Exclusive Invitation


I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with some of the top holistic coaches who are making a difference in the lives of their clients.

These coaches use a variety of methods, from mindfulness and sound healing to nutritional guidance and hypnotherapy, to help individuals align with their true potential.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top holistic coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps.

In Brief : The Top Holistic Coaches
  • Stephanie Weber – Stephanie Weber is a holistic coach, mindful meditation facilitator, and sound healer. Through her sound baths and mentorship, she is committed to helping her clients explore their inner depths and uncover their true potential.
  • Fanny Walter – Fanny is flow booster. She helps to develop the flow through conferences, workshops, coaching, Iyengar yoga classes, books and cards, seminars by walking or on sailing boats, and also online.
  • Penny Adamopoulos – Penny Adamopoulos is journalist, writer and independent producer with over 25 years experience in researching, developing and producing stories for TV and Film.
  • Kristen Marsh – Kristen Marsh is a certified hypnotherapist, nutrition specialist, and yoga teacher who will assist you in charting a course towards your best personal health.
  • Dr. Lana – As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I try to live each day incorporating the same healthy lifestyle that I suggest to my patients. My goal is to help you be your best self, feeling great and looking your best with energy to spare and approaching life with a positive mindset.
  • Dez Stephens – Dez Stephens is the Founder + CEO of Radiant Coaches Academy (a division of Radiant Health Institute) – a prominent international coach training school that certifies individuals to create vibrant.
  • Rachna Chhachhi – In 2008, I had healed myself from rheumatoid arthritis and was seeking to help others. For 12 years, I strived to heal patients across 27 countries.
  • Andrea Nakayama – Andrea Nakayama is the founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance and guest expert in Master Your Stress. Andrea Nakayama is a renowned Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP) and the founder of The Functional Nutrition Alliance.
  • Pankaj – Not only I believe but backed up by data that the highest number of deaths and preventable diseases are due to food and life style habits. Relationships, Exercise.
  • Andreea Radu – A humble thank you for entering my world.I am here to serve you as a Guide towards a place we all humans crave for: INNOCENCE.
  • Louise Anne Maurice – You create byline for each coach If you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question “what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career.
  • Beth Lewis – I am a certified Life Coach, Food & Nutrition Coach, Mentor, Speaker and NLP Practitioner who is fiercely passionate about supporting and mentoring women! WHY, you ask?
  • Richard Sartain – A quote that resonates deeply within me is “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi.

Stephanie Weber

Stephanie Weber is a holistic coach, mindful meditation facilitator, and sound healer. Through her sound baths and mentorship, she is committed to helping her clients explore their inner depths and uncover their true potential. She believes that every woman has a unique purpose and gifts to offer the world and that by aligning with their soul’s calling, they can create a life of joy, fulfillment, and abundance.
She is also the host of The Blissful Soul Podcast, which is dedicated to helping women reconnect with their inner wisdom, overcome limiting beliefs, and follow their soul’s bliss!

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?

As a holistic coach, sound healer, and mentor, I empower women to connect with their inner wisdom and find peace, balance, and alignment in all aspects of their lives. Through my work, I strive to create a safe and sacred space for my clients to tune inwards and reconnect with their most authentic selves – to follow their soul’s bliss!
My approach is unique and tailored to each of my client’s specific needs. I combine my training and experience in coaching, sound healing, mindfulness, and energy work to provide a holistic approach to healing and personal development. One of the key aspects of my coaching is that I focus on the whole person, not just one single issue or problem. Everything in our lives is related, and I believe that true healing and growth come from addressing all aspects of a person’s well-being, including their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

What according to you has been the single most important thing that has contributed to your success as a coach?

While it’s hard to pinpoint just one single thing that has helped me become a successful coach, I believe that my commitment to my education and learning has been a huge factor in my ability to serve my clients and guests.
I regularly attend workshops and trainings to deepen my knowledge as a coach and healer. I have invested in coaches to help support me as I’ve built my business and stepped into my role as a leader. I also focus on prioritizing my own personal growth and development, which allows me to better understand and support my clients on their journeys!

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Fanny Walter

Fanny is flow booster. She helps to develop the flow through conferences, workshops, coaching, Iyengar yoga classes, books and cards, seminars by walking or on sailing boats, and also online. She works with anybody who is willing to change himself, which will have an impact to transform the world in which we would like to live : entrepreneurs, CEO, managers, executive committees, independents, professional sportsmen, artists, politicians, big companies as well as small companies.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?

