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Top 10 Affirmation Exercises

The brain can be trained to become more stress-resistant through affirmation exercises. Self-affirmations can benefit you in both your personal and professional life with practice. You’re not alone if your thoughts frequently veer toward something bad or counterproductive. Many people have a loud, inner critic that they frequently listen to. Positive thinking can work in your favour when you engage in affirmation exercises.

Top 10 Affirmation Exercises Affirmation Exercises

How you feel impacts how you think, and how you think can also affect how you feel. You could become depressed over anything, from a fight with a loved one to the state of politics right now. And before you realise it, your thoughts may begin to absorb that energy.

Activities that promote affirmation can help you gain confidence when you’re feeling helpless, lessen your fear of being judged, and extend your perspective, all of which will benefit you in both your personal and professional lives. 
This article will indeed be helpful to people seeking to become an affirmation coach. In this article, we will let you know about the top 10 affirmation exercises, but before that let us understand what affirmation is:

In Brief : Top 10 Affirmation Exercises
  • Create A List Of Positive Affirmations – Combat negative self-talk by crafting empowering affirmations, such as “I am prosperous” or “I am strong.”
  • Say Your Affirmations Out Loud – Reinforce positivity by vocalizing affirmations, leveraging scientific evidence that speaking affirmations aloud rewires the brain for a healthier reality.
  • The “I Am . . .” Exercise – Develop personalized affirmations starting with “I am” to empower self-belief and shape a positive self-image.
  • Sticky Note Reminders – Use visual cues like sticky notes to reinforce affirmations and maintain motivation in achieving set goals.
  • Complete The Sentence – Transform negative thoughts into positive affirmations by reframing sentences, fostering a mindset of optimism and growth.
  • Use Real-Life Scenarios – Enhance learning and retention by applying affirmations to real-world situations, promoting practical skill development.
  • Draw Affirmations On The Mirror – Cultivate self-acceptance and love by affirming positive traits in front of the mirror, fostering inner healing and confidence.
  • Build A Treasure Chest Of Goodness – Encourage self-worth and appreciation in children by creating affirmations and visual representations of positive experiences.
  • Write A Poem – Express affirmations creatively through poetry to deepen emotional connection and reinforce positive self-talk.
  • Mindfulness Breathing With Affirmations – Combine deep breathing exercises with affirmations to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being.

10 Positive Psychology Exercises

  • Positive Reminiscence – Reflect on joyful memories, recognized as beneficial for overall well-being, to bring comfort and happiness in challenging moments.
  • The Self-Compassion Pause – Cultivate self-compassion through brief reflections throughout the day, enhancing resilience and mental health.
  • Strengths & Values-Based Introductions – Embrace a strengths-based approach to foster autonomy and resilience, focusing on individual assets and capacities.
  • Writing About Intensely Positive Experiences – Improve cognitive focus and physical health by writing about positive experiences, enhancing overall well-being.
  • Mindful Eating – Engage in mindful eating to appreciate food fully and avoid distractions, promoting healthier eating habits and satisfaction.
  • Take A “Time Out” Every Day – Manage emotions effectively by taking short breaks to calm down and gain perspective, preventing escalation of stress.
  • Take A Mini-Vacation Every Week – Recharge regularly with short breaks to prolong vacation benefits and maintain overall well-being.
  • Three Funny Things – Boost happiness and resilience by focusing on amusing incidents and finding humour in daily life.
  • Finding Silver Linings – Identify glimmers of hope and courage amidst adversity to foster resilience and recovery.
  • Make An Effective Apology – Craft sincere apologies by acknowledging faults, demonstrating understanding, and avoiding excuses or blame-shifting.

What is Affirmation?

Affirmations are amongst the key coaching tools! Affirmations is the power to inspire you to take certain actions, assist you in focusing on achieving your life goals, give you the ability to change your negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones, help you access a new belief system, but most importantly, affirmations have the power to bring about a significant change.

