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How To Become a Personal Weight Loss Coach (And Do it Online)

How many people you know want to lose weight?

Your best friend who wants to fit into those dream pair of jeans, your cousin whose wedding is coming up, and your parents who were advised to lose weight by a doctor for health reasons?

Or do you want to lose weight yourself?

Everyone has their own motivation to lose weight. Whether it is health reasons to improve your overall health and fitness or simply because you want to look and feel good about yourself, a personal weight loss coach helps people get there!

And the best part is weight loss coaches are very easy to find! Most personal weight loss coaches now have a strong presence online and you can motivate people from the comfort of your own home!

In the present day and age, it is crucial to have a strong online presence. Weight loss coaches are required to help people stay focused and motivate them to get on the right track. They do this by using various online tools such as social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Most personal weight loss coaches have their own programs and sessions which they operate through an app-based portal. This makes it extremely convenient for the clients to keep track of their progress and follow through on goals!

There are hundreds of examples of weight loss coaches and motivators on social media such as Facebook and Instagram. They operate on both the mediums simultaneously in order to get maximum outreach and traction.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health education field is expected to grow by 18 percent by the year 2018! That is huge!

So, if you have a passion for helping people and motivating them to reach their target goals, being a weight loss coach might just be your calling.

What is a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

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Image taken from Imgur

Personal weight loss coaches use various coaching methods and programs to help their clients reach their target weight and maintain it.

They work on issues like over-eating, relationship with food and establishing a control over diet. They help in developing a discipline to maintain the weight loss such that clients don’t pack up those pounds back again.

A personal weight loss coach also helps in establishing a holistic mind-body relationship which is essential in setting realistic weight loss goals.

What does a Personal Weight Loss Coach do?

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Image taken from unsplash.com

The primary responsibility of a personal weight loss coach is to use multiple techniques and approaches to get the desired weight loss result in the end.

They use these techniques to help people become more confident and healthy by understanding their behavior, helping them control their diet and setting realistic goals for themselves.

Understand Behavioural Patterns

By identifying the eating and lifestyle behaviors of regular people, a personal weight loss coach helps their clients identify the issues pertaining specifically to them and motivate them into developing many of those behaviors for themselves.

The coach will establish which of the behaviors of the individual needs to be worked on, which of the behaviors are beneficial and can be turned into positive assets and which of them need to be eliminated with the use of various techniques.

So in order to do this, a personal weight loss coach will specifically recognize which of the behaviors will suit that specific client the best and encourage them to build a positive lifestyle.

Understand the Relationship with Diet

A personal weight loss coach also works with people to understand what their present relationship with their diet and food is.

By ensuring that the positive relationship between food and health is engrained and strongly established, this the coach can also ensure that the weight loss, will not be regained after the programme is over. They make sure that the negative behavioral patterns do not relapse.

Help Establish Realistic Goals

Various studies have shown that losing a lot of weight in a really short amount of time can be harmful to your own body. Setting unlikely goals like losing 10 kgs in 5 days will only de-motivate you when you cannot achieve it.

A good weight loss coach will help you set realistic goals and will build up a programme for the individual to attain the target weight. This includes lifestyle changes, education about the body metabolism and it is tailor-made for the specific person.

Creating Personalized Programmes Online

The coach helps the individual bring all the ideas into a well thought out, practical programme and the coach will motivate them to go through with them. This accountability makes the coach a blessing for weight loss aspirants.

While a personal weight loss coach does not tell the individual what they should eat in their diet, they engage in one on one coaching and motivational techniques to help them go through with the plan that they helped devise.

Coaches do this face to face, telephone or online coaching. Currently, online coaching is beginning to become extremely popular as it is less time-consuming and the individual can work on the exercises and educational material on their own time.

Online coaching for weight loss includes various methods such as using emailers, webinars and online messaging. People have started taking up online courses and coaches have developed apps to track the progress of their clients.