Fanny has an holistic and systemic approach. She is attentive on the energies and all details, which shows synchronicities. Then you are in the flow, this moment of grace when you are so focused in your passion or discussion that you loose the contact with the space around you and how many time is going on. You can live it with any people you interact with, this is collective flow. Fanny will help you to identify your blockings and move again in the current of life. Then everything become possible.

What according to you has been the single most important thing that has contributed to your success as a coach?

Fanny had strong awareness during her 5 years in India. Now, she believes that what you see in the world is a reflexion of your inner world. So if you dare to change something inside yourself, there is always a solution. Luck is the ability to catch opportunities, aligned with your objectives and intentions, and to follow your intuition. More you take decisions with love, rather than fear, more you will feel the flow. And finally when you act, ask yourself if you can act in the same time for other projects or people, to use collective intelligence and improve impacts.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Penny Adamopoulos

Penny Adamopoulos is journalist, writer and independent producer with over 25 years experience in researching, developing and producing stories for TV and Film. Enthusiastic aspiring professional, creative soul, born leader- love storytelling and believes knowledge is healing power. As well as her professional background, Penny is also a Fellow of the The Complimentary Medical Association in the UK, specializing in holistic coaching through storytelling.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Her unusual and rather rare combination of expertise all applied in her spiritual practice.

What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?

Most people create their lives unconsciously or semi-consciously, on autopilot. Having said that, I support leaders as individuals or as a group to develop “Oneness” in 6month program. My Coaching is based on Quantum healing principles combined with ancient esoteric intelligence that, instead of reacting to events, to creating a conscious direction and become aware of their connection to everything within and without as a Whole. This helps them enhance their own ability to self-heal and then to create a balanced satisfying life, re-writing their story.

What according to you has been the single most important thing that has contributed to your success as a coach?

The single most important thing in my coaching practice is reaching for the truth as it unfolds before you. As a journalist, I always researched the truth and applied the method of Socrates’ obstetrics in order to find out the truth. After waking up and walking on the path of self-knowledge, I realized that I was being trained by my higher self in order to offer the holistic approach to life in the world. Having said that, I have added to my holistic coaching the following: Pranic Healing in the Inner Studies in U.S.A., Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology in the International Therapy Examination Council, and Spiritual Coaching and Meditation Teaching in the Centre of Excellence, in CPD and CMA in UK.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Kristen Marsh

Kristen Marsh is a certified hypnotherapist, nutrition specialist, and yoga teacher who will assist you in charting a course towards your best personal health
She became a student of holistic nutrition more than fifteen years ago and her studies resulted in substantial improvements in her own health as well as the health of her family members and close friends.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Kristen began noticing that while many of her early coaching clients were successfully meeting their goals, other clients with issues around excess body weight and general health were not. This was most often due to limiting beliefs, poor stress management, emotional eating or food addiction.
In order to better support these clients, she became certified in hypnotherapy. This technique has proven to be a beneficial and practical tool for creating the shifts her clients desire.

Dr. Lana

As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I try to live each day incorporating the same healthy lifestyle that I suggest to my patients. My goal is to help you be your best self, feeling great and looking your best with energy to spare and approaching life with a positive mindset.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Healthy nutrition and organic ingredients, along with exercise and quality supplementation are crucial to feeling optimal. Additionally, a healthy work-life balance, adequate “Me Time” and fulfilling relationships with family and friends are all priorities that I also encourage my patients to incorporate into their daily routines. Working as your partner in health, we will uncover the root causes of your current conditions or illnesses and work together to eliminate any obstacles that may hinder your journey towards being your best self.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Dez Stephens

Dez Stephens is the Founder + CEO of Radiant Coaches Academy (a division of Radiant Health Institute) – a prominent international coach training school that certifies individuals to create vibrant, professional, private practices as holistic life coaches, wellness coaches and business coaches. She is a certified + credentialed coach, master trainer and marketing strategist.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Rachna Chhachhi

In 2008, I had healed myself from rheumatoid arthritis and was seeking to help others. For 12 years, I strived to heal patients across 27 countries. But at a one-on-one level, despite taking on more cases, conducting workshops, being a speaker at public forums, I was reaching out to very few people and there were too many more out there who were suffering.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

