
Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition]

Is life coaching for kids and children really needed?

In order to answer that question, let me ask you some basic questions:

  1. Is your child struggling with academic pressures at a very young age?
  2. Does your child have a lot of friends?
  3. Is your child depending solely on you for all needs and is that tiring you out?
  4. Does your child battle anxiety, bullying or suffer from low self esteem and depression?
Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com

Coping with the pressures of early schooling and relying on single parents is not easy on the child either. Too much of it can result in behaviour or academic problems as a child struggles to make sense of the chaos around, while feeling helpless and guilty about not being enough!

When the pressures become too much to handle, children suffer. And the negative effects can last for a lifetime unless help is provided early on.

This is where you can play a huge role as a catalyst for change. Consider a career of life coaching for kids and children.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com

What Does Life Coaching For Kids And Children Involve?

The best aspect about life coaching for kids and children is that it is preventative in nature.

Children can get help from coaching early on and take charge of their lives. Instead of spiraling out of control in unsupported environments, children are taught life skills that help them cope with pressures in the future.

The World Health Organisation had reported a few years ago that mental, neurological and substance use disorders make up 10% of the global burden of disease and 30% of non-fatal disease burden. Around 1 in 5 of the world’s children and adolescents has a mental disorder. Approximately 50% of all mental disorders begin before the age of 14.

Let us face the truth. Schools do not train kids to handle the pressures of life. But life coaches can!

And this is why instead of hiring counselors, schools should look at Life coaching for kids and children.

You may want to look up this blog where a life coach talks about his biggest client: his son! The interview seems to be all about positive parenting. But there are some great tips about how you can approach your clients!

Another great read is right here where coaches talk about different challenges they face in day to day live with children. Do check it out for great tips on life coaching for kids and children.

Are you unsure about where to start? Don’t worry, we have you covered. In the last segment of this blog, I have provided a link to my launchpad. Sign up and watch your life coaching career for kids and children start to soar.

I have written several blogs that will be helpful if you are just starting out. Some are listed here and here.

And if you have reached a midway point in your coaching career, rest assured. I have some tips for you too. Check out my blog 40 Coaching Tools To Grow Your Coaching Business if you are stuck at a plateau.

Why Should A Client Hire You For Life Coaching For Kids and Children?

What are the needs of a client who will hire you for life coaching for kids and children?

Can these be substituted by hiring a child psychologist?

Let us address the second question first.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com

Child Psychologist versus Life Coach for Kids and Children

A child needs a child psychologist to help deal with trauma. This is a medical need and should not be substituted by coaching.

Life coaching for kids and children teaches them some skills to cope. These skills help them in their current situation. These also enable them to cope with any other challenges they face in their lives. These self-help strategies help improve eating, sleeping and exercise patterns. They help inculcate a feeling of positivity in a child by teaching them the importance of meaningful communication and education.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image taken from Pexels.com

The other main difference is that a child psychologist examines the patient’s history and delves into the past to heal. They may evaluate children for developmental delays or disorders. They help children overcome abuse and other negative experiences for better mental and emotional health.

Life coaching for kids and children, on the other hand, teaches them to focus on solutions. Coaches may need to understand the past but do not delve into it much. They merely use the experiences as a stepping tool to focus on helping a child overcome future challenges. Where does the child need help? How can he/she learn from experiences to move on? Which areas are most vulnerable ones? How can a child cope under similar circumstances? These are the questions asked during Life coaching for kids and children.

Although the child psychologist and life coach both aim to do the same thing, they contribute differently to a child’s welfare and cannot be substituted.

Do look up the difference between a life coach and therapist in my earlier blogs for more on this.

What Do Clients Look for in Life Coaching for Kids and Children?

Is there a magic pill that you can pop to become a great coach?

Not unless you are a character in a fairy tale!

It takes years of experience, hard work, perseverance and the right help to become a great coach. Yes, you read that right.

You must have access to the right kind of help in order to be a better and more successful coach than where you are at the moment. If you are just starting out in this journey, check out the link in the final section of this blog. The link will take you to my free webinar.

Welcome to the world of life coaching for kids and children.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Unsplash.com

I have also provided tips throughout my blogs on what you can do to become a successful coach. In a previous blog Top 10 Coaching Skills You Must Have as a Life Coach, I have mentioned the top qualities. However, while offering life coaching for kids and children, certain qualities are essential.

