Over the last decade or so there has been a significant shift in the way people approach personal development. I am not denying that people didn’t invest in it before, but back in the day it used to be a “dirty little secret”. People were embarrassed to show that they are trying to improve themselves, forget about hiring a personal development coach!
But in the last few years, there has a been a steady growth in the consumption of personal development material. People now are finally coming out of their shells and are realizing the importance of personal development life coaching.
So, keeping that in mind, we are about to explore, in detail, what it takes to become a personal development coach.
What is a personal development coach?

What is personal development? It is important to understand what this means first, to gain a better understanding of what a personal development coach is. Personal development covers all the activities that improve a person’s self-esteem, well-being and relationships.
That’s it, no matter what area you cover, they will broadly fall under these 3 categories. Anyone who is actively making an effort to improve their lives is actively participating in personal-development and growth. A personal growth coach basically guides them along the way.
What does a personal development coach do?
A personal development coach operates as a trusted guide and mentor, committed to facilitating an individual’s journey of self-improvement and personal growth. Utilizing their expert knowledge and skills, they first conduct a thorough assessment of the client’s present situation and their aspirations for the future.
Leveraging this expertise, they create personalized, evidence-based strategies and actionable plans tailored to the client’s specific goals. These strategies may touch upon various aspects of personal development, including bolstering self-confidence, honing interpersonal skills, mastering stress management, and fostering career advancement.
Consistently providing informed feedback and motivational support, the coach holds the client accountable for their progress, ensuring they stay on track towards their desired outcomes. Ultimately, the aim of a personal development coach is to empower clients to realize their full potential, aid them in becoming the best versions of themselves, and lead a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Why do people hire a personal development coach?
There are a lot of reasons why people want to hire a personal development coach. Let’s go through them one by one. In fact, if you have coached anyone before then some of this might resonate with you:
1. When they want to discover their purpose
Isn’t it so sad when people live their entire lives without discovering their purpose? Aren’t you and I so lucky that we have found our purpose in life? Many times, as a self development coach, you will come across people who have not yet discovered their purpose in life.
These are the kind of people who have lived their entire life according to the whims of others. They have taken decisions based on what others expected them to do, they have never had a chance to truly let go and be their own self.
But now they have decided to take their lives into their own hands, and they have chosen you to be their mentor. I think this is the kind of challenge that you should be chomping at the bits for. As a coach, nothing could be more inspiring than this.
2. When they want to get empowered
Many people feel extremely helpless in their situation. Because of the circumstances that have been forced upon them or their own limiting beliefs, they think they have no power over anything.
Let me tell you about one of my clients, John. John, a software engineer, felt unfulfilled in his position and yearned to pursue his passion for photography, but self-doubt and fear of failure prevented him from doing so. After engaging with a personal development coach, he developed self-awareness, set personal growth goals, and started to build self-confidence. With consistent coaching, John was able to overcome his fears and successfully transition to a photography career. This transformation not only provided professional success but also improved his overall quality of life.
His journey is a testament underscoring the empowering potential of personal development coaching. Personality development coaching fundamentals can help clients discover their inner personal power. But be careful; these are usually people who have gone through a lot and have been in many abusive relationships (professionally and personally), so you will need to be extra delicate here.
3. When they want to develop strong relationships
It is a fact that most people don’t really have the best of relationships with their near and dear ones. The sad fact is that most of these relationships are bad because of the stories that we make up inside our own heads.
Through our practical knowledge, as a personal development coach, you can help your clients deal with these by making them introspect. You are the mirror in which they can see their own reflection and realize the truth of their relationships.
This is one of the most empowering tools that you have at your disposal.
4. When they want to live the life they want to live
Because of a variety of reasons, people tend to develop a lot of insecurities and limiting beliefs. As a result, people don’t necessarily live the lives that they want to live because they encase themselves in a shell.
Our investigation demonstrated that, as their self-improvement coach, you can give them strategies and methods to work on themselves and hence come out of their shell as a result.
5. When they want to feel better about themselves
I think this is more of an accumulation of everything we talked about so far. By taking them to a more fulfilled, empowered and happier place you are inevitably going to make them feel better about themselves and do wonders to their self-esteem as their self improvement coach.
Should you become a personal development coach?
This really depends on who you are as a person. Look back on your life and think about certain moments. Whenever any of your friends have had any issues, were you their go-to person?
Do you have a knack for listening to anyone and empathizing with their problems?
