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Anxiety Coaching Techniques

Nearly every other person in one or another way is suffering from anxiety. Why is this that common? This question often pops up in our minds. It’s the queasy sensation in the pit of your stomach, the weight in your chest, or the tingling sensation in your hands. It comes as an unwanted present and is made up of anxiety, tension, and panic. While it may only last briefly for some people, it may remain and have an impact on their daily lives.

Anxiety Coaching Techniques Anxiety Coaching Techniques

Depending on your unique situation, there are many different methods to aid with anxiety. In actuality, worry is a perfectly typical human reaction to threat, and it serves to keep us safe.

Our brains have a mechanism that allows them to release specific hormones (such as cortisol and adrenaline) when they perceive a threat. These hormones increase our alertness and cause our blood to flow more quickly to the areas that require it.

So in this article, we will give a brief about anxiety coaching techniques that will help you become a great anxiety coach.

In Brief : Anxiety Coaching Techniques
  • Balanced Time Perspective – Balanced Time Perspective (BTP) involves considering the past, present, and future in a way that promotes happiness and success; no cost mentioned.
  • Self-Determination Theory – The self-determination theory focuses on natural growth tendencies and psychological needs, influencing decision-making in various life spheres; no cost mentioned.
  • Mindful Breathing – Mindful breathing, by diverting attention from negative thoughts, helps calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety; no cost mentioned.
  • Meditation – Meditation, with various health benefits, enhances resilience to stress over time, requiring practice for effectiveness; no cost mentioned.
  • Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy, using essential oils for therapeutic purposes, influences emotions through olfactory nerves and skin absorption; cost depends on essential oil choices.
  • Keep A Journal – Journaling explores thoughts and feelings, aids stress relief, and works best when done consistently; no cost mentioned.
  • 5-5-5 Method – The 5-5-5 method prompts considering the long-term relevance of worries and allows five minutes to process before moving forward; no cost mentioned.

What is an Anxiety Coach?

Anxiety Coach helps people that suffer from depression and anxiety by asking questions to lower their fears. They establish good relations with their clients to help them more effectively.

Clients of anxiety coaches are assisted in identifying, comprehending, and altering the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to their anxiety. Additionally, they could use exposure therapy to assist their patients to confront their concerns. Greater self-assurance and an empowered mindset are the targets for everyone.

Anxiety coaches are skilled in identifying patients’ anxiety disorders and recommending healthier, more productive coping mechanisms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a type of psychotherapy, is very successful in treating anxiety problems.

Can Coaching Help With Anxiety?

Coaching encourages people to work on themselves to support a change in their perspective. Coaching is viewed as a helpful strategy in helping some people overcome anxiety because it places a focus on goal setting and changing individual attitudes.

This perspective coaching can assist clients in realizing how their anxiety is affecting them when the worry is centered on the fear of upcoming occurrences. Starting a notebook with clients could be the first step in encouraging them to envision their ideal future selves.

7 Powerful Techniques for Anxiety Coaches

There are many effective ways to cope with anxiety issues. Here are a few helpful techniques that are highly effective. These techniques will also help you to become a successful coach.

1. Balanced Time Perspective

A balanced time perspective (BTP) is a tendency to consider the past, present, and future in a way that promotes happiness and successful results in life. One popular technique of measuring balance is a deviation from the balanced time perspective (BTP), however, this method makes assumptions about the levels of time views that make up BTP. 

It has a significant impact on a variety of areas of our behavior, such as academic success, health, sleep, romantic partner preferences, and more. Although situational factors like inflation, taking vacations, or feeling stressed may have an impact on TP, it can also become a somewhat consistent personality trait. As a result, typically, people have a dominant temporal perspective.

2. Self-determination Theory

The macro theory of human motivation and personality known as “self-determination theory” focuses on people’s natural growth tendencies and psychological requirements. It deals with why people make the decisions they do in the absence of outside pressures and distractions. 

Self-determination theory has been used in a wide range of contexts, including work, parenting, exercise, and health. According to research, high levels of self-determination can promote success in a variety of spheres of life. Social interactions can also benefit from self-determination.

For instance, if people’s requirements for autonomy, relatedness, and competence (the three elements of self-determination) are met when they first join an online community, it influences their social identity, which in turn affects their involvement behaviors.

3. Mindful Breathing

By focusing on your breathing, you can divert your attention from negative or worrisome thoughts. Deep breathing exercises can help calm the mind and lower stress and anxiety levels in the body. 

The emotions you experience can affect how you breathe. For instance, when you are calm, you breathe gently, and when you are frightened or nervous, you breathe more quickly. But just because you’re feeling a certain way doesn’t mean you should modify the way you breathe. The inverse is also accurate. You may truly alter your breathing to alter how you feel. This is why using it to alleviate anxiety is so successful. 

According to research, during times of extreme stress, breathing exercises and breathwork can instantly calm you down and elevate your mood.

4. Meditation

A healthy lifestyle can be maintained and various health advantages of meditation can be experienced. Given that it helps people grow more resilient to stress over time, practice makes meditation both easier to keep up and more effective. Learning and practicing meditation can significantly alter how you feel about stress in your life.

This method is one of the simplest of the many different types of meditation. You can utilize this method to experience inner peace whenever you need it with a little practice.

Clinical mindfulness therapies, like Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), often advise 40–45 minutes of daily meditation practice. Twenty minutes, twice daily, is frequently advised by the Transcendental Meditation (TM) tradition.

5. Aromatherapy

The application of essential oils for therapeutic purposes is known as aromatherapy. For millennia, people have employed aromatherapy. The aroma molecules in essential oils move directly from the olfactory nerves to the brain when inhaled, having a particular effect on the amygdala, the brain’s emotional center. The skin can absorb essential oils. A massage therapist may add a few drops of wintergreen oil to the massage oil to assist loosen up tight muscles.

