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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Sex Coach

In this present era, setting your career path can be hard when you are overwhelmed by opportunities and choices around you.

You need to focus on things that move the needle and make you happy!

Are you in a fix to be the next expert sex coach? Are you wondering whether you can live up to your true potential in the sex coaching industry?

Then let me ask you a few questions……

Do people come to you with their sexual issues? Are you able to help them with their problems?

Do you want to see couples around you happy in their relationships?

If yes, then you are set to be the next sex coach and you will get all your answers here….

In my journey, many people approached me to learn more in this area. I have researched a lot on sex coaching industry.

People, in general, are very apprehensive of this field and are afraid to take up as a career.

Young professionals who want to enter this field are sometimes turned off because of the people around them. Weird questions from family members, friends and society force them to doubt this profession.

Is it happening with you? Don’t worry. It’s natural. You need a deep understanding of this profession to get started. I am there to help and guide you. Are you ready?

Let’s start then…..

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Who is a sex coach?

A sex coach is someone who guides people to develop their sex lives, build relationships. He guides people to fulfill their sexual desires. So, you should have complete knowledge about this field and have an interest in developing skills to master this profession.

According to my experience and knowledge, you as a sex coach should be able to guide people on queries like- How to become the best lovers? How one should gain happiness through a good sex life?

I have penned 40 Coaching Tools that can help you to upscale your coaching business. Check it out to know more about coaching tools.

What are the tasks of a sex coach?

· The expert helps people overcome problems related to sexuality.

· They give people complete education on sexuality.

· Helps people become strong sexual beings.

As a sex coach, you should work with a simple objective of helping people to better their sexual lives and keep aside any blame, shame, or negative judgment. This non-judgmental nature will help your clients to be open with you and discuss their problems freely.

Your clients should not be insecure to talk to you. This is a vital point in the sex coaching business. I firmly believe this point and practice it in my coaching business too.

I always make sure that my clients are comfortable and are not insecure while discussing their issues with me. This helps my clients to discuss their problems without being judged and helps them to achieve their goals.

People are insecure to discuss their sexual problems so you have to be extra careful and make your clients comfortable.

You have to guide people to solve their sex problems and not give them any kind of therapy.

Also, sex coaches come with different attributes. They have their techniques. You have to apply your unique style of coaching. Use a system of coaching that you are confident of.

You must be thinking about who needs a sex coach. So let us look at that in our next section.

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What types of people hire a sex coach?

Do you often wonder and ask yourself – Who are your ideal clients?

For instance, if people want to learn a dance style, whom they ask for help? Dance professionals, right?

In a similar way when people face problems in their sex life then whom do they ask for help? Sex coaches, right?

Who you gonna seek help from when your sex life is disrupted? You know the answer now, don’t you?

I will tell you an incident to explain in depth. I read an article about a woman who was married for 20 years but never had an orgasm. As per experts, she needed some guidance. She approached a sex coach who gave her the right help.

Apart from that, some clients have other sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, low desire, premature ejaculation, etc.

Couples, parents, young adults, individuals, old people can have sexual problems. So, anyone who faces problems in their sexual lives can contact you. There is a huge market for you to become an expert in this field.

so baby take a walk on the wild side.
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What does a sex coach do?

Firstly note that there are two kinds of sex coaches-

1) Talk based Sex coach

2) Experientially based Sex coach

What is the function of a talk-based sex coach?

Similar to life coaching, in talk-based sex coaching the client comes to the coach with a problem.

You as a coach can help the client in figuring out what steps they can take to solve their problems. You can ask the client to fill out an intake form. Then they will meet in-person, over the phone, or on video call for an initial session.

By this time, you and the client will be ready to work together to get the solution to the problem. You have to develop a coaching plan with steps to address the issue.

At every meeting, your clients can give you an update about which parts of the plan they have accomplished and where they are still stuck. You should help your clients in this coaching program so that they are committed to continuing the plan.

