will love this book a lot.

  • It is a fantastic book.
  • It helps make you a sea of joy.
  • It aims to give others positive vibes.
  • It is based on eight fundamental pillars of joy.
  • This book is available on Amazon.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Meditation Coaching Meditation Coaching Books

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that mindfulness or meditation is necessary to live a happy life. Nowadays, every second person has a mental illness, but only a few people practice mindfulness. Those practicing mindfulness have strong minds and do not easily get triggered by overwhelming emotions. It does not mean they are cold-hearted but have trained their mind to do so.

As a good meditation coach, it is your utmost responsibility to have a piece of relevant knowledge. And that’s where you need some guidance. All the books mentioned above are unique and special in their ways. You will fall in love with every point of these books. So, go through them and learn to become a professional meditation coach. Always remember, meditation is a lifestyle and philosophy.

Frequently asked questions

Which is the Best Overall Book to Read on Meditation Coaching?

Every book is unique, but the last one, The Book of Joy, is the best. Why is it best? Because it makes you understand that you are not here to live happily for yourself, but you are living to change others’ life. You are supposed to spread hope and a positive vibe around you. That’s what the central theme of this book is. And that’s the reason this book is different from others.

How Does Reading Books Help in Strengthening Concepts of Mediation Coaching?

Reading is the way to strengthen your concepts no matter what field you are in. The same rule goes for meditation, too. As a meditation coach, you must go through the relevant stuff to polish your skills and deeply understand this philosophy. So, in this regard, you can never deny the importance of books. Read more books and learn more about mindfulness.

Techniques to Effectively Practice the Theoretical Knowledge on Clients

Well! There are many ways to practice knowledge effectively, but always remember that, as a meditation coach, you will not stress out your client. So, let him know the benefits of meditation by practice. Just let your client experience everything on his own under your surveillance.
Hopefully, this article will help you recognize mindfulness and meditation’s importance!


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