Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises

Instilling a sense of gratitude can lead to transformative changes in your life. 

There are various methods through which you can incorporate gratitude into your everyday life. This article will comprehensively discuss effective exercises and the benefits of gratitude at length.

gratitude exercises

In order to make it simple for you, I have categorized this article to lucidly explain the various types of gratitude exercises you can do individually, with your partner, with children, with a group, and at the workplace. Use these handy filters to scroll through the different categories.

Continue reading to discover the 50 most engaging gratitude exercises.

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Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

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Benefits Of Gratitude

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance.”

Studies in positive psychology show that feeling grateful is closely linked to being happier. Expressing gratitude is a powerful tool for boosting one’s mood, appreciating the wonderful things in life, staying healthy, coping with stress, and forging lasting connections.
Self-gratitude can build confidence and help you face any challenge in ways no else will. After all, no one knows you better than yourself, nor benefits as much as you do from being reminded of your own strengths and abilities. It helps motivate you to keep going in your business and take on the next challenge.

Gratitude Exercises

If you get sad easily because of small mistakes that you made at the workplace or because something didn’t go the way you wished it would, then you can overcome this by reconnecting with life. We only get sad when there’s a lack of love and connection in our lives so here is a list of exercises that will make you feel more connected.

Types Of Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Exercises To Do Individually 

Life is full of high and low tides. If these ups and downs have caused you to grow anxious, overwhelmed, or just numb perhaps, then I know just what you need to do. By routinely practicing gratitude exercises at an individual level, you will be able to imbibe more thankfulness, appreciation, and gratefulness in your life. Choose the ones that appeal the most to you, and get started. 

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Exercises To Do With A Partner

Your life wouldn’t be the same without the people who support you. Social support is a key component in our day-to-day interactions. So, find that someone, whether it is a friend or a family member, and share what you are thankful for with them. You can benefit positively from each other’s thoughts. Furthermore, if the other person knows you well, they might remind you of things you may have overlooked or forgotten.

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Exercises To Do With Children

There’s a lot you can learn from children. In fact, being with children helps you see the world in a new light. This causes you to appreciate the little things, the ones that you have been taking for granted all along. By doing gratitude exercises with children, you can tune in to the small details of your life and notice how fortunate you are. 

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Exercises To Do With A Group

People in your social network provide emotional and instrumental support. It is this social support and interaction that keeps you going during times of stress. Doing gratitude exercises either with a group of friends or family members will help you to rebond, reconnect and even express your appreciation towards each other. 

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

Gratitude Exercises For The Workplace

To ensure greater productivity, it is necessary to cultivate a positive workplace culture. Easier said than done, right? Well, practicing gratitude activities for the workplace will help in building a kinder, happier, and more purposeful work culture. As a result the employees will be more dedicated, productive, and loyal. 

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises
Types Of Gratitude Exercises
Gratitude Exercises to Do Individually
Gratitude Exercises to Do With a Partner
Gratitude Exercises to Do With Children
Gratitude exercises to do with a group
Gratitude exercises to do at the workplace
  • Gratitude Jar

The gratitude jar is a stunningly simple exercise that can have profound effects on your well-being and outlook. It only requires a few ingredients: a jar (a box can also work); a ribbon, stickers, glitter, or whatever else you like to decorate the jar; paper and a pen or pencil for writing your gratitude notes; and gratitude!

Step 1: Find a jar or box.

Step 2: Decorate the jar as desired. You can tie a ribbon around the jar’s neck, add stickers to the sides, make it sparkle with transparent glue and glitter, paint it, leave it basic, or do whatever else comes to mind to make it appealing.

Step 3: The most crucial step, which will be repeated every day, is this one. Throughout the day, think about at least three things for which you are grateful. It might be as simple as witnessing a beautiful sight or connecting with a loved one. Every day, write down what you are grateful for on small pieces of paper and place them in the jar.

Soon, you will discover that you have a jar full of reasons to be grateful for what you have and to appreciate the life you have created. It will also foster a habit of expressing gratitude. You can do this exercise on your own or with other people. 