Topics that you should discuss are- sexual identity, sex addiction, sexual abuse, sex and aging, open relationships, communication skills, gender identity, sex in long-term relationships, sexual dysfunction and so on.

You have to offer tasks to do outside of the session with partners or potential partners.

Suggestions should be given to couples such as watching a video and practicing the kinds of sensual touch they see in it.

Sex coaches help clients to speak to family, friends, or loved ones about who they truly are. Sex coaches do not typically have physical contact beyond hugs or handshakes.

So what does a talk sex coach do?

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·       Talk through the potential approaches

·       Make a sex coaching plan

·       Offer emotional support and suggestions

·       Help to keep the client motivated around their goals

What are the functions of an experiential or hands-on sex coach?

Experiential, hands-on sex coaching is where the sex coach takes some more interactive

approach, guides their client through exercises to help them feel comfortable with their body, their sexuality, and their intimacy.

I think when you plan to be an experiential sex coach, then just talking will not be enough to solve the issues of your clients. You have to teach your clients the art of touch.

The art of touch can help your clients to understand the key points of their sexual problems.

You have to guide them on how to touch. You have to connect in a more sensual way.

So what does an experientially based sex coach do?

·       Identify sex coaching goals- You need to find out what your client wants

·       Talk via potential approaches to resolve challenges

·       Make a sex coaching plan with practical steps for implementation

·       Offer emotional support and suggestions

·       Offer some new tools and skills to expand on the current skill set. For example share

videos, tools for meditation

·       Give great opportunities for hands-on practice of new techniques

·       Offer real-time feedback

·       Keep motivating

Check this article to know 44 powerful Coaching questions every coach MUST ask. These questions will help you connect with your clients.

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Why do people hire a sex coach?

According to my research, people hire a sex coach as they want something different in their sex lives in comparison to what they have experienced.

I have even found some statistics which shows why the demand for sex coach is increasing.

·       20% of the adult population face issues related to sexuality

·       Lack of awareness among people regarding how to solve those issues

·       More than 70% of people want to become great lovers

If someone wants to promote business, they hire a marketing consultant. If someone wants to become a great lover, won’t it be good to hire a sex coach?

To get the desired intimacy or have proper routine sex, one may hire a sex coach.

Who needs a sex coach?

·       Couples who are deeply in love want to fulfill their sexual desires. Sometimes they are confused about how to infuse more passion into their busy lives. They want to know how to connect deeply. You can use a few techniques like playfulness, affection, and touch to guide your clients.

·       Young adults, they are eager to reintroduce sexual spark into their relationship. In such cases, it is necessary to find sexual passions. You have to help them to derive those passions and fulfill them.

·       Couples who are mismatched libidos also face problems in their sex lives. You have to teach them ways to increase intimacy levels, share desires and give a demo of how to satisfy each other. They also need the right guidance.

·       Next on the list is busy new parents. Due to the demand of baby caring and running a house, their intimacy takes a back seat. What guidance a sex coach should give them? Firstly, you have to remove their guilt of not able to nurture their love life. Later you have to take small steps to bring their intimacy back.

·       Women who don’t experience orgasm or intercourse pain. As a sex coach, you have to share about female pleasure anatomy. You have to answer questions like- how she should nurture her body to gain pleasure? How her partner should support? How they should find deeper pleasure? They don’t require treatment but a coach who could guide well.

·       Other people who need sex coach are couples timid in communicating openly, people, who struggle to get pleasure through sex, single woman with limited sexual experience.

Sun was setting down. Those magical colours where blinding. I wanted this moment to last forever. She was smiling, but tears where coming from her eyes. I remember their salty taste. My heart was beating faster than usual. I did not know what to say. Summer was over. Our last night. We knew that we will probably never see each other again, but no one wanted to believe in that. We were happy and lost. Lost in this sunset forever.
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Find your niche

The sex coaching field also offers different niches. You can select your niche depending on your passion and interest.

