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The Top Breakup Coaches

The journey through heartbreak and healing after a breakup is often one of the most challenging experiences we face in relationships. Each of these breakup coaches brings a personal story and professional expertise to guide others through this tumultuous time.

From personal betrayals to moving across the country for love, their narratives resonate with anyone who has struggled to navigate the aftermath of a breakup.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches

These coaches offer more than just advice; they provide strategies for healing, rebuilding self-worth, and reclaiming personal strength.

Whether it’s overcoming betrayal, finding closure, or learning to thrive independently, their insights and support empower individuals to transform heartache into growth and resilience.

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top breakup coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps.

In Brief : The Top Breakup Coaches
  • Natalia-Juarez – Natalia shares her personal journey of heartbreak and growth, providing insight and empathy to those navigating similar experiences.
  • Nancy – Nancy offers daily emails packed with supportive messages and breakup advice, providing companionship and understanding during tough times.
  • Lee Wilson – As a Marriage.com Verified Expert and relationship lecturer, Lee brings extensive knowledge and expertise to his coaching practice.
  • Dorothy AB Johnson – Dorothy helps individuals overcome heartbreak and reclaim their self-worth in three months or less.
  • Paige Wilhide – Paige shares her own experience of relationship dysfunction and breakup, offering insights and support to others facing similar challenges.


I met my first real love when I was 19 (let’s call him Boyfriend #1). We had a powerful connection, and we believed we were soulmates. For the first year, things between us couldn’t have been more perfect. Then I came across a photograph that revealed he had cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend. At 20 years old, I was devastated and I didn’t know how to make sense of this betrayal. Put simply, it brought out the worst in me.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches
The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches
The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches
The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches
The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches


Now, I’m bringing the top 16 messages that have supported hundreds of my clients in the thick of their breakups in an extremely affordable, easy-to-digest way through daily emails that will feel like I’m right there with you. A breakup coach and loving friend who gets what you’re going through.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches
The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches

Lee Wilson

Lee has lectured at several universities including Pepperdine University. He is a Marriage.com Verified Expert, received Family Dynamics certifications along with His Needs/Her Needs Certifications in addition to assisting with a Ph.D research project on relationships and the science of human attraction.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches

In 2011 he co-founded a nonprofit organization that works to save marriages from divorce, but moved on to more effectively help such couples – married and not married.

Dorothy AB Johnson

My Bravehearts who come from 25 year long marriages get over their ex in 3 months or less. Time is passive, you are the active force within that time. No matter how long your relationship was – getting over him, doesn’t take time. It takes you deciding, committing to that decision and then practicing that decision over and over again.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches

Consistency is the secret to success. I am here to help women just like me learn how to get over their ex, forgive and let go so that they can stop obsessing over him and start obsessing over the amazing life they are creating through changing their decision making, learning to commit to what they want and practicing that commitment day in and day out.

Paige Wilhide

In 2017, I fell in love with a guy in New York City. We dated for about a year before picking up and moving our lives across the country to Los Angeles. The pressure of moving in together in a brand new city while trying to build our own separate lives created a lot of dysfunction. The holes in our relationship were cracking open.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches

Our fights got worse and worse. I felt lost, confused, angry, resentful, and scared of losing him, and the best way I knew how to cope was to numb those feelings with nightly glasses of Pinot Noir. This was not the life or relationship I wanted for myself.

The Top Breakup Coaches Breakup Coaches


In the realm of breakup coaching, these professionals stand out not only for their expertise but for their empathy and understanding of the complexities involved in letting go and moving forward.

Their guidance is a beacon of hope for anyone seeking to heal and emerge stronger after a relationship ends, proving that even in heartbreak, there lies an opportunity for profound personal growth and renewal.

Our highest-rated course lays the necessary foundations for this for you. This is a paid course but you can register for FREE for a limited time here.

Do you think you or a coach that you know deserves to be featured as a top Breakup coach? If yes, then fill out this form and we will consider your application and get in touch with you for the next steps


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