Benefits of using affirmations

Here are a few benefits of using affirmations 

  • Decrease in Negative Ideas

Positive affirmations help us become more aware of our thought patterns and emotions because many of our ideas are subconscious. So there is less chance that harmful thought habits may develop. It is possible to change your negative thoughts to positive ones. The procedure is straightforward, but it does require time and practise because, after all, you’re forming a new habit.

  • Elevate Happiness

You may surround yourself with the things you desire in life by using affirmations to identify the obstacles to your happiness. 

They activate your neural connections and alter the brain regions that are responsible for your happiness and optimism. Several studies also support claims that reducing health-harming stress, increasing exercise, eating more fruits and vegetables, and improving academic performance are all true. If you want to know more about ways to elevate your happiness, check out this blog.

  • Learning perspective on the little things

The little things are something we frequently take for granted. You can keep in mind how significant the little things are by using positive affirmations. For instance, if you’re healthy, you might not be able to appreciate it. However, by using the affirmation “I am healthy,” you can concentrate on and find enjoyment in it.

Because it serves as a constant reminder that life isn’t always demanding and exhausting, taking the time to appreciate the “small things” can be quite beneficial. The happiness required to get through difficult times can be found in small, seemingly trivial moments.

  • Improve cardiovascular condition

Your mood is maintained through positive affirmations. Optimism lowers the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events, according to a recent study. They enable you to become more conscious of your mental and emotional habits. In turn, this makes it more difficult for negative ideas and feelings to manifest or have any real basis.

You will feel better about yourself and be happy as a result of liking yourself. You may improve your physical, emotional, and mental health by simply being kind to yourself. In fact, studies have shown that using affirmations might help with mental wellness.

10 Affirmation Exercises

Affirmation exercises offer a variety of benefits to us. Here is a list that we help you to know about affirmation exercises.

1. Create a list of positive affirmations

If you’ve ever kept track of your thoughts for a day, you’ve probably realised that you frequently have pretty unfavourable thoughts about yourself:

“Once more, I wrecked dinner. This dinner will be despised by all! Why am I even trying?

“I’m such an idiot, I forgot to pay my credit card bill!”

We often think and say bad things about ourselves. And everything else in your life is influenced by those unfavourable beliefs. However, it will work wonders if you speak well about yourself.

Here are a few affirmations

  1. I am prosperous.
  2. I have faith.
  3. I am strong.
  4. I am powerful.
  5. Every day I am growing better and better.
  6. Right now I have everything I need within.
  7. Motivated, I get up.
  8. I am a natural force that cannot be stopped.

2. Say your affirmations out loud

Though the former is typically the preferred approach to start, you can opt to repeat your affirmations silently in your thoughts or out loud. It’s sometimes more effective to say something aloud than to keep it to yourself. The vast body of scientific data now supports loving meditation, the law of attraction, and positive affirmations.

As a result, saying affirmations out loud is a great way to reprogram your brain and create a better, healthier reality. If speaking kindly to yourself feels strange at first, starting in your thoughts is a terrific way to increase your confidence. On the other hand, when speaking aloud activates the language centres in our brains, it causes us to think more slowly and differently. Our levels of self-assurance and respect are affected when we say them out loud.

3. The “I am . . .” exercise

The “I am…” activity asks you to create your OWN unique list of affirmations. Affirmations written with strength BY YOU, FOR YOU. Making a list of affirmations, preferably in your own words and beginning with “I am,” is all that is required to begin this activity. To assist in making this scenario a reality in the future, include additional assertions you would like to be true, such as “I am good at arithmetic.”

Only if we actively focus our  attention on these words while speaking them will this type of reverberation spread to other areas of our body in general.

4. Sticky note reminders

You may easily repeat your affirmation to yourself when you need it by displaying it everywhere. When situations become difficult, saying your affirmation to yourself can motivate you and serve as a reminder that you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Make sure to outline how you will work toward your affirmation once more the next day when you examine your progress and your affirmation at the end of the day. A moment and a course of action should be chosen. Make preparations to succeed.

