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The Social Support Amplification Model

If you’re a coach, you know that running your own business can be challenging. There are so many things to consider, from marketing and sales to financial management and client relationships. It’s essential to have a support system in place to help you navigate these challenges successfully.

The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model

The Social Support Amplification Model (SSAM) is a valuable framework that can help you create a strong support system and enhance your coaching practice.

Dr. David Dooley and Dr. Blair T. Johnson created the SSAM as a theoretical framework in the late 1990s. The model is based on the idea that social support can enhance an individual’s ability to cope with stress, improve their health, and increase their overall sense of well-being. The SSAM emphasizes the importance of providing social support that is tailored to the individual’s needs, preferences, and goals.

Fundamentals of Social Support Amplification Model

The Social Support Amplification Model is based on five fundamental principles:

1. Appraisal

This principle emphasizes the importance of understanding an individual’s needs, preferences, and goals. By assessing the individual’s unique situation, you can provide social support that is tailored to their needs.

2. Matching

This principle focuses on matching the type of support provided to the individual’s needs. There are four types of support: emotional, informational, tangible, and companionship. 

Emotional support includes expressions of empathy, concern, and reassurance. Informational support includes providing advice, suggestions, and feedback. 

Tangible support includes practical assistance such as financial support or help with household tasks. Companionship support involves providing social contact and the opportunity to participate in enjoyable activities.

3. Leveling

This principle emphasizes the importance of providing support that is appropriate to the individual’s needs. Providing too much or too little support can be counterproductive. 

The SSAM emphasizes the importance of providing the appropriate level of support that enhances the individual’s ability to cope with stress.

4. Delivery

This principle focuses on how support is provided. The SSAM suggests that support can be provided through a variety of channels, including face-to-face communication, phone calls, emails, and social media.

It’s essential to provide support through the channel that is most comfortable and convenient for the individual.

5. Social Networks

This principle emphasizes the importance of social networks in providing social support. Social networks can provide emotional, informational, and tangible support, as well as companionship support. 

The SSAM suggests that coaches can help individuals enhance their social networks by encouraging them to participate in social activities and connecting them with other individuals who share similar interests and goals.

How does the Social Support Satisfaction Model Work?

The social support satisfaction model is based on the idea that social support can enhance an individual’s satisfaction with their social support network. 

The model suggests that individuals are more satisfied with social support that is tailored to their needs and preferences, provided at the appropriate level, and delivered through a channel that is comfortable and convenient for them.

The SSAM suggests that social support can enhance an individual’s satisfaction with their support network by improving their coping skills, increasing their sense of control, and enhancing their overall sense of well-being. 

Social support can also improve an individual’s relationships with others and increase their sense of connectedness to their community.

Pros and Cons of Social Support Amplification Model

The Social Support Amplification Model has several advantages for coaches and individuals looking to enhance their social support network:

1. Tailored to individual needs

The SSAM emphasizes the importance of tailoring social support to the individual’s unique needs, preferences, and goals. This can lead to more effective support and higher levels of satisfaction.

2. Provides a framework for social support

The SSAM provides a clear framework for providing social support, making it easier for coaches and individuals to understand the different types of support available and how to provide it effectively.

3. Enhances coping skills

The SSAM suggests that social support can enhance an individual’s coping skills, making it easier for them to manage stress and navigate challenging situations.

4. Increases sense of control

Social support can also increase an individual’s sense of control over their life, which can lead to higher levels of self-esteem and overall well-being.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages to using the Social Support Amplification Model:

1. Can be time-consuming

Providing tailored social support can be time-consuming, especially for coaches who have many clients. It’s essential to find a balance between providing effective support and managing time effectively.

2. Requires knowledge and expertise

Providing effective social support requires knowledge and expertise in the different types of support available and how to deliver them effectively. Coaches may need to invest time and resources in developing these skills.

3. May not work for everyone

The SSAM may not be effective for everyone, as individuals may have different needs and preferences when it comes to social support.

Overall, the Social Support Amplification Model is a valuable framework that can help coaches and individuals enhance their social support networks.

By understanding the fundamental principles of the SSAM and how it works, coaches can provide more effective support and help their clients achieve their goals.

This video provides an overview of the Social Support Amplification Model and how it can be used to enhance social support.

Can coaches use the Social Support Amplification model?

Yes, coaches can use the Social Support Amplification Model to help their clients enhance their social support network. 

By understanding the fundamental principles of the SSAM and how it works, coaches can provide more effective support and help their clients achieve their goals.

Coaches can use the SSAM to appraise their clients’ unique situations and tailor social support to their needs, preferences, and goals. 

What is the importance of the Social Support Amplification model?

The Social Support Amplification Model is essential because social support is a crucial factor in an individual’s health and well-being. 

Social support can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and physical health outcomes, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, enhancing coping skills, and increasing the overall quality of life.

The SSAM provides a valuable framework for understanding how social support works and how it can be enhanced. 

By using the SSAM, coaches and individuals can tailor social support to their unique needs and preferences, providing support at the appropriate level and through a channel that is comfortable and convenient for the individual.


The Social Support Amplification Model is a valuable tool for coaches and individuals who seek to enhance their social support network, increase their coping skills, and improve their overall well-being. 

By understanding the fundamental principles of the SSAM and how it works, coaches can provide more effective support and help their clients achieve their goals.

While there are some potential disadvantages to using the SSAM, including the time and knowledge required to provide effective support, the benefits of social support far outweigh the costs. 

Social support can enhance an individual’s coping skills, increase their sense of control over their lives, and improve their overall sense of well-being.

It’s essential for coaches to receive proper training and education on the SSAM to use it effectively with their clients. 

Coaches can benefit from attending training programs or courses that focus on social support theory and practice, as well as seeking guidance from experts in the field.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can individuals make the most of the Social Support Amplification Model?

To maximize the benefits of the SSAM, individuals can take proactive steps. This includes actively seeking out online communities or support groups relevant to their needs, engaging in meaningful interactions, offering support to others, and nurturing both virtual and in-person connections to maintain a well-rounded support system.

2. What is the role of professionals in implementing the Social Support Amplification Model?

Professionals play a crucial role in implementing the Social Support Amplification Model. They can incorporate technology-based interventions into their practices, such as online support groups or telehealth services, to amplify social support for their clients. 

Professionals can also provide guidance and education on the effective use of technology for social support, addressing concerns, promoting digital literacy, and helping individuals navigate online.

3. Can the Social Support Amplification Model be applied in different contexts?

The SSAM is applicable in various contexts, such as health, mental health, caregiving, education, and crisis situations. While the underlying principles of the model remain consistent, the specific platforms and interventions may vary depending on the context and target population.

The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model


I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.

The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model
The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model
The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model
The Social Support Amplification Model Social Support Amplification Model
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