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15 Topics To Cover With Your Coaching Clients 

Coaching is a term that has been referred to athletes and sports over the past few years but with type passing on it has now been introduced in almost every field from business to self-improvement .

A coach is someone whom a person hires to help them excel in their field of work or in life in general. Many people have this misconception that coaching is some type of teaching or therapy however it is neither of them both.

15 Topics To Cover With Your Coaching Clients  coaching clients

Because in counseling you are dealing with a problem and in teaching, you are teaching them a new concept but in coaching, you are just polishing the skills your client already has. 

So which topics you should cover with your coaching clients that would help them in the long run. Here are 15 topics that you must cover with your coaching clients to make your sessions successful. 

In Brief : 15 Topics To Cover With Your Coaching Clients 
  • Establishing And Understanding The Coaching Relationship – The first topic you should focus on covering with your coaching client is working on how to establish a healthy relationship between the coach and the client.
  • Goal Setting – The next very important topic you should cover with your coaching clients is goal setting.
  • Values Clarification – In these times, there are a huge amount of individuals who are lost in their lives and do not have clear values in life.
  • Strengths Identification – This topic can do wonders for your client to help them build confidence in themselves and unlock their potential.
  • Acknowledging Progress And Celebrating Success – There is a variety of individuals who often fail to celebrate success and end up thinking that they haven’t achieved anything.
  • Dealing With Setbacks And Obstacles – Let’s be honest here, in order to make your coaching sessions truly successful. You will have to acknowledge that life is not always about compliments and success but you have to deal with setbacks and obstacles at certain points in life.
  • Identifying Personal Strengths And Weaknesses  – Now we already talked about how vital it is to identify your strengths and make good use of them but here we would also like to highlight the importance of identifying personal weaknesses so they can understand where they are lacking in life and how they could cope with it.
  • Exploring Past Experiences And Lessons Learned – A lot of people regret what they have done in their past and that is exactly what hinders their growth.
  • Practicing Self-Compassion And Forgiveness – This is a topic that coaches often skip but trust me your client is going to thank you for it later.
  • Cultivating A Growth Mindset – Building a growth mindset can help your clients acknowledge the little details in life and find happiness and peace within themselves.
  • Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms – We all have adapted certain coping mechanisms in life and they are really a part of a healthy lifestyle however some of us have gotten addicted to unhealthy coping mechanisms that are doing nothing but more damage.
  • Developing A Personal Action Plan – We have already talked about goal setting but let’s also throw a look at developing an action plan that will serve as a staircase for you to get to your goal.
  • Dealing With Setbacks And Plateaus – This is again a fundamental project you should cover with your coaching clients. In this topic, the main objective is how the failures and setbacks that come along your way could be turned into stepping stones to success in the future.
  • Strategic Decision Making – Decision making is a skill that will help you in every phase of your life. And that is exactly why you need to cover it with your coaching client.
  • Building Network And Resource Leveraging – This could be the most effective topic to cover with anyone who is looking for some guidance to excel in their business.

1. Establishing And Understanding the Coaching Relationship

The first topic you should focus on covering with your coaching client is working on how to establish a healthy relationship between the coach and the client. In this, you should focus on building trust between both. 

In this topic, you should also inquire about what your clients’ boundaries are and in which way they feel the most comfortable. 

Getting this topic off the list at the start of your coaching series can result in future sessions being more comfortable and productive for both the coach and the client. 

The best example for this topic is by ensuring your client that you are there to listen to whatever they have got to say.

2. Goal Setting

The next very important topic you should cover with your coaching clients is goal setting. This should cover everything about how to set goals in your personal and professional life and how to create a system to achieve those goals. 

Allow them to reflect on where they stand in their life at the moment and what are their dreams. Explain to them the importance of having goals in your life and how to break their goals into small achievable steps. 

Be vigilant while explaining this to make sure that your client does not get overwhelmed by the fear of failure. In this topic, you can cover all the way from their family and relationship goals to financial and professional milestones they want to achieve.

3. Values Clarification 

In these times, there are a huge amount of individuals who are lost in their lives and do not have clear values in life. This topic is about values clarification that can help clear their mind on what is truly important to them and what is just draining their energy. 

In this session, you can ask about what ambitions are the nearest to them and which relationships are the dearest to them. Gradually increase to questions how would they like to spend the last 10 days of their life.

4. Strengths Identification 

This topic can do wonders for your client to help them build confidence in themselves and unlock their potential. 

 Let them know that they can achieve anything they wish for and has the ability to do it. Every person has some sort of skill or talent. Help them identify it and take pride in having that strength. 