Can you withhold judgment (very important) when someone is laying their heart bare to you?
More importantly, are you willing to go the extra mile to make sure that a complete stranger can benefit from you and make a better life for themselves?
Our findings show that if all this has to come from within, there is one more thing that needs to be taken care of which is as, if not more, important than the aforementioned points.
We have found that you absolutely need to have the acumen to create and run your own business if you really want to know whether or not you can become a personal development coach.
Wait, wait, before you go into panic mode, let me make something very clear to you. Most personal development coaches fail terribly at this aspect. Coaches are just not natural businessmen—who knew? But it’s alright; we all have to begin somewhere.
In my article I talk all about how you can start a coaching business from scratch. All you have to do is copy the basic model.
What’s the difference between life coaching and personal development coaching?
Although they share a foundation in established coaching methodologies and are both supported by licensed professionals, life coaching and personal development coaching have different focuses and strategies.
Life coaching typically covers a wider range and aids clients in improving various facets of their lives thanks to empirical research and tested psychological theories. This comprehensive approach can encompass areas like career progression, fostering healthy work-life balance, effective relationship management, and promoting overall wellness. A life coach, often with a certification from recognized institutions like the International Coach Federation (ICF), acts as a guide, facilitating clients to set realistic goals, strategize their achievements, and navigate obstacles in diverse life domains.
Personal development coaching, on the other hand, focuses more specifically on individual growth and self-improvement. Rooted in positive psychology and personal growth theories, this type of coaching aims to enhance self-awareness, build self-confidence, improve interpersonal skills, and facilitate personal transformation. A personal development coach, usually having substantial expertise in human behavior and personal growth techniques, aids clients in addressing inner obstacles and beliefs. They foster personal growth, helping clients reach their full potential and actualize their individual capacities.
What are the essential skills of a personal development coach?
We have already touched on this a bit before, so, for now, let’s look at them one at a time.
1. The ability to listen
The pie chart above shows you what goes into effective communication skills. 45% … I repeat that 45% of effective communication is just plain old listening!
We have all been told those stories about how a good listener is the best communicator, but now we actually have proof to back up all the tales that our moms and teachers used to tell us!
Based on our observations, as a personal development coach, this skill is ESSENTIAL, and there are two reasons why:
- When you are consulting a client, it is all about them. If you do not listen then how will you know what ails them and how you can help improve their lives?
- Usually, your clients will be the kind of people who have no one to listen to them. They want to let out everything that is inside them, they want someone to know what they genuinely think and who they truly are. The only way you can do that is by listening to them.
So remember… LISTEN.
2. Creating rapport
Rapport building is the most effective way to create relationships with your clients. The best part about it is that it will also make you invest into them.
When your clients can sense that you are properly synching with them and both of you are coming from the same vibrations, that when they will really open up to you.
3. Knack of solving problems
This is another crucial skill. You must have the ability to zero in on the problem areas of your clients. After you zero in on them you must also have the ability to flesh out the proper strategies required to put them on the right path.
4. Giving ruthless feedback
This may be hard for some of us because as human beings we are not wired to be “mean”. It is very hard for someone to be brutally honest because simply don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
But that is exactly what you will have to do every single time. You NEED to have the guts to show your clients the light, no matter how much it is going to hurt. No matter how much you sympathize with them and their problems if you don’t give them clear and honest feedback you simply won’t be doing them the service that you promised them.
How much is a personal development coach’s salary?
According to various sources such as Indeed and Salary.com, a personal development coach salary can be anywhere between $11.42 and $122.79 an hour. Between $11.42 and $122.79!
That’s a difference of more than $100!
Why is there such a huge difference? Is that simply because of the ability of the coaches? Or is it something deeper?
I spoke to a lot of coaches about this, and to be honest, the answer left me a little fuming.
Turns out that most coaches don’t have the slightest clue about the value of their coaching… Can you believe that?
How anyone can underestimate the power they possess as a coach is beyond me; we are one of those few fortunate people who truly have the power to impact someone’s lives.
Why don’t people get that?
Because they constantly undervalue themselves, they take in just anyone as clients. They don’t even screen people to get clients and end up with absolutely garbage low-value clients who take them and their coaching for granted.
So isn’t it obvious that they don’t get paid the money they deserve to be paid? Scroll down to my free webinar, and we’ll discuss this in more detail. You will find out how to get paid what you are worth (HINT: it’s very simple).
