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Why Should I Bother With Coaching Certification?

If you’re thinking about becoming a certified coach in any field, you may be wondering if it’s worth the time and money. After all, there are plenty of other things you could be doing with your time and resources. But coaching certification can be incredibly valuable, both professionally and personally. 

In this article, we’ll discuss what coaching certification is, and some of the reasons why getting certifications is beneficial. 

Why Should I Bother With Coaching Certification? Bother With Coaching Certification

What is Coaching Certification?

Coaching certification is a program that teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary to become an effective life coach. It’s also known as “coach training” or “coach education.” A certified life coach has completed at least 100 hours of training, including classroom work, online learning, and hands-on experience with clients. The goal is to prepare students for careers as successful professionals who help others reach their potential personally and professionally. You can get ICF coaching certification as it is a well-reputed institute for several certifications. 

Is a Coaching Certification Necessary to Become a Coach?

No, coaching certification is not necessary to become a coach, but having coaching certification is a good way to make yourself stand out from the crowd. There are thousands of life coaches practicing today, and many have completed multiple certifications. It can be hard to compete with experienced professionals if you’re starting in the coaching field.When you complete a coaching certification program, you’ll learn valuable skills and understand how to work with clients. You’ll also connect with other aspiring coaches and establish connections in your local community. All of these things will make you more competitive when you’re ready to begin your coaching practice.

What Are the Benefits of Coaching Certification?

Professional coaching certifications comes with several perks and here are a few of those:

1- Distinguishes yourself from other coaches

Different types of coaching certifications differentiates you from other coaches and shows your clients that you’ve invested in your practice. Clients will know that you’ve studied the business and learned how to work with clients when you have a certification. Also, since you’re certified, you’ll be eligible to take coaching classes at many colleges and universities, which may help you land clients. 

2- Certification provides credibility to your coaching business

At the end of the day, potential clients will ask about your coaching certification before selecting a coach. Since many coaches have more than one certification, most clients are more likely to select coaches with multiple and best coaching certifications. So, coaching certification will help you to gain more business and credibility. 

3- Clients consider coaching credentials as an important factor in their decision making

When seeking a coach, clients look for someone certified and qualified to help them achieve their goals. Having the official designation of “certified life coach” tells your clients that you’re serious about your work and have met the rigorous standards set by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

4- It empowers you and enhances your confidence

Once you’ve been certified, there’s a good chance that you’ll be invited to speak at conferences and meet with other coaches. You’ll also have the opportunity to network with other professionals and share ideas. So, getting a coaching certificate will boost your confidence and build your network of friends and supporters. 

5- Future regulations might make certifications mandatory

The International Coach Federation (ICF) – the global leader in coaching certification – has been certifying coaches since 1989. In 2005, ICF created the Accredited Professional Coaches (APC) designation. A survey found that 82% of ICF members believe that coaching certification will be mandatory by 2020. So, if you intend to become a life coach and want to prepare for the future, you should consider getting your coaching certification now so you can comply with future regulations.

6- Certifications teach you the nitty-gritty of the coaching industry

Coaching certification programs will teach you all the information you need to know to become a successful coach. You’ll learn how to run an ethical coaching business, how to market yourself and your business effectively, pricing strategies, and much more. Plus, you’ll be encouraged to connect with other coaches and find ways to help people. 

When taking a coaching education program, you’ll learn about positive psychology, neuroscience skills and techniques, assessment methodologies, systems thinking principles and general business principles, and more. 

7- Coach certification helps set you up for success

When you decide to get your coaching certification, you’ll be investing in yourself. You’ll be showing others that you’re serious about this career and that you have a plan for the future. 

Many people find that having a coach has helped them achieve their goals and dreams. Coaches are great listeners, counselors, and problem solvers, so clients always feel better after sharing their thoughts with a qualified professional. 

Are Coaching Certifications Expensive?

It depends on what type of certification you want to earn. Most coaching certification programs are offered by major colleges of universities or professional associations, like the ICF. For example, the ICF has a live online course costing $399 and an online program costing $799. 

Other programs are offered by organizations like the Association for Coaching Certification (ACC) and the International Coach Federation (ICF). These types of certifications tend to cost more because they’re available to professionals only at accredited colleges and universities. For instance, the ACC has an accredited program that costs $495 and an accredited program that costs $1,500. The ICF has a $995 certification and a $2,700 certification. 

If you’re self-motivated to become a certified life coach, there are many affordable ways to get started. For example, the ICF’s Accredited Professional Coach (APC) designation can be obtained from an accredited college or university for only $99.

Which is the Best Coaching Certification?

Here are a few of the best coaching certifications :

1- Coach Training Alliance (CTA)

This coach training program is offered by the Coach Training Alliance, a leading coach education provider. CTA offers in-person and online courses accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

The CTA program has two levels: Level I is for people who want to become certified life coaches, and Level II is for those who want to become master-certified life coaches. Also, you have to complete 2-5 hours a week and study topics like communication skills and coaching, and marketing.

2- Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) Coach Certification

The iPEC Coach Certification is offered by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), a leading coach training and education provider.

It is a great choice to start a home-based career as a certified coach. It is based on the unique core energy coaching process and focuses on teaching clients to have a choice in how they feel and think. You will earn CPC and can start working right away in the end.

3- Coach U—Core Essentials Fast Track Program (CEFTP)

The CEFTP live program is best for those who have a tough time with self-study courses. It is a 6-day intensive workshop to learn all the skills required to start coaching.

Over the 6 days, you will learn all the fundamentals of being a life coach. After that, you can take online exams and complete your 20 hours to get the certification.

What are the Drawbacks of not having a Coaching Certification?

If you become a coach without certification, your decision has many drawbacks. First, you may limit your marketability. According to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), 60% of potential clients think that coaching certification is important in their decision-making process. So, if you don’t have your coaching certification, you may be at a disadvantage compared to other coaches who have certifications. 

Also, when working with clients, they’ll likely ask about your credentials. According to a recent survey, 25% of clients said coaching certification was one of the most important factors in their decision-making process. If you don’t have a certification, you’ll be at risk of losing business. 

And finally, in a competitive field like coaching, having a certification will help you be competitive. If your colleagues aren’t certified but still doing well in their business, then the chances are high that you could use some help yourself. 


It’s time to take the plunge, learn what you can, and obtain your coaching certification. With a coach certification, you’ll have more credibility in the industry and market yourself better.


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