  • Gratitude Rock 

The secret to this exercise is to think of the rock as a symbol, a physical object you can use, to remind yourself of what you have.  Choose a rock you like, whether it is because of it’s attractiveness, or smoothness, or it’s location or it possesses an intriguing texture. You can use another tiny object instead of the rock. Wear it as a necklace or a bracelet, or keep it in your pocket or on your desk to remind you of its importance throughout the day.

Think of anything you are grateful for whenever you see or touch it. Think of anything that makes you happy or fulfills you, whether it is something tiny like the sun shining on you right now or something big like a job that provides for your family’s needs.

Spend some time reflecting on your day’s accomplishments once you have removed your gratitude stone from your pocket or body. Remember what you were grateful for yesterday when you put it on or placed it in your pocket again in the morning.

  • Gratitude Amble

This exercise only requires your sense of gratitude and a pair of feet or a wheelchair. When you are going through a particularly rough time, try cleansing your mind with a gratitude walk. Just as the combination of meditation and gratitude can combat stress or increase feelings of wellbeing, walking with a gratitude focal point can offer the same remedy. Walking is therapeutic in itself.

  • Gratitude reflection

Reflection is an important part of mindfulness meditation and the cultivation of a sense of self-awareness. These practices can lead to an enhanced sense of wellbeing, among other benefits, although enhanced wellbeing is enough of a benefit for most of us.

To practice gratitude reflection, follow these steps:

  1. Settle yourself in a relaxed posture. Take a few deep, calming breaths to relax and center. Let your awareness move to your immediate environment: all the things you can smell, taste, touch, see, hear. Say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.”
  2. Next, bring to mind those people in your life to whom you are close: your friends, family, partner. Then keeping their faces in mind, say to yourself, “For this, I am grateful.”
  3. Next, turn your attention onto yourself: you are a unique individual, blessed with imagination, the ability to communicate, to learn from the past and plan for the future, to overcome any pain you may be experiencing. Say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.”
  4. Finally, rest in the realization that life is a precious gift. That you have been born into a period of immense prosperity, that you have the gift of health, culture, and access to spiritual teachings. Say to yourself: “For this, I am grateful.” (Still Mind, 2014)

  • Gratitude flower

The gratitude flower is similar to the gratitude tree, except that instead of gratitude leaves, we make gratitude flower petals.

To begin, cut a circle out of vibrantly colored paper. Because the flower’s core will be yellow, it is a popular choice for this piece.

Write “Things I am Thankful For” or your name or family name, or even an overarching item you are glad for (for example, “my family”) in the circle.

Create flower petals using a template or freehand cutting. For a vivid and brilliant flower, use multiple distinct colors, or use the same hue for a more consistent effect.

Make a list of things you are grateful for on the flower petals. These can include things like beautiful weather, lovely parents, or job advancement.

To make a flower, glue or tape these petals to the center. This is the blossom of appreciation!

  • Gratitude email/Letter

The most potent gratitude practice is to send a handwritten note of thanks to someone special in your life. Do not forget to be specific. Give a detailed description of how this individual has enriched your life and how you feel about them.

If you have the time, hand-deliver this letter to the recipient directly. Make a surprise appearance. As you witness the joy the recipient feels as a result of your kind deed, your appreciation would soar. It is likely to be one of the best presents, in turn, you have ever gotten.

This appreciation exercise has been studied and tested by Steve Toepfer, an associate professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at Kent State University. Study participants who took part had higher levels of life satisfaction and enjoyment and fewer depressive symptoms than those who did not. Toepfer’s main agenda was to analyze if writing thanksgiving notes had any psychological advantages for the writers. Turns out that it did! Undoubtedly, you should write a personalized letter to someone you are grateful for.

  • Creating a Mixed-Media Artwork

Instead of writing down what you appreciate, record it visually by snapping photos of all the things you are grateful for. You will be able to clearly see what all you have overlooked.

For a week, try snapping a photo of something for which you are grateful each day. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Every week, take a look back at the photos. Constantly doing this will make you see that there is light at the end of the tunnel even on bad days.

  • Can of Beans

The following gratitude exercise was invented by Seph Fontane Pennock. For this exercise you’re going to need:

  1. A can of white beans
  2. A can opener
  3. A spoon

Buying a can of white beans is something most of us can do without giving it a second thought. We would like you to eat a can of beans as a meal for this activity. That night, let nothing else be on the agenda. It is only the beans, that is all.