Do you need personal development coach certification?
Short answer… depends.
The fact of the matter is that you don’t need certification to become a personal development coach. You can start off right away.
There are some specific advantages that come with accreditation; I won’t deny that. Obviously, a certification will make you seem more credible to your clients, and that may help in the beginning.
But as far as I am concerned, here is the thing. If you have a gift and you want to truly express it, why wait?
Our research indicates that the best teacher is experience, absolutely nothing can teach you more than you actually putting yourself out there and learning from real world client interactions.
There are numerous personal development coaching courses available. If you do decide to become a certified personal development coach, get your certification from an organization that has received approval from the International Coaching Federation, or ICF.
In my opinion, the only way that a certification can help you is by teaching you the inner workings of a coaching business.
Are you ready to become a personal development coach?
I am sure you are, otherwise why else would you be reading this article in the first place?
But it will be naive to think that this path that you have chosen will be free from obstacles, if it was easy then everyone would be doing it.
Here are some facts, and they might be difficult to hear for some, but I am going to say them anyway. 95% of the people reading this article will fail.
Yes, I just said that, and that’s not a random number either; it is a fact that 95% of the people who start their own ventures will fail.
Does that make you feel depressed?
If it does, then you are not looking at the right way, you need to do some re-framing.
Think about it, 95% of your competition is going to quit on you all by themselves, all that you have to do is stand out from the other 5%.
Now, you may be thinking, “This 5% is the cream of the crop, the best of the very best; how the hell can you stand out from them when you don’t even know where to begin?”
If you think that you are a little helpless here, then worry not, you can check out the journeys of the top personal development coaches in the business here.
In conclusion, becoming a personal development coach requires a combination of passion, dedication, and specific steps to establish oneself in the field. It is important to cultivate a deep understanding of personal development principles, theories, and practices through formal education, training programs, or certifications. Developing strong coaching skills, such as active listening, empathy, and effective communication, is crucial.
Speaking from years of experience in the coaching business, building experience through coaching practice, volunteer work, or mentorship opportunities can help refine coaching techniques and gain valuable insights. Additionally, continuous self-reflection, ongoing professional development, and a commitment to personal growth are essential for personal development coaches to provide effective guidance and support to their clients.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a personal development coach?
Personal development coaches are people who help their clients to achieve their goals and set themselves up for success.
Some of the skills that a personal development coach may have are: leadership, management, self-awareness, and mindfulness among others. They use these skills in order to guide their clients on how they can improve themselves and some of the things they do for this purpose are: meeting with them regularly, giving them assignments or exercises, setting them up with resources.
A personal development coach is always there to support you in getting better at yourself. They give you feedback on your progress and make sure you don’t get discouraged when it’s hard.
What does a personal development coach do?
A personal development coach helps the person identify the issue and collaborate with them on what needs to be done so that they can become successful in their life.
Personal development coaches help people prepare for major transitions in their lives, such as retirement or starting a new career. They also help people with difficult issues, such as addiction or depression. A personal development coach may use coaching tools like one-on-one sessions or group discussions, depending on what best suits their client’s needs.
What is the difference between a life coach and a personal development coach?
The two types of coaches are life coaches and personal development coaches. Life coaches are trained to help people make better decisions in the areas of health, wealth, relationships, spirituality, self-esteem, etc. Personal development coaches are more focused on helping people achieve their goals by exploring their life purpose and taking steps to achieve it.
How to become a personal development coach?
Becoming a personal development coach is a career that has gained popularity in the past few years. This job is for those who like to help people and like to learn and grow as well.
The first step in becoming a personal development coach is to find out what your expertise is. You can do this by looking at what you enjoy doing and identifying those activities as your strengths. It helps if you already have some experience working with people as well as some form of education such as a degree or certificate.
The next step would be to get certified by any of the numerous organizations such as the International Coach Federation (ICF), Association for Coaching (AC), or International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).
How much does a personal development coach cost?
Becoming a personal development coach is a career that has gained popularity in the past few years. This job is for those who like to help people and like to learn and grow as well.
The first step in becoming a personal development coach is to find out what your expertise is. You can do this by looking at what you enjoy doing and identifying those activities as your strengths. It helps if you already have some experience working with people as well as some form of education, such as a degree or certificate.
The next step would be to get certified by any of the numerous organizations such as the International Coach Federation (ICF), Association for Coaching (AC), or International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).
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