As discussed there are talk-based sex coaches who listen, ask questions, identify goals, teach and give feedback. Apart from that other categories are sex educators, romance experts, sex toy consultants and many more.

You might be an expert in seduction skills whereas your competitor would be good at dating advice.

Some sex coaching niches include:

•      Intimacy coaches

•      Passion coaching for couples

•      Dating Advisor

•      Sex Toy Consultant

•      Romance Specialist

•      Sex Educator

•      Master Sexpert

You can see where your passion lies and then find your niche. This will help your clients to connect with you better. This way you can build your community of clients.

Do I need sex coaching certification?

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Are you keen on helping people to achieve their sexual goals?

If yes, then you can start your sex coaching practice if you have an interest and passion for it.

It is not a must to have extensive training in this field. But you can acquire a certification to upscale your practice.

I advise people to go for ongoing training. These are advanced training which helps you in becoming an expert.

What else does this certification program provide?

What benefit you will get from the program?

A comprehensive sex coaching certification program provides entrepreneurial training. Many of the coaches get help from the program for starting the business. They also get help to connect to the clients.

The certification program will help you to expand your practice. It will also help your clients to build trust in your coaching practice.

Next, you must be thinking of how much does the training cost?

It begins at $279 which includes material fees. $500 is the enrollment fee. Overall the cost would come out to $1500 depending upon the university you select.

After completing the program, you can easily start your coaching venture. The certification makes you confident and you are prepared to meet all uncertainties.

And, once you’re certified, you can go beyond your private sessions and experience….

·       Leading retreats

·       Training professionals all around the world

·       Group coaching

·       Visiting campuses and spreading awareness

·       Teaching courses at the university

·       Publishing books and articles which showcases your expertise in this field

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How much does a sex coach earn in 2021?

The average salary for a sex coach ranges from approximately $16.33 per hour to $44.54 per hour. However, the earnings depend upon the skills and abilities.

Other factors that can determine the income are experience and education and the target market.

Your unique ability will help you to earn more. All you need to do is build a high-quality clientele.

Don’t forget to check The 3 Skills Every Coach Must Have to upscale your coaching business.

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World’s top 5 sex coaches you must follow

1. Tricia Cobb – Certified Sex Coach and clinical sexologist

Tricia Cobb is a professional clinical sexologist and certified sex coach. She also possesses a registered nurse license and a master’s in nursing degree with a focus in education.

Professional Philosophy:

Her professional philosophy comes from a strong work ethic and one of the beliefs that we never stop growing and learning. She believes passion to work with and help people come from within that can’t be taught. She helps individuals to embrace their sexual selves. Also, supports them in achieving their intimacy goals.

Range of Services/Programs Offered:

Sex coaching

Areas of Specialization:

She has an undeniable passion for older adults as well as people with either disability and/or recently had surgery or accident. She believes these people are misunderstood in regards to their sexual needs and wants.

2. Sacha Fossa – Sex coach with expertise in areas like somatic arts, polyamory and intimacy, and relationship coach

She can help people get the hot sex life they have craved for. She can figure out whether the sexual issues of the clients are supporting or denigrating their health and relationships, and even wealth and career or not.

She has experienced far too much personal drama, trauma, and preventable suffering due to a lack of accurate and positive sex and relationship educations. So she made it her mission to get the best ongoing education in these fields she can.

Professional Philosophy:

Sacred temple arts approach

Range of Services/Programs Offered:

People can have the sex & love life they want!

Become more orgasmic

3. Julia Satterlee – Julia is a professional sexuality and relationship coach based in Savannah, Georgia, USA

Professional Philosophy:

Julia is dedicated to creating a safe space for people to explore and grow. She believes that pleasure and joy are part of a wonderful life.

Sexual health is an actual basic human right. Sexual health consists of all consensual forms of sexual expression, as well as access to accurate and relevant information at every stage of life.