A powerful weapon in your pursuit of success is affirmation. However, you cannot simply dream yourself into performing a musical piece flawlessly, giving a stellar presentation, or succeeding in a competition. However continuous effort is needed.

5. Complete the sentence

Completing the sentence is a common affirmation exercise. Sometimes a few sentences are written in negative. They create a false impression of our mental wellbeing. Try a new way and change these negative sentences to something that seems positive. Here are examples.

  • Affirmative – Hardly had Ram seen me when he called me. 

Negative – No sooner had Ram seen me than he called me.

  • Affirmative – It is unlikely that Rakesh will help you. 

Negative – It is not likely that Rakesh will help you.

  • Affirmative – Only good girls got good marks. 

Negative – None but good girls got good marks.

  • Affirmative – My shirt is loose. 

Negative – My shirt is not tight.

  • Affirmative – As soon as the clock struck ten, we went to sleep. 

Negative – No sooner did the clock strike ten than we went to sleep.

6. Use Real-Life Scenarios

By incorporating “affective context,” a learning approach that increases knowledge retention by incorporating emotion and relative value, learning is made memorable. You guessed it—one of the finest ways to achieve this is through the use of relevant scenarios. This paradigm recognises that learning involves more than just the transmission of information and that context-free information is harder to remember.

Using real-world examples, you may include your students in the action. Learners may quickly and directly use skills and information in their regular jobs and duties by creating immersive, realistic scenarios. Because ultimately, training is all about improving performance, right?

7. Draw affirmations on the mirror

Mirror healing operates under the premise that spending some time gazing in the mirror will reflect your inner thoughts about yourself back to you.

The idea is that you can begin to utilise positive talk and affirmations to start healing your negative self-view and learning to love yourself by becoming aware of where you hold resistance in your self-belief.

Even while it could be awkward at first to stare at yourself in the mirror for a prolonged period of time, the more you practise, the more advantages you’ll experience. You can accept who you are as you are by becoming at ease with your physical and psychological mirror.

The phrase “if only I were more this” or “if only I were less that” frequently comes to mind. You’ll be able to see that you don’t have to be unique to succeed if you have self-acceptance.

8. Build a treasure chest of goodness

You can assist your youngster in learning to value oneself in order to counteract the negativity bias in their brain. Use the My Mighty Treasure Coins from the Self-Esteem & Confidence Kit for this exercise.

Take these actions:

  • Purchase or construct a miniature wooden treasure chest; alternatively, use a tissue box.
  • Having the words “I am” painted and decorated on top of the chest or box will appeal to children.
  • Children choose “I am” affirmations and write one on the front side of each coin after making several coins out of thick card or cardboard that are large enough to write on.
  • They record or depict a real-world instance of when they lived this value on the reverse of the coins. They will be able to believe these affirmations more fully as a result. For instance: “I carried the groceries or helped set the table.”

As a means to give each other the gift of encouragement and appreciation, this may also be a wonderful activity for siblings or classmates.

9.Write a Poem

With so much going on in life, it’s simple to become shut down. Shutting down, however, prevents you from progressing. Be willing to experience all of your feelings. Sit down write down all of your affirmations in a poem format and sing it loud. This is a really helpful technique.

Here’s an example 

I am so and such, and we remove the identifying marker starting with

I Am, an affirmation of being alive, is all that is left, yet what motivates Spanda to move in life before I Am is that.

Where seeking ends is there.

10. Mindfulness breathing with affirmations

Let these affirmations for full, deep breathing help you reconnect with the inner calm and power that dates back thousands of years.

“Breathe, my love. Just a chapter, really. You didn’t tell the complete story”, says Laurie.

Your brain cells receive a critical message of safety when you control your breath with full inhales and long exhales. These brain cells then communicate to your body that it is safe to relax. Allow your body to assist you when you are stressed by aiding your body. Take a 16-second purposeful breather. Just 16 seconds of breath-only attention provides a break from whatever is stressing you out. It causes a rerouting in the pattern and a break in the cycle.

