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How To Build A Life Coaching Contract

Being a skilled life coach includes having a solid understanding of service contracts. In a service contract, expectations are set by both sides, and the client can get the information they require before proceeding.

Here are some pointers for individuals who are just starting to draft life coaching contracts. Much time and hassle can be saved if you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

How To Build A Life Coaching Contract Build A Life Coaching Contract

What is a life coaching contract?

A life coaching contract is a formal written agreement that outlines the conditions of your coaching partnership and your collaborative work with your client. It is what formally establishes your coaching connection!

This covers the obvious details, such as the length of your connection, your coaching costs, payment schedule, job description, etc. But a solid life coaching contract also has a tonne of other details that describe working with you and what your client can anticipate along the road, particularly when things don’t go as expected.

Reasons to invest time in contracting

It is simpler to comprehend the procedures, goals, and strategy for the coaching for which you are being compensated if the contract is well-written. This makes it clearer what each party will be responsible for.

Having a contract has the following benefits:

Establishes the parameters

This is crucial so that both parties are aware of their responsibilities. To ensure a seamless process and limit legal obligations, you should make sure that everyone engaged is aware of their roles.

Provides security and legal protection

Everyone can unwind now that the rules are clear and they are all aware of what is expected of them. Additionally, if a client is dissatisfied, a contract will provide you with legal protection

Covers you when working with foreign clients –

A contract can be a key component of the starting process when working with foreign clients, ensuring that you avoid any complicated legal circumstances later on.

No Conflicts: 

Contracting leads to less contention and a more amicable working environment, which lessens the possibility of conflict. If you are aware of how someone thinks, what they value, and what they hate, you may comprehend why they might act differently from how you would.

Coaching Contract Layout

The following issue might be what should be in a coaching contract. Here are some things to think about:

1. Introduction

The introduction should give a clear notion of what the remainder of the contract entails and set the stage for the remainder of the contract. You should make it a point to explain the reason for the client’s visits as well as the objectives you hope to accomplish with them right away.

The purpose of the client’s hiring should also be made clear in the introduction. It should outline the project’s scope, as agreed upon by the stakeholders. Additionally, it ought to specify what the customer expects from the partnership and what they are expected to perform under the terms of the contract.

2. Disclaimer

No matter what you promise, life coaching is a field that strongly depends on the client doing half of the work to attain the result. Therefore, disclaimers are crucial to include in your contracts if you work in the health and wellness industry and are a life coach. If you are sued, they can offer you a defense. 

The specific hazards that may affect your client during your coaching partnership are detailed in a good disclaimer. Be specific about these dangers and include them in your contract so that your client is made aware of them right away.

3. Payment

You should not waste your time looking for missed payments; there are more important things to accomplish. By being clear about your fees and their due dates in your contract, you can both let your clients know when they have to pay and yourself know when to anticipate the money arriving in your account.

To prevent confusion, make your payment section as explicit as you can. The following information should be included:

  • What is owed.
  • what the fee is for.
  • The arrangement of the payment.
  • The due date for payments.

4. Refund policy

You can come across a client who demands their money back. It’s crucial to already have a return policy in place for when this occurs. Include information about your return policies, including when and how they apply. You can avoid offering refunds to clients you have previously completed work for by having a refund policy.

5. Rescheduling policy

Here, you should go through the details of how and by whom sessions are scheduled, how much notice is required for cancellations and rescheduling, and any additional scheduling rules you may have.

6. Client Responsibility

Life coaching contracts ought to be unambiguous. The coaching contract should also specify the expectations for each party and their particular obligations.

The client’s responsibilities must be mentioned in the client responsibility clause. It must make the client aware of the amount of effort required if they are to see benefits.

7. Confidentiality

Life coaching has a very private and intimate aspect. Your client must therefore be assured that you will do everything in your power to keep whatever personal information and information they give to you private. 

This too has two sides. They must comprehend that your coaching techniques and methods, which lie under your purview of services and are not made public, must be kept private and must not be disclosed to anybody else.

8. Termination

What happens if your client changes their mind or if unavoidable circumstances force them to stop working as a coach?

The first thing to make clear is the point at which the coaching connection is deemed to have ended. Once you have given all of the scheduled sessions, your work is typically finished. Additionally, you might wish to provide conditions for ending the contract if your client misses a certain number of sessions or violates other crucial criteria.

9. Resource: Life Coaching Contract Template

Here are a few resources for coaching contracts. You may be sure that these are solid samples because they have been reviewed by both proofreaders and legal professionals. When drafting a contract with a potential client, you may decide to use these samples to help you save time.

Use the templates below if you want an agreement that is ready to use and only needs a few specifics updated.

1. Coaching Contract Template from SignWell

2. Coaching Agreement Template from Signaturely


Even though coaching is a helping profession, contracts allow for clear expectations and limitations. Both the coach and the client are protected by contracts. Legal protection stops issues from developing and upsetting the coaching industry. Professionalism sets the bar not only for the coach’s business but also for the profession as a whole.

Frequently asked questions

How do you structure a coaching contract?

Make sure to include the following in your contract for professional life coaching. The length of the coaching, the number of sessions included in the package, the coaching’s focus, the cost of each session or package, the allowed payment methods, and the requirements to postpone a session or discontinue the coaching altogether.

What is the purpose of a coaching agreement?

In the practice of coaching, a contract between the coach and the client is essential. It lays out the guidelines for the coaching partnership so that both sides are aware of their degree of commitment and what they are agreeing to.


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