There is no lovely cup of coffee waiting for you when you finish the bag of beans. That is counterproductive to the exercise’s goals. Open the can with a spoon, pretend you are sitting around a campfire under the Sierra Madra, and dig in.

  • The ten-finger exercise of appreciation

Count the top 10 things in your life for which you are grateful on your fingers. It is critical to keep going until you locate 10 items, even if it becomes more difficult after three or four. This is precisely what the practice is for: to purposefully bring to your attention the small, previously overlooked details of your day. Simple pleasures include being warm enough, the flavor of a nice cup of coffee, or the unconditional devotion offered by a pet. When you reach 10, you will already be feeling better!

  • The Gratitude Matrix

The “gratitude matrix” is the endless network of interactions, connections, and energy connecting all living things. This encompasses the interactions of humans, animals, insects, trees, and plants, as well as the elements and energy that keeps this world running. Recognize the connections between yourself and the environment around you as you go about your day. Consider how you feel about the grass beneath your feet, the veggies on your plate, and the rising moon.

You will consciously awaken to the world around you by doing this exercise. Everything will seem like a gift. This will help you inculcate kindness and charity for those around you.

  • The What-Went-Well Exercise

At the end of your day, jot down three things that went well and explain why. The things might vary from the banal (your co-worker prepared coffee for you; your husband picked up a treat for you on the way home from work) to the exceptional (you received a promotion; your sister gave birth to a healthy kid)

Next to each positive occurrence, answer the question “Why did this happen?” For example, if you mentioned that your spouse picked up a treat for you, add “Because he’s really thoughtful at times” or “Because I called him and reminded him to stop by the grocery store.” Or if you wrote “My sister gave birth to a healthy baby,” you may offer as a cause “She did everything right during pregnancy.”

  • Mental Removal of Blessings

“Do not dream of possession of what you do not have: rather reflect on the greatest blessings in what you do have, and on their account remind yourself how much they would have been missed if they were not there.” 

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor at the time, gave this counsel in his journal almost two thousand years ago. We are intended to learn to appreciate things and people we often take for granted through this sort of thinking, which is the foundation of this activity. Consider how lucky you are and how things could have been different, and you will experience a surge of thankfulness and awe. When I reflect on some of my closest relationships, I am struck by how many of them came about by chance. What if I did not make the decision to attend the meditation retreat in the beginning? What if I arrived at a different hour? If it had not been for the internet, I would have never come across those individuals. These opportunities arose via chance, surprise, and unpredictability. When I look at life from this perspective, I feel more appreciative.

  • Contemplate the World Through the Lens of “Gifts”

Focus for a moment on benefits or ‘gifts’ that you have received in your life. These gifts could be simple everyday pleasures, people in your life, personal strengths or talents, moments of natural beauty, or gestures of kindness from others. You might not normally think about these things as gifts, but that is how I want you to think about them. Take a moment to really savor or relish these ‘gifts,’ think about their value and what they mean to you.

  • Contemplate Your Death

Memento mori is Latin and means “remember you are mortal.”
“Why would I want to remember that?” you may ask. Oddly enough, it’s only when you keep death in mind that you can be truly grateful for life. Think about it, you could drop dead any minute.  So shouldn’t you enjoy life and make each moment count? Shouldn’t you be grateful just to be alive?

  • Single out someone whom you are grateful for

Who, aside from family and friends, has helped you this month or made you feel more comfortable? Was there a professor who spent an hour after class helping you solve a problem? Did a doctor figure out why you haven’t been feeling well? Additionally, how would your community look if there were no postal workers to deliver mail to you or police to protect you? Most of us tend to overlook these professionals and public officials and the critical roles they play in our lives. 

Often, these individuals who care for our community, our health, our education, and other needs do not get properly thanked for the great work they do. Try thanking these individuals by writing them a letter expressing how important they are to you and your community.

  • Balance your complaints

Everyone complains once in a while, but if you find yourself doing it numerous times per day, you should monitor the frequency of your gripes by writing down each one. You can do this by keeping a pen and paper in your pocket or updating a notepad on your phone. Don’t just leave the complaints unsettled, however. 