Motivate them to listen to feedback with a learning mindset and to always seek out new experiences. And lastly, make them aware of how these strengths are much greater than their weaknesses.

5. Acknowledging Progress And Celebrating Success. 

There is a variety of individuals who often fail to celebrate success and end up thinking that they haven’t achieved anything. Make your clients realize that they are doing their best and it’s vital to celebrate success whether small or big. 

Support who your client is, what their recognition is and how they are enough. Tell them how important it is to keep track of their progress to realize how far they have come and celebrate every single milestone along the way. 

You can go on with questions such as what is the importance of knowing your progress and how do they want their achievements to be celebrated.

6. Dealing with Setbacks And Obstacles. 

Let’s be honest here, in order to make your coaching sessions truly successful. You will have to acknowledge that life is not always about compliments and success but you have to deal with setbacks and obstacles at certain points in life. 

These setbacks and obstacles can either be a part of their professional or personal life. You need to help them understand that even though their feelings are completely valid they can’t see it as the end and they need to stand up again. 

Try asking questions such as what will you do if you lose five years of work? Or how would save a relationship that is on the verge of breaking down?

7. Identifying Personal Strengths And Weaknesses 

Now we already talked about how vital it is to identify your strengths and make good use of them but here we would also like to highlight the importance of identifying personal weaknesses so they can understand where they are lacking in life and how they could cope with it. 

To help identify strengths you can go on with questions such as what are they better at than the others and what pathway should they continue to follow. 

And for weaknesses, you can ask what they would like to see themselves doing better in?

8. Exploring past experiences and lessons learned

A lot of people regret what they have done in their past and that is exactly what hinders their growth. Let your client know that the experiences they have had in the past could be remembered in a better way. Motivate them to think of what lessons they have learned from their past self and how they can implement it in future. 

Help them in reflecting and replaying their youth and get over the regret.

9. Practicing self-compassion and forgiveness

This is a topic that coaches often skip but trust me your client is going to thank you for it later. Self-love and compassion are often considered luxuries that people should not primarily focus on but these two phenomenons are necessities in leading a peaceful life. 

Help them understand that humans make mistakes and you can always forgive yourself to excel. You could have them write about how they would treat a best friend or a lover and how they could do the same for themselves.

10. Cultivating a growth mindset

Building a growth mindset can help your clients acknowledge the little details in life and find happiness and peace within themselves. 

In this topic, you need to cover all the details that can help them build a growth mindset such as saying hi to new challenges and knowing that they have the ability to overcome any difficulty that might come along their way. 

 Examples of questions to ask could be how would they nurture themselves? What makes them grow?

11. Developing healthy coping mechanisms

We all have adapted certain coping mechanisms in life and they are really a part of a healthy lifestyle however some of us have gotten addicted to unhealthy coping mechanisms that are doing nothing but more damage. 

Coping mechanisms are the acts that could help you fight stress and anxiety and motivate you to get up and try again. 

You can try introducing them to more mindful coping mechanisms such as planting or meditating or simply go along with questions such as. What certain acts help them feel better?

12. Developing a personal action plan

We have already talked about goal setting but let’s also throw a look at developing an action plan that will serve as a staircase for you to get to your goal. 

Ask your clients how they plan to achieve a certain objective in their personal or professional life. And what daily actions can help them get closer to their goals. 

This topic could help them clear the path they have ahead of them. You can ask questions like how does their ideal morning look and how they would like to end their day?

13. Dealing with setbacks and plateaus

This is again a fundamental project you should cover with your coaching clients. In this topic, the main objective is how the failures and setbacks that come along your way could be turned into stepping stones to success in the future. 

14.Strategic Decision Making

Decision making is a skill that will help you in every phase of your life. And that is exactly why you need to cover it with your coaching client. 

Highlight the importance of strategic decision making and how they can get better at it. In this topic, you can go out with impulsive questions such as if you had a choice between your business and family, who would you choose?

15. Building network and resource leveraging

This could be the most effective topic to cover with anyone who is looking for some guidance to excel in their business. You can motivate them to make use of tools that could help their word out and also network themselves with like-minded people. 

The questions you can ask are: 

How would you like yourself to be perceived among your clients? And more.

What are Some Good Coaching Questions?

Some good coaching questions are:

  • How would you like to feel when this session is ending? 
  • Where are you lacking in life right now? 
  • What is one thing you want to change about yourself currently? 
  • What boundaries do you want me to respect? 
  • What is one thing that is stressing you out at the moment? 
  • How would you describe your true happy self?


These were some topics that could help your client be satisfied with your coaching. We hope this helps you In providing value to your clients. Thanks for reading! 


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