You might be able to use essential oils in your employment, depending on the regulations or atmosphere there. If you work from home, it is ultimately up to you whether or not you want essential oils present in your workspace. You can also use essential oils in your car, but first make sure to think about whether the aroma can make you queasy while driving, as this would be risky. Some people may become sleepy with aromatherapy.

6. Keep a journal

Keeping a diary or journal to explore your thoughts and feelings about the events in your life is referred to as journaling. There are numerous approaches to doing this. Even occasional, sporadic journaling can be stress-relieving when the practice is focused on gratitude or emotional processing. Journaling as a stress management and self-exploration tool works best when done consistently.

People can clarify their thoughts and feelings by journaling, which helps them learn more about themselves. It’s also a useful tool for problem-solving because writing down an issue frequently makes it easier to brainstorm solutions.

By thoroughly examining and releasing the emotions associated with traumatic situations, as well as by including both hemispheres of the brain in the process, journaling about them aids in processing them and allows the experience to become fully integrated within the person’s consciousness.

7. 5-5-5 Method

It’s the secret to getting out of a worrying cycle. Take a moment to consider whether your concern will still be relevant in five years. Continue if the answer is “yes.” If the response is no, though, give yourself five minutes to worry before continuing. 


The 5×5 rule has two different strategies. By putting the event in perspective and gaining some much-needed distance from the current problem, you can consider the long-term. The 5×5 rule, however, also has the benefit of giving you some time to fully experience your emotions.

Trying to immediately brush away irritated feelings merely makes them worse. That uncertainty over whether to block a former friend on Facebook may not be apparent at first. It will remain and reappear when you least expect it. It’s possible to keep those negative feelings at bay by taking up to five minutes to examine what you’re experiencing and why.

Bonus: Additional Tips to Combat Anxiety

If Anxiety Coaching doesn’t help you much there are other techniques as well that prove to be helpful. Here are a few additional tips to combat anxiety.

1. Keeping active

For people with persistent anxiety, a straightforward bike ride, dance class, or even a quick stroll can be a very effective tool. People who are feeling excessively apprehensive about a test that is coming up, a large presentation, or a crucial meeting benefit from engaging in activities like these.

In addition to being healthy for your body, exercise is also excellent for your mind. Being physically active causes your brain to create feel-good hormones that improve your mood, improve your ability to focus, help you sleep better, and make you feel better overall.

One of the most crucial things you can do for your health is to exercise regularly. Physical activity can strengthen your bones and muscles, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase your ability to carry out daily tasks and improve your cognitive health.

2. Eating well

A high-fat diet, insufficient tryptophan and dietary protein, excessive intake of sugar and processed carbs, and “unhealthy” dietary patterns were all linked to increased levels of anxiety, according to the analysis. A high proportion of animal and observational studies limits the results.

Dietary changes may have some impact on your mood or sense of well-being in general, but they cannot replace medical care. Lifestyle adjustments include bettering sleep patterns, boosting social support, employing stress-reduction methods, and engaging in regular exercise may also be helpful.

Your everyday mood is influenced by healthy nutrition. A healthy diet can help you feel more energized, lower your chance of becoming overweight, raise your muscle strength, and even develop stronger bones and teeth. 

3. Spending Time Outdoors in Nature

The best stress reliever is being outside. Your stress will decrease. According to studies, spending time outside lowers your heart rate and the stress hormone cortisol. You’ll become happier. 

Muscle tension, blood pressure, and mental activity are all reduced by stress within minutes of exposure to nature. Spending time in green areas greatly lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Additionally, the natural world increases dopamine and endorphin levels, which enhance happiness.

Being in nature or even just watching natural scenes makes you feel better and less stressed, angry, or afraid. Not only does being in nature improve your mood, but it also benefits your physical health by lowering your blood pressure, heart rate, muscular tension, and stress hormone production.

4. Spending Time With Family And Friends

Spending time with family, especially when communication is face-to-face rather than digital, greatly lowers the risk of developing depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Being physically present with loved ones fosters a powerful emotional support system that will carry you through the difficulties of life.

Instead of turning to harmful coping techniques like drinking alcohol, smoking, or using drugs, people can use their family and friends as a stress buffer by talking about their issues with them. You can acquire important life qualities like loyalty, communication, and confidence by spending time with family. Children can increase their self-esteem by learning from their parents how to communicate and solve problems, claims Kids Health.


Developing others’ self-belief is the fundamental and constant goal of anxiety coaching, regardless of the nature of the work or problem. Leaders and managers will be astounded by the changes in relationships and performance that come about if they keep this in mind and act on it consistently and sincerely. The client will be substantially assisted in developing their thinking and understanding by the psychologist acting as coach. 

The working and reasoning models that are employed and built throughout the coaching process may potentially result in a positive behavioral spiral that transforms the coached individual’s day-to-day activities.

Frequently asked questions

How do you coach someone with anxiety?

Here are a few tips to coach someone with anxiety:
1.Inquiring about what you can do to assist your loved one. 
2.Asking if you can join a therapy session to gain knowledge of how to support them more effectively. 
3.Making time for your interests and life to keep your energy up. 
4.Encouraging your loved one to seek treatment from a different therapist if the first doesn’t work out. 
5.By discussing it and normalizing the need for mental health care, you may help eliminate the stigma associated with it.

How does a coach help with anxiety?

It’s critical to keep in mind that showing empathy and compassion will go a long way toward making them feel heard. Encourage them to discuss how their worry is interfering with their work, and together you can come up with practical solutions to address this. Become a spokesperson for mental health. Use the mental health resources available on your campus to identify athletes who might need assistance and direct them to the proper services.


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