Range of Services/Programs Offered:

Individual or couples coaching, workshops, and webinars.

Areas of Specialization:

Discovering what you want and how to get it

Sex and relationships for parents

Sexless relationships

Baby Boomers

Pre-orgasmic women

Training aspiring sex coaches

4. Dr. Patti Britton – Pioneering Sex Coach Since 1993

Professional Philosophy:

She believes that it is everyone’s divine birthright to experience ultimate sexual pleasure, fulfillment and to attain sexual self-realization. She always says, “Celebrate your sexual self!”

Range of Services/Programs Offered:

Sex coaching for individuals and couples, sex coach training at SexCoachU.com

5. Dr. Agnes Jacquerye – Sex coach certified since 2015

Professional Philosophy:

Her main motto is to reveal clients to themselves, to elicit greatness, to communicate clearly, to respect client’s humanity, PLISSIT, and MEBES models.

Range of Services/Programs Offered:

Sessions and training in sexual health.

Areas of Specialization:

Issues of a couple like little or no sex in a relationship, conflicts due to uneven desire

Women issues like low or no sexual desire, pre-orgasmic primary and secondary, dyspareunia, vaginismus

Men facing issues like low or no sexual desire and early ejaculations

Top qualities you should

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have to be an expert sex coach

What personality traits you as an expert coach must possess?

Highly accepting and non-judgmental

People with sexuality problems do not share their problems due to shame. Thus, you should be non-judgemental and make your clients comfortable. You will meet people from various backgrounds with a variety of needs and desires. Will you say no or accept them with open arms? Of course, being a sex coach you need to understand their needs and accept the way clients are.

Emotional connect

You will meet clients who need emotional support. This is because they face emotional pain. Do you have clients who have sexual trauma? Just try to connect with them emotionally it will help you to heal their problems.

Motivate your clients

What do clients need? As per my experience, they need assurance and motivation. Ask your clients to celebrate when they achieve their set goals. Constant motivation can help your clients to improve their sex lives.

Listening skills

Do you think your job is just to give feedback? No. You can give feedback only when you listen to your clients properly. I had clients who felt shy about sharing their personal problems. I made my client comfortable and motivated them to share their problems by being a patient listener.

Understanding human nature in depth

Humans are complex. Do you agree? Things become more complex when you deal with emotions or sexual cravings. For an expert in sex coaching, you should understand human behavior. Get answers to questions like what makes them feel that sexual need? Why they can’t live without such desires? This will help you to connect with your clients.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is a sex coach?

A sex coach is someone that provides support and expertise for people struggling with a sexual issue. Often times, a sex coach works on a one-on-one basis with a client to help them figure out what they want, explore their own bodies, find better positions, and understand their needs. They use tools like workshops, conversations, interviews, and homework assignments.

What does a sex coach do?

Sex coaches help their clients explore their sexuality and learn to confidently express themselves to others. They use sensitive coaching techniques to address any fears or anxieties. They also provide guidelines on how to initiate sex talks with partners and tackle small problems in the bedroom.

What types of people hire a sex coach?

Sex coaches are hired by individuals who are new to sex, have significant anxiety about sex, or require guidance on how to get over past sexual trauma. A person’s intimate needs don’t always match their lifestyle. For people with strict religious or moral beliefs, sexual needs can seem counterproductive. 

How to become a sex coach?

To become a sex coach, you have to have experience in the field of sexual health and sexuality. Sex coaching can be rewarding with a fairly low barrier of entry if you have the qualifications.

How much does a sex coach earn?

Sex coaches typically earn between 0 and , 000 per hour and sometimes more depending on the services rendered, their experience, employer and location.




5 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Sex Coach”

  1. Hello, Sai! I know it’s difficult to start a career in a field where everyone is against you, but if you have deep knowledge about that and are ready to help others, then without listening to anyone listen to your heart and move on. Thanks for sharing these valuable thoughts.


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