Why do people hire a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

person standing on white digital bathroom scale
Image taken from unsplash.com

All of us have tried our hand at dieting. Whether it is losing 10 pounds of 100 pounds, we all know how difficult it is to maintain that momentum.

Here is the problem…

You desperately want to be fit, healthy and thin and you have tried all the diets, exercises, medicines and supplements possible. You might even have completely deprived yourself of eating food.

But it doesn’t work because you cannot control your cravings!

But here is the good news.

A personalized weight loss coach uses a blend of techniques to help the individual stay motivated and confident in your weight loss journey. They help people develop both short term and long term strategies!

And now it is easier than ever for everyone to hire a personal weight loss coach. With the advent of technology, you can find weight loss coaches online! Coaches motivate people through the use of social media, developing apps as their platform, making video lectures to spread the knowledge

Some of the best weight loss coaches take care of personalized coaching based on your goal weight and help you keep a log in your meals and your exercises instantly through their platforms. This is highly beneficial as it helps you to keep track of your progress and helps the coach build better solutions for your weight loss!

What’s the difference between a wellness coach and a personal weight loss coach?

A wellness helps their clients find the motivation to change lifestyle habits and get into the right physical and emotional states that they want. This might include quitting smoking, handling stress better, and eating better. They help you balance your work life and personal life, make big decisions without being stressed out and in general, better lifestyle choices.

Whereas, a personal weight loss coach specifically works on helping individuals lose weight and achieve their target weight. They motivate people to keep up with their goal of losing weight until they reach their destination and then help them sustain that weight loss. They personalize and tailor cut a schedule which suits the individual the best.

What are the essential skills required of a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

person holding white liquid filled cup above two pairs of dumbbells
Image taken from unsplash.com

The relationship with weight for people is a personal one and it has to be dealt with delicately and with understanding. It needs a professional hand with the required skill sets to handle it.

In this age of knowledge, there is a vast ocean of information out there which can confuse people and make them give up on their weight loss dream. When there is a guiding hand who motives us to be more successful in reaching our goal, it becomes easier to find the right balance.

A weight loss coach is not just a cheerleader and strategist, they have various essential skills that they exercise with clients. Some of them include:


A weight loss coach takes responsibility for the client and the final goal. They take responsibility for motivating, developing a personalized coaching plan for that individual and inspiring the individual to reach his/her target weight. By the coach taking accountability, it allows people to control their weight and gives renewed hope.

Help Cultivate Self-Compassion

Every good coach identifies the clients’ problems and issues and deals with it with compassion and empathy. It is proven and backed up by research that showing compassion is very effective in improving willpower.

It also helps the clients develop a sense of worth and self-compassion towards their problems.  It thereby helps people not only lose weight but also develop healthy lifestyle habits.

Delivering the Right Knowledge and  Awareness.

It is like having a light bulb going off. An awareness that begins to set in. A powerful coach helps the person see the reality for it is and create awareness regarding the problem. A coach helps you see the end destination and develop a plan towards it with the right knowledge and information.

They also teach people about the right methods to stay healthy, the healthy body weight, being mindful about what you put into your body.

How much is a Personal Weight Loss Coach salary?

One dollar bill by the wall
Image taken from unsplash.com

Did you know that 45 million Americans go on a diet every year and they are spending $33 million dollars on their weight loss programs? Well, according to Boston Medical Center, this is true!

This just goes to show how big the industry is and that clearly everyone wants to lose weight.

Working for a private training studio can earn you an upwards of $65 per hour or work as the director of a fitness club can earn you $25,504 to $71,682!

Lots of independent weight loss coaches have a strong online presence which brings in most of their revenue. A Payscale salary survey reported that coaches that help with weight loss earn a salary of anything from $32,057 – $60,523!

Do I need Personal Weight Loss Coaching certification?

