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The Social Support Satisfaction model 

The Social Support Satisfaction Model is a theoretical framework that helps explain how individuals perceive and respond to social support. It suggests that social support needs, social support resources, and social support outcomes are the three key components that influence an individual’s satisfaction with the support they receive. 

The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model

The model suggests that the types of support individuals require may vary depending on the situation, and the resources available to them can come from a variety of sources. The perception of the adequacy and effectiveness of the support received can impact future expectations.

In this blog, we’ll explore:

1. What is the Social Support Satisfaction Model

2. Fundamentals of Social Support Satisfaction Model

3. Components of the Social Support Satisfaction Model

4. Working of the Social Support Satisfaction Model

5. Pros and cons of Social Support Satisfaction Model

So, let’s get started!

Fundamentals of Social Support Satisfaction Model 

The Social Support Satisfaction Model is a theoretical framework that seeks to explain the impact of social support on an individual’s well-being. 

This model includes several fundamental components that are essential to understanding social support:

  1. The concept of social support needs refers to the types of support that individuals require in different situations. These needs can vary based on the nature of the stressor, the individual’s personality, and their current social context.
  1. The concept of social support resources refers to the sources of support that individuals can access to meet their social support needs. These resources may include family, friends, colleagues, or formal support systems such as counseling or therapy.
  1. The concept of social support outcomes refers to an individual’s perception of the adequacy and effectiveness of the support they receive in meeting their social support needs. This perception can influence their overall level of satisfaction with their social support as well as their future expectations and behaviors related to seeking and receiving social support.
  1. The concept of moderating factors can impact the relationship between social support needs, resources, and outcomes. These factors may include cultural and societal norms, the personal characteristics of the individual seeking support, and the nature and timing of the stressor.
  1. The concept of social support processes refers to the communication and interaction patterns between individuals seeking and providing support. These processes can influence the effectiveness and usefulness of the support received.

Check out this video to learn more about the fundamentals of Social Support

Components of the model

The Social Support Satisfaction Model was developed by Sheldon Cohen and colleagues in their 1985 paper titled “Social Support, Stress, and the Buffering Hypothesis.” The Social Support Satisfaction Model is a theoretical framework that explains how individuals perceive and respond to social support. It consists of three main components:

Social support needs

The first component of the model is social support needs, which refer to the types of support that individuals require in different situations. These needs may vary depending on the nature of the stressor, the individual’s personality, and their current social context.

Social support resources

The second component of the model is social support resources, which refer to the available sources of support that individuals can access to meet their social support needs. These resources may include family, friends, colleagues, or formal support systems such as counseling or therapy.

Social support outcomes

It refers to the individual’s perception of the adequacy and effectiveness of the support they receive in meeting their social support needs. This perception can influence their overall level of satisfaction with their social support as well as their future expectations and behaviors related to seeking and receiving social support.

How does the Social Support Satisfaction model work

The social support satisfaction model comprises several fundamental components, including social support needs, resources, outcomes, moderating factors, and processes.

For example, an individual experiencing a stressful life event, such as a serious illness, may have a strong need for emotional support from family and friends. This need may be fulfilled through social support resources, such as close family members and friends who provide emotional support, or through a support group of individuals facing similar challenges.

The effectiveness of these social support resources can impact the individual’s perception of the quality and usefulness of the support received, influencing their satisfaction with their social support. The person might feel dissatisfied with their social support if their family and friends’ emotional support is insufficient or not perceived as helpful.

Moderating factors, such as cultural norms or personal characteristics, can also impact the relationship between social support needs, resources, and outcomes. For example, an individual from a collectivistic culture may have different social support needs and resources than someone from an individualistic culture.

Social support processes, such as the communication and interaction patterns between those seeking and providing support, can also have an impact on the quality and effectiveness of social support. If the communication between an individual seeking support and their support provider is ineffective or misinterpreted, the support provided may not meet their needs.

Pros and Cons of the Social Support Satisfaction Model

Pros of the Social Support Satisfaction Model:

  1. Provides a theoretical framework for understanding the impact of social support on an individual’s well-being.
  2. Helps individuals and professionals understand the complex nature of social support and the factors that influence its effectiveness.
  3. Emphasizes the importance of individual differences and contextual factors in understanding social support needs and outcomes.
  4. Encourages the development of effective social support interventions that are tailored to an individual’s unique needs and circumstances.
  5. Has been widely researched and validated across a range of populations and settings.

Cons of the Social Support Satisfaction Model:

  1. Can be complex and difficult to apply in practice, as it involves multiple components that can interact in complex ways.
  2. May not fully capture the diversity of social support experiences and preferences of individuals from different cultural backgrounds.
  3. Does not account for the impact of external factors, such as structural inequalities, on an individual’s access to social support.
  4. Assumes that social support is always beneficial, whereas some types of support may have negative effects on an individual’s well-being.
  5. May not fully account for the dynamic and changing nature of social support over time.


The social support satisfaction model emphasizes the importance of individual differences and contextual factors in social support experiences. This model helps professionals develop effective interventions that meet the unique needs and circumstances of individuals seeking support. 

The model also highlights the importance of social support processes, such as effective communication and interaction patterns, in promoting positive outcomes. While the model has limitations and may be difficult to apply in practice, it remains a valuable tool for promoting social support and enhancing the well-being of individuals in various contexts.

Please share your thoughts in the comments section so we can have more meaningful conversations and a better understanding of the topic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can coaches use a social support satisfaction model?

Yes, coaches can use the social support satisfaction model to identify the social support needs of their clients, develop strategies to address them, and enhance their communication skills. This model helps coaches understand the impact of social support on their clients’ well-being and develop effective social support interventions that meet their unique needs and circumstances. 

Why is social support important?

It is important for the following reasons:

1. Social support can enhance an individual’s physical and mental health by reducing stress and promoting positive emotions.
2. It can provide practical and emotional assistance during difficult life events, such as illness or loss.
3. Social support can increase an individual’s resilience and coping skills in the face of stressors.
4. It can promote a sense of belonging and social connectedness, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.
5. Social support can also enhance an individual’s self-esteem and self-worth, improving the overall quality of life.

The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model


I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.

The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model
The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model
The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model
The Social Support Satisfaction model  Support Satisfaction model
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