Simply breathing is sound advice. To assist you in calming down, removing yourself completely from all the stress.

10 Positive Psychology Exercises

Let’s have a look at 10 positive psychology exercises that will help you in great ways.

1.Positive Reminiscence

It’s a classy approach to recall enjoyable moments. Life well-being has been found to be significantly influenced by happy memories. Simply said, the capacity to warmly recall former experiences, circumstances, and people can bring joy and comfort when you least expect it.

For a very long time, the propensity for nostalgia in old age was viewed negatively, as a form of unhealthy dysfunction, or at the very least, as bothersome to others. Psychiatrists later advanced the notion that it was not only universal and natural, but also had the potential to be beneficial.

2. The Self-Compassion Pause

You can utilise self-compassion as a potent tool to increase your resilience, self-assurance, and general well-being. While many people have little trouble showing compassion to others, they often find it difficult to do the same for themselves. You may gradually improve this trait and establish self compassion as a more regular habit in your life by setting aside brief periods of time throughout the day to reflect and practise it.

According to research, psychological health is highly correlated with self-compassion. Increased sentiments of happiness, optimism, curiosity, and connection are associated with higher levels of self-compassion, while lower levels are associated with decreased feelings of anxiety, sadness, rumination, and failure fear.

3. Strengths & Values-based Introductions

Methods that are built on an individual’s assets—including personal qualities and social and community networks—instead of their weaknesses are known as strengths-based or asset-based approaches. Holistic and diverse, strengths-based approach collaborates with the individual to advance their wellbeing.

The strengths-based approach seeks to safeguard the person’s autonomy, resiliency, capacity for decision-making, and welfare. They increase resilience and a growth attitude, create self-esteem, self-determination, and self-efficacy, and give people more chances to succeed by concentrating on what they can achieve and then using those abilities to set goals that will help solve a specific need.

4. Writing About Intensely Positive Experiences

Higher levels of general cognitive focus following writing mediated this effect. Writing about positive experiences improved physical health (measured 4-6 weeks after writing) compared to control. Notably, despite the fact that the positive writing condition was wider than the control, positive affect was not the cause of this variation. Discussion is had regarding the broaden and build model’s implications for disclosive writing.

Even if your views are nasty, you should write about them without censorship. You can sometimes work out your thoughts by just writing them down. This is an example of expressive writing, where the emphasis is on the content rather than the mechanics of punctuation and language.

5. Mindful eating

Choosing food consciously involves experiencing and appreciating it with all of your physical and emotional senses. This fosters a greater appreciation for food, which enhances the overall eating experience.

Distractions have caused people to turn their attention away from eating to things like televisions, laptops, and smartphones. A mindless, frequently hurried activity, eating has become. Since it takes some time for your brain to realise that you are full, this could be an issue.

If you eat too quickly, the fullness signal could not appear until you’ve consumed too much food. This occurs frequently with binge eating disorder (BED).

With the use of meditation known as mindfulness, you may better understand and deal with your feelings and bodily sensations.

6. Take a “time out” every day

A traditional method of managing anger is to take a “time-out” (but it can also be applied to any other heightened emotional state). Though it appears straightforward on the surface, putting it into practice in a crisis can be very difficult.

Removing yourself from a stressful situation gives you time to calm down and gain perspective. This is the basic idea behind a time-out. Instead of using it as a tactic to get the better of someone during a disagreement, it is a constructive way to control anger (or any other powerful emotion) before it spirals out of control.

7. Take a mini-vacation every week

If you regularly take short trips, it might be time for your next short vacation by the time your vacation advantages start to wear out. You can benefit from your vacation’s physical and psychological effects for months as opposed to just a few days or weeks each year by taking regular mini-vacations.

Instead of taking a single, lengthy trip per year, save up your vacation days and reward yourself with regular long weekends. Moreover, plan those weekends so they feel like restorative getaways. These positive impacts happened whether the managers went on a trip to a wellness hotel or spent a staycation at home, which is significant for people taking brief vacations with limited time for travel.