The balance of positive to negative is important. If you get weighted toward negativity, it can contribute toward depression. For this balancing exercise, tally your complaints at the end of your day and match each lament with something you were grateful to have experienced. With this tally mark exercise, you realize how much of your day you’re devoting to complaining, and how much your mood can change if you focus instead on the positive. At the very least, you should try to equalize your ratio.

  • Experience Your Daily Gratitude by Acting On It

You have several things to be thankful for, so experiencing and interacting with these gifts will bring out even more enjoyment in your life. For instance:

  • Do you have an outdoor space at home? Whether it’s a garden, large outdoor space, or balcony you can enjoy it. Read outside, enjoy your favorite drink, plant flowers, herbs, or veggies and even work outside. Use the space you are grateful for, to its fullest.
  • Have access to healthy food? Appreciate what your food has to offer by trying some new recipes.
  • Live in a quiet neighborhood? Enjoy walking or running in some new areas.
  • Have a load of books on your shelves? Jump in and read them all (if you haven’t already).

Whatever you are grateful for, make sure to truly experience these gifts in your life.

  • Be Consciousness of the Present Moment

Tell yourself at least once a day that worrying is pointless since the past is gone and you have no way of knowing or controlling what will happen in the future. The only place to be is in the present moment when tension and anxiety are absent. As you ponder these truths, take a few deep breaths to help you appreciate the present moment. Emptying your thoughts of tension and making a place for further thankfulness may be accomplished by practicing being totally present.

  • Make an A to Z Gratitude list 

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Think about all the things you are grateful for. Then take a sheet of paper and a pencil and list them—here’s the twist—beginning with A and working your way through the alphabet to Z. Feel free to be silly—embrace the exercise and enjoy the inevitable laughter that accompanies it.

  • Fill the Gratitude Worksheet

This easy gratitude exercise is quick because there are prompts for you to respond to. Feel free to print them out and complete the sentences. If these questions make you delve deeper into everything you are grateful for, then you are on the right track.

Here are the prompts:

  • I am grateful for my family because…”
  • “Something good happened this week and that is…”
  • “I am grateful for my friendship with… because…”
  • “I am grateful for who I am because…”
  • “Something silly that I am grateful for…”
  • Write an Eulogy for a Loved One

Writing an eulogy means that you are sharing a speech with the purpose of remembering a loved one. This speech is given at the memorial service by a family member or close friend. A good eulogy highlights the lasting impact of the person on their family and community. However, don’t wait to appreciate what a loved one means to you only after it’s too late. Go and tell them in person about all the things you adore about them.

  • Morning Coffee Gratitude

While you’re having your first cup of coffee, sit back and think of the things that you’re thankful for. You can even start out by feeling gratitude for the following:

  • The warmth of the coffee mug you’re holding;
  • The aroma of the coffee;
  • That first sip of coffee;
  • The beautiful morning;
  • The beginning of a new day full of promise;
  • The quiet just before the day officially starts.

  • Before Meals Exercise  

Grace giving gratitude before each meal acknowledges everyone whose hard work was required for you to have food on your table–from the farmer who farmed the food to the grocery store clerks who loaded the shelves at your local grocery store to the person who cooked the meal. It is a time to pause and be attentive, as well as to be grateful for having all of the food and nutrients you require.

  • List Out the Necessities you Take for Granted

 Consider losing some of the things you take for granted, such as your house, your ability to see or hear, your capacity to move, or anything else that provides you with comfort. Then picture getting each of these items back one at a time, and contemplate how glad you would be for each one.

  • Put Things in Their Rightful Place

Obviously, things are not always going to go your way. Gratitude, on the other hand, is not only a feeling reserved for when you obtain what you desire. When things go wrong, you may utilize the power of thankfulness to release some of the negative feelings that you may be experiencing as a result of the failure or setback.

Put things in perspective after a terrible occurrence by recognizing that every struggle contains the seeds of an equal or greater gain. When confronted with hardship, consider the following questions:

  • “What’s good about this?”
  • “What can I learn from this?”
  • “How can I benefit from this?”
  • “Is there something about this situation that I can be grateful for?”
  • Make a Bracelet with a Gratitude Charm

Get Yourself A Charm Bracelet And Fill It With Significant Charms Or Trinkets. For Example, You Could Have A Charm Shaped Like A Heart To Represent Your Significant Other, Figurines To Represent Different Family Members, An Apple To Represent Health, A Dollar Sign To Symbolize Financial Serenity, A Charm That Makes You Laugh To Represent Humor And Joy, And Perhaps A Charm That Makes You Laugh To Represent Humor And Joy.