  • Empathy. One thing is for sure. You have to be a part of the child’s world and identify with it. You have to understand the terrors and be ready to celebrate the successes. The tiny steps that children make towards progress may seem insignificant but they are huge milestones. The saying is true that in order to be successful with children you will have to be a child at heart.
  • Patience. There is no substitute for this. Life coaching for kids and children is a career that is not for the impatient, or faint hearted. Children will test the limits of your patience and it is natural to feel drained.
  • Perspective. While being empathetic, you also need to remain objective. Each child’s development will be unique. This will require you to be flexible with your methods. But do not lose sight of the objective. Clearly put down goals and insist on accountability. Achieving goals provides a much needed high! And children recognize that very well.
Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image taken from Pexels.com
  • Curiosity. This is a word that defines a child’s ability to learn, right? Well, it should also govern your practices. Be a curious learner. Coaching is a learned skill. It takes years of practice and honing to perfect it. Before starting out it is important to spend the time and effort to get training. Training will polish the skills you already have. It will also give you a better idea of what to expect. Though sometimes, especially while life coaching for kids and children, you will need to expect the unexpected.

There are several other qualities that make for a good coach. You may read my whole blog for more tips related to life coaching for kids and children.

You may also want to refer to my blog on 21 Coaching Skills Every Successful Coach Needs and Top Qualities Of A Successful Coach.

These qualities mentioned are helpful for all coaches, including those practising life coaching for kids and children.

Top Qualifications Required in Life Coaching for Kids and Children

Are there certain specific certifications that your client is looking for while seeking life coaching for kids and children?

Besides a willingness to help people, the traits that make for a good coach are common to all coaches.

While some require actual degrees, others may not be so fussy. The reason is that experience and aptitude to work in life coaching for kids and children will go a long way to secure you a project.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com

What is your coaching style while life coaching for kids and children?

Coaching, as a process, is fairly common across all niches. Irrespective of whether you are a life coach or a sports coach, you will follow the same process. You may follow a particular coaching style. In my blog Types of Coaching Styles and Models Every Coach Should Know About, I have spoken about some of these styles. The truth is your style of coaching will depend on your personality and the niche of your coaching practice. However, you should know these coaching models and tailor your style to suit your client.

You may work with a particular client over several weeks while life coaching for kids and children. Usually, a weekly or bi-weekly meeting is enough to take stock of progress and chart action steps. The process of coaching helps build these vital traits in children:

  • Resilience: This is the most important step for a happy life. Facing adversities does not come easy and sensitive children have a hard time. But kids need to learn this early in order to prepare for life’s challenges further ahead.
  • Facing failure: It does not matter how many times you fail. It is what you do after that makes all the difference. Facing and dealing with failure are important stepping stones. Kids need all the help they can get for this.
Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com
  • Being confident: Being confident about who you are takes years of practice and self belief. Life coaching for kids and children helps build this trait.
  • Problem-solving creatively: Being curious to new challenges and ideas is key for all round development. Sadly most schools do not encourage this. This is where a life coach can be very helpful.
  • Collaboration and sharing: These two traits are the most important connection for relationship building with others. Yet how often are these ignored during childhood.
  • Managing big emotions: Some small children find it especially hard to deal with big emotions. And this is where a coach can be particularly helpful.
Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image from Pixabay.com

How Much Can You Earn Life Coaching For Kids and Children?

How much can you expect to earn while life coaching for kids and children?

According to recruiting website Indeed, the current salary being offered for a Children Residential Life Coach is $15.00 – $24.75 an hour.

Market Realities while Life Coaching for Kids and Children

As you know coaching is a growing industry.

Let us look at some market realities. I have mentioned these statistics in my earlier blog posts as well. But this sets the context in terms of what you can expect to earn as a coach.

This post claims that the life coaching industry has crossed the $1 billion dollar mark.

  • The International Coach Federation boasts 53,300 members. It has a steady growth trend.
  • Average income for life coaches ranges from $27,100 to $73,100. Specialty coaches can charge more than $100,000 annually.
  • Growth projections for the life coaching industry are an estimated 6.7%. This would take revenues to $1.34 billion by 2022.
  • 92% of life coaches remain active in the field.
  • In Asia, there were around 3,700 coaches. They contributed $113 million in total annual revenue.
  • More and more corporations are hiring life coaches instead of mental health counselors to work with employees (no stigma).
  • Life coaches remain unregulated. There are no state licensing requirements. This suggests freedom of practice, but also raises concerns about quality.
  • Executive coaches can earn a handsome salary too. Salaries start at $150 and can go up to $350 for most coaches. Executive coaches can also charge $1,000 per session.