So I developed the Holistic Health Coach Certification Program to empower others and build our own Healer Network with our certified coaches, to heal those suffering. The content here is a combination of what I studied in holistic nutrition and my own practice and learnings from treating patients across the world. This content will not be found in any textbooks of any university teaching holistic nutrition, disease reversal without medication or any other kind of treatment to reduce suffering of patients and increase their quality of life and lifespan.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Andrea Nakayama

Andrea Nakayama is the founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance and guest expert in Master Your Stress. Andrea Nakayama is a renowned Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP) and the founder of The Functional Nutrition Alliance.
Andrea is an internationally known Functional Medicine Nutritionist, educator, and speaker who is leading a movement to transform the health industry into a system that works.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

She’s a Certified Nutrition Educator (CNE), Certified Nutrition Counselor (CNC), Certified Holistic Health Coach (CHHC) and provides her expertise on stress and its impacts on your body in this course.
Andrea currently resides in Portland, OR.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach


My Coaching Approach In Deatils : (concealed information)
My Weight Loss Concepts: (concealed information)
Traditional doctors/physician/nutritionist contribute to healthy living but they don’t necessarily have the time or resources to help their patients build healthy habits and change their life style habits on a day to day basis.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Not only I believe but backed up by data that the highest number of deaths and preventable diseases are due to food and life style habits. Relationships, Exercise, career and spirituality, these factors are as important as what you eat. These are the invisible food we eat every day that are critical for healthy living and yet the current system fail to address them. As a Health Coach I consider all areas of an individual’s life and address a wide areas of wellness factors. As a wellness mentor, I help find the food, relationships, fitness routine and life style that make them feel their best.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Andreea Radu

A humble thank you for entering my world.I am here to serve you as a Guide towards a place we all humans crave for: INNOCENCE.
Our journey together requires your commitment to the work, unconditional love towards yourself and DISCIPLINE.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Louise Anne Maurice

If you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question “what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up”? My response is always “ALL OF IT” because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training Specialist today.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Beth Lewis

I am a certified Life Coach, Food & Nutrition Coach, Mentor, Speaker and NLP Practitioner who is fiercely passionate about supporting and mentoring women!
WHY, you ask?
Throughout my teens and twenties, I faced many challenges that affected my mental, physical and emotional health and there were countless times that I felt NOBODY could help me!

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Anxiety, depression, chronic pain, chronic insomnia, severe digestive issues, chronic fatigue and endometriosis were among the list of “issues” I was facing. Visiting Doctor after Doctor, (spending over $11,000 in 12mths at one point!) with very little improvement in any area led me down a rabbit hole of too many pain killers, other medications to “help the symptoms,” bad lifestyle choices (self medicating, excess drinking and emotional eating) attracting toxic relationships and severe anxiety & depression about my situation.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

Richard Sartain

A quote that resonates deeply within me is “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi. I believe that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are all here to support ourselves and each-other in growing to our highest potential. I experience daily gratitude for the opportunity to be of service to others, in alignment with my higher purpose, in fulfilling the duties of my role as Vice President of Holistic Coach Training Institute.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach

I embrace a holistic approach to living and have experienced the benefits of doing so in my personal growth and healing journey. Mental and physical health challenges, including depression, anxiety, and obesity have impacted generations of my family members including myself. The holistic approach of taking action that supports the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels has been a powerful framework that has empowered me to create a sustainable sense of well-being. Using the holistic approach, I have intentionally designed my daily routine, in my personal and professional life, to support my well-being and have been experiencing the benefits daily ever since.
We founded the Holistic Coach Training Institute to support other Holistic Coaches in growing personally and professionally so that they can “be the change they wish to see in the world” as they serve others by empowering them to do so as well.

If you have goals that you want to reach or challenges that you want to work on overcoming then Bev and I are also available for personal and professional coaching.

The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach
The Top Holistic Coaches holistic coach


The holistic coaches featured in this article provide a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you achieve balance and harmony in your life.

By addressing all aspects of well-being, they offer a comprehensive approach to personal growth and healing.

Their unique methods and philosophies can inspire you to take meaningful steps towards a more holistic and fulfilling life.

Our highest-rated course lays the necessary foundations for this for you. This is a paid course but you can register for FREE for a limited time here.

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top holistic coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps.


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