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The Top Agile Coaches

In this article, I explored the unique approaches of some of the top agile coaches who are making a significant impact in their fields. These coaches work with organizations and individuals to improve processes, implement change management frameworks, and develop tailored solutions for growth and success.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

They shared their insights on what makes their coaching different and the key factors that have contributed to their success. From uncovering process gaps and fostering empathy within teams to leveraging governance as a tool for efficiency, each coach brings a distinct perspective and expertise to their practice.

Their passion, perseverance, and commitment to continuous improvement are evident in the way they drive positive change and help their clients achieve their goals.

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top Agile coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps

In Brief : The Top Agile Coaches
  • Jim Apodaca – Jim Apodaca, President and Founder of Apodaca Consulting, leads a top solutions firm specializing in strategic development and execution, with a focus on Change Management.
  • Alfredo E. Flores Jr. – A Lean Black Belt and Enterprise Agile Coach, brings world-class training facilitation and a wealth of experience as an Agile practitioner to his coaching practice.
  • Nicola Bennett – A seasoned Business, Personal, and Agile Coach with 24 years of experience in the Financial Services sector, offers tailored coaching to help individuals and teams overcome obstacles and achieve lasting change.
  • Kristen Swearingen – Leveraging over two decades of experience as a developer, leader, and executive, provides thought leadership and coaching to craft innovative solutions using a variety of technologies.
  • Toby Sinclair – Agile Coach began with a realization about the distinction between coaching and mentoring, sparking his pursuit of professional coaching.
  • Sameera Baba – An ambitious entrepreneur, has dedicated her career to empowering youth development, leadership skills, and self-improvement through extensive training projects.

Alfredo E. Flores Jr.

Alfredo E. Flores Jr Lean Black Belt And Enterprise Agile Coach Philippine World-class training facilitator, Passionate and Experience Agile Practitioner, Trainer Coach, Author of Lean Agile Training Program.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

Jim Apodaca

Jim Apodaca is the President and Founder of Apodaca Consulting. A leading solutions provider specializing in strategic development and strategy execution. Our focus is on Change Management, and the importance of understanding how organizations must adapt when implementing change management frameworks like OKRs and Scrum. We work with leadership teams to conduct a comprehensive analysis of organizational processes, uncovering gaps and developing tailored solutions in the areas of strategic development, strategy execution, and product delivery.  

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

 What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?

When I work with leadership teams I help them do more than implement OKRs and Scrum, I help leaders understand where there are process gaps within the organization, and bring to light the impact those gaps have on organizational growth and product delivery. I help organizations uncover obstacles that limit their growth, and develop solutions to overcome those obstacles. Most organizations don’t have someone looking out for the pain points that I uncover, and with over 20 years of industry experience in operations, program management and product development, I’ve come to develop a broad view of organizational development and product delivery.

What according to you has been the most critical thing that has contributed to your success as a coach? 

Passion and perseverance have been the two biggest things that have contributed to my success. As a coach, you want to see your client succeed, you want to be able to look back on an engagement and know that you left your team in a better place. This comes from a passion for the work that I do. I’m also a man of faith, and I believe that we are all put on this earth for a reason, to live our best life based on the gifts and talent that we have been blessed with. My talents just so happen to be OKRs and Scrum. 

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

Kristen Swearingen

Kristen lives to improve, both herself and others. Leveraging over two decades of experience as a developer, leader, and executive, Kristen provides thought leadership and coaching to craft innovative approaches and develop creative solutions using a variety of technologies.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

With experience working up, down, and across organizations and industries, and a deep love of continuous learning, she strives to drive success with an eye towards best practices and relevance, while demystifying governance and security. She is currently developing guidance and tooling to automate the collection of technical information in furtherance of quantifying opportunities for improvement.

What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?

I pride myself on bridging the gaps between technology and strategy in the context of the individuals, be they digital natives, digital immigrants, or digital refugees. Each team, member, and challenge are unique, and I strive to understand the perspective, history, and strengths to help organizational levels find respect and empathy for each other. Those interpersonal relationships are the foundation upon which collaboration becomes possible.

What according to you has been the single most important thing that has contributed to your success as a coach?

The single most important thing is an original approach to creating a meaningful partnership of GRC with agility. Using governance and frameworks as a feature of efficiency –instead of an impediment –and as tools to break down siloes is a differentiator that enables organizational maturity long after an engagement concludes.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

Toby Sinclair

In 2016 I started working as an Agile Coach. I knew a lot about agile but wondered what this “coaching” aspect of my title meant. I came to a big realisation. What I thought was coaching was really mentoring. This started my journey to become a professional coach. I completed training with Barefoot Coaching and this opened my eyes to the many facets of unlocking high performance.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach

Sameera Baba

Sameera is an ambitious entrepreneur who has developed her career in training, especially in projects aiming towards empowering the youth development, leadership skills and self-development; she has managed major projects on national and regional level in the last 7 years with targeted number of beneficiaries exceeding 9000 trainees and 1000 training days in total.

The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach
The Top Agile Coaches Agile coach


The experiences and approaches shared by these top agile coaches highlight the importance of personalized and strategic coaching in achieving organizational success.

By focusing on tailored solutions, process improvements, and fostering collaborative environments, these coaches are helping their clients navigate the complexities of change and growth.

Their dedication to their craft and their clients’ success is a testament to the transformative power of agile coaching.

Our highest-rated course lays the necessary foundations for this for you. This is a paid course but you can register for FREE for a limited time here.

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top Agile coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps.


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