You will be reminded of how much you have to be thankful for every time you see your charm bracelet.

  • Appreciation Onslaught

This Is An Abraham-Hicks-Recommended Workout.  Here’s A Simple Explanation Of The Exercise:

Begin by looking around your immediate surroundings and discovering anything that pleases you. Try to focus your attention on this appealing thing while thinking about how amazing, attractive, or helpful it is. And if you concentrate on it for a longer period of time, your good feelings about it will grow. Now, observe how you are feeling better and be grateful for it. Then, when your pleasant mood is considerably greater than when you started, search around your area for another attractive thing to focus your positive attention on.

  • Thank Modern Technology

Consider All Of The Devices And Equipment That Make Your Life Easier And More Pleasurable. Include Items Such As Your Laptop Computer, Coffee Machine, TV, Juicer, Refrigerator, And So On. Allow Yourself To Appreciate And Be Grateful To Everyone Who Made It Possible For These Devices And Equipment To Be In Your Home And Make Your Life So Much Easier.

  • Create a Gratitude Inventory

Make A List Of 100 Things For Which You Are Thankful. Divide Your List Into Categories Such As Assets (Things You Possess), People (Your Relationships), Characteristics (Personal Qualities And Character Traits), Experiences (Places You Have Been And Activities You Have Done), And So On If It Helps.

  • Cancel Unthankful Thoughts

Recognize And Convert One Ungrateful Thought Every Day Into A Grateful One. Here’s An Example From My Personal Experience:

Ungrateful Thought: My sister scolded me today for no apparent reason. I know she is under a lot of stress, but I was over at her house helping to care for her children. I do not deserve to be treated this way.

Grateful Thought: My sister is always there for me when I need her. I know I can rely on her. I consider myself fortunate to have her as a sister.

  • Reminisce over the Past

When you look back fondly on the past, you may bring that same energy into the present. Find a photo of yourself from a good period in your life and be thankful for that memory. Close your eyes and picture yourself there, relive it, and use your appreciation to bring it into your life. If you are unwell, look for a photo of yourself when your physical health was at its peak. Find an image of yourself with your loved ones if you wish to manifest love. This is an excellent approach to use the power of gratitude to transform your life.

  • Express Your Appreciation to Your Bills

Instead of grumbling about your expenses, begin to appreciate the services that they have given you. Do not be depressed every time a bill arrives in the mail. Consider all you have been able to do as a result of it. They help you in a variety of ways, whether it be energy, the internet, or your taxes. Consider what your life would be like if you did not have access to finances, and you will begin to appreciate them more.

  • Bless Your Drinking Water

Speaking grateful words over your water can alter its chemical structure and flood your cells with good energy. Dr. Emoto shared with the public an experiment in which he investigated the impact of negative and positive words on water. The findings revealed that words of love and appreciation had a significant impact on the water. Incorporate this technique and express gratitude to your water. Feel wonderful energy flowing through your bottle or glass of water as you hold it in your hands. Then, while you sip the water, see it infusing you with pleasant energy and high vibrations

  • Allow yourself to let go of false expectations:

Your Instagram feed may be flooded with pictures of beautiful homemade wreaths and rustic-chic place settings, but resist the temptation to hold yourself to an unrealistic version of the holidays. I recommend adopting a digital detox for the holidays and focusing on the delights in your own life. It can help you relax and feel better. Whether it is making a snowman with the kids or having a joyful lunch with a friend, once you start counting your blessings and enjoying your experiences, some of your tension will likely wash away.

  • Keep Calm

When Your Uncle Starts Discussing Politics (Again), And Your Blood Pressure Starts To Rise, Follow My Advice And Take A Break. Step Away From The Turmoil And Focus On Something Else, Such As The String Of Holiday Lights Outside Or The Falling Leaves. As You Focus Your Attention On That Object, Take A Few Deep Breaths And Think About Something That Makes You Happy. Rejoin The Party