Since life coaching for kids and children is a very specific niche, tap into this enormous market.

Now, you may be wondering how you will you get your brand name noticed? The market is evolving and growing. But the competition is also getting tougher. You may want to refer to my blog How to promote your life coaching business? for more on this.

Do you need certification to practice life coaching for kids and children?

No, you do not!

Right now, the coaching industry is still unregulated.

This means everyone can offer life coaching for kids and children. What will set you apart is your expertise at being a good coach, marketing yourself smartly and getting good client recommendations. Learn more about these in my blog Is Marketing Crucial to my Coaching Business?

Resources to help life coaching for kids and children career

A simple Google search will show you several books and podcasts online. You may want to look up some of these resources and stay updated in your life coaching for kids and children career.

A search on GoodReads will offer several books on life coaching for kids and children. Some may have been targeted at parents but offer great tips to coaches too:

  1. Life coaching for kids: A practical manual to coach children and young people to success, well-being and fulfilment by Nikki Giant
  2. 131 Conversations That Engage Kids: How to Get Kids Talking, Grow Their Friendships, and Inspire Change (Conversation Starters Books Series #5) by Jed Jurchenko
  3. Peaceful parent Happy Kids by Dr laura Markham
  4. The Inspirational Parent by Alex Urbina
  5. If You Are Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands (English, Paperback, Findlay Joy) by Reea Rodney
  6. Parenting ADHD Now!: Easy Intervention Strategies to Empower Kids with ADHD Kindle Edition by Elaine Taylor-Klaus PCC CPCC (Author), Diane Dempster MHSA CPC PCC (Author)
  7. The Confident Child – Raising Children to Believe in Themselves by Terri Apter
  8. My Strong Mind: A story about developing mental strength (Positive Mindset) Paperback – Import, 1 Mar 2018 by Niels Van Hove (Author)

You may also consider reading some life coaching books in general. Here is a list of some top life coaching books. This list is helpful as it breaks down books on the basis of training books for coaches and audio book recommendations.

Top 5 best sellers listed for aspiring coaches are:

  1. Co-Active Coaching – Laura Whitworth, Henry Kinsey-House, Phil Sandahl, and John Whitmore
  2. Transformational Life Coaching – Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott and Lynn U. Stewart
  3. Coaching Questions: A Coach’s Guide to Powerful Asking Skills – Tony Stoltzfus
  4. Becoming a Professional Life Coach: Lessons from the Institute of Life Coach Training – Patrick Williams and Diane Menendez
  5. The Life Coaching Handbook: Everything you need to become an effective life coach – Curly Martin

Podcasts on life coaching for kids and children

There are several YouTube videos and podcasts on life coaching for kids and children online.

Is Life Coaching Needed For Kids and Children? [2024 Edition] Life coaching for kids and children
Image taken from Pexels.com

You will find a list of popular podcasts specifically aimed at parents here and here. A popular podcast series is also linked here. Related podcasts are here and here. Another one related to sports for children is here. And this blog is aimed at children.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is children’s life coaching?

Life coaching is a process of helping and guiding people to live a better life. But what is life coaching for kids? It is a process of helping and guiding kids and teens to lead a better life. It is a process of helping and guiding both kids and teens to achieve their goals by thinking and living better. One of the best ways to help a child overcome a bad habit is to substitute it with a healthy habit in life coaching for kids.

Why do kids need a life coach?

Kids need life coaches to help them realize the importance of managing their lives, their time and their risk taking. Too many kids have unlimited access to the Internet and mobile phones and have become addicted to these devices in a very short span of time. The younger generation is addicted to the Internet and many of them are not aware of the ways to lead a healthy life. Since they have no one to guide them, they are addicted to online games and social networking sites without any knowledge about their negative effects on their health and their life.

Why should parents not coach kids?

Parents are not the best teachers for kids because they make mistakes and the child doesn’t realize it. If a child makes mistakes, it should learn from them and correct them self. Children don’t care who they learn from, they just want to learn. So, let the child make its mistakes and learn from them. Parents also make them afraid of making mistakes, so that they don’t learn anything at all.

How much can you earn life coaching for kids and children?

There are many ways to earn money coaching kids. Many schools are desperate for extra help with children who have or are struggling with a variety of conditions and learning styles. You can often find such a position easily by contacting your local school district and asking if they are in need of such a workplace. Of course, you will likely earn less than you would at a private non-profit or non-government organization. On average, one can make $700 per month. 


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