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Image taken from pixabay.com

While there is no particular mandate for certification of weight loss coaches, it is absolutely a bonus if you have a certificate. Since dealing with weight loss involves dealing with the health of the client, having a reliable certificate adds a ton of credibility to you as a coach.

Various health organizations provide certification such as American Fitness Professionals and Associates (AFPA) and American Council on Exercise (ACE). Having an advanced level certificate as a weight loss coach or a weight management coach shows that you have vital knowledge about the important components of weight loss and how to maintain your weight.

Although most employers do not require a certificate, having a credible certificate specialized in a particular field gives you, as a coach, competitive edge in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

A personal weight loss coach is a person who helps people lose weight in a more personal way. They work one-on-one with clients and their clients’ needs, goals, and lifestyles to design a weight loss program that is tailored to them.

In order to provide customized care, they often have their clients fill out an intake form so they can get a better understanding of what the client’s specific needs are. A personal weight loss coach will then create a personalized plan for healthy eating and exercise that is designed to meet the client’s needs.

What does a Personal Weight Loss Coach do?

Personal weight loss coaches are experts in their field, they know what it takes to get fit and stay healthy. A weight loss coach can help you with meal planning, motivation, fitness training, and more.
A personal weight loss coach is a professional who provides personal coaching for people who want to lose weight. They will work with you to set goals for your health and fitness, workout routines, diet plans, and many other aspects of your life that affect your ability to lose weight.
They can provide guidance on any major or minor decisions that are affecting the way you live your life which will have an impact on the way you look and feel. They can also be there for emotional support when things get tough too. Our society is filled with plenty of temptations – whether they are unhealthy foods or substances – these coaches.

What are the essential skills required of a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

The first and most important skill a personal weight loss coach needs to have is a thorough understanding of the subject. They must be able to provide guidance on how to lose weight, what foods are healthy and nutritious, as well as how to develop healthier habits.
A person who wants to be a personal weight loss coach must also have patience, as they will likely encounter many different people with different motivations for losing weight. They need to be able to handle these various attitudes and still lead their clients in the right direction.
Finally, an important skill for a personal weight loss coach is social skills: they need strong communication skills and empathy in order to maintain their relationships with both themselves and with their clients.

Why do people hire a Personal Weight Loss Coach?

Many people find that a personal weight loss coach is a perfect way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The coach can help them develop new habits and overcome obstacles that they may have been struggling with for a long time.

How to become a weight loss coach?

Weight loss coaches are not only helpful to their clients, they also get to know more about their own eating habits and how they can improve them.
To become a weight loss coach, one needs to be qualified. One needs to take a certain certification course and get certified by it. One of the most popular of such courses is the Certified Weight Management Specialist (CWMS) course offered by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). This course helps one gain knowledge on how weight management is done, what types of nutrition practices are recommended for weight management, what kind of training is required for successful weight management, and many other things that people need to know when they want to become a weight loss coach.

How much does a weight loss coach cost?

A weight loss coach is someone who provides support for people that are looking to lose weight. They can help you set goals, plan out meals, and provide support during your journey. The price of a weight loss coach varies depending on location and company.
The cost of a coach depends on where you live and the company they work for. It ranges from $85 up to $150 an hour with some coaches costing more than $175 an hour.



14 thoughts on “How To Become a Personal Weight Loss Coach (And Do it Online)”

  1. Wear Sai,

    I’ve certification in natural hygiene, naturopathy, health coach and weight loss management.
    My goal is to make living with my passion but I don’t know how to do it – web site, facebook page, instagram – ?
    I am living in the french part of Belgium and I don’t know What to do!

    Could you help me ? How much you charge ?

    Best regards

    • Hi, Philip!
      Thank you for dropping by and for the information you provided.
      I suggest that you book a call with our Head Coach for you to understand what we do and for us to determine how we can address your concerns.
      Email us so we can send you the link at [email protected].
      Have a wonderful day, Philip!

    • Good day Zohre. Thank you for your comment. Have you registered onto our session? You can find further information there 🙂


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