8. Three funny things

According to research, humour has a strong bonding effect and can enhance classroom learning. Our bodies respond to laughter physically by releasing dopamine, increasing blood flow, and fortifying the heart. Additionally, finding comedy in a difficult circumstance can be a beneficial coping mechanism.

It’s possible that this is the reason why, after only a week of practice, Three Funny Things in particular has been demonstrated to lower despair and increase happiness for months.

Three Funny Things exhorts us to concentrate on the positive aspects of life, especially those amusing, ridiculous, or funny incidents. Instead of dwelling on issues, we focus on exceptionally enjoyable events, frequently ones that involve other people. We have the chance to relive that amusement in the present by taking the time to contemplate in this manner.

Writing about Three Funny Things in a journal may help us see things more long-term. We might get better at laughing more easily and more amenable to finding humour in daily life over time.

9. Finding Silver Linings

“Silver linings” are the glimmering indications of courage and hope in the midst of tragedy. Our findings demonstrate what silver linings people have relied on to endure through the difficulties of the epidemic, even if no silver lining may be able to lessen the impact of the pandemic on people’s lives. 

Understanding the bright spots that have offered people comfort, hope, and strength during a period of scarcity should guide efforts to help both individual and group recovery from the pandemic’s psychological and emotional challenges. As a result, we might be more able to recover from the current crisis and better equipped to deal with any crises in the future.

A silver lining is an indication of hope or a good thing in a bad situation. The word is frequently viewed as a part of the proverb. There is always hope or something positive can be discovered in a difficult circumstance, as the expression goes.

10. Make an Effective Apology

A decent apology must acknowledge the offence, but many apology speeches fall short in this regard. If you can demonstrate that you understand who was at fault, who was affected, and the nature of the offence, your apology is more likely to be accepted. 

Saying “I made a mistake” is more effective, for instance, than saying “Mistakes were made,” which fails to assign blame. Likewise, admitting that harm was done is preferable to making general statements that downplay the validity of the offended party’s complaints (such as “I’m sorry you feel hurt”) or fail to address the specific offence (such as “I’m sorry for whatever I said yesterday” as opposed to “I’m sorry for making that insensitive joke”).

Sometimes it’s beneficial to clarify a transgression, especially to demonstrate that it wasn’t deliberate and that it won’t happen again. However, explanations that are drawn out, come across as justifications, or point the finger at the victim (such as “You were really getting on my nerves”) are more likely to backfire. Saying “There’s no excuse for my behaviour” is preferable to making a feeble argument.


Affirmations are much more than that, though. Specific remarks known as positive affirmations might assist you in overcoming negative thoughts. To make positive changes in your life, they exhort you to imagine and believe a sentence. 

You can recite affirmations to yourself to alter your subconscious thoughts. They gradually swap out any unfavourable beliefs or thoughts with ones that are favourable. This fosters optimism, ambition, and self-assurance. If this blog was of your interest, you would also like to read our blog on how to become an affirmation coach.

Frequently asked questions

u003cstrongu003e1.Is there a link between affirmations and the law of attraction?u003c/strongu003e

Affirmations based on the Law of Attraction are comments that are positive and describe what you want to attract into your life. They play a crucial role in making things happen and turning dreams into reality.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eA fun and simple approach to use the law of attraction is by using positive affirmations. They can also help you change your perspective from one of negativity to one of positivity and self-assurance.

u003cstrongu003e2. How to create an affirmation habit?u003c/strongu003e

The key to affirmations’ effectiveness is regular self-repetition. Reciting your affirmations frequently during the day is beneficial (have them appear in your alerts!). Additionally, you should keep repeating your affirmations as soon as you notice yourself engaging in a thought or action that you wish to stop.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eStart with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day to get the most out of affirmations by making it a habit and a regular practise. For instance, try repeating affirmations to yourself as you get out of bed in the morning. Each affirmation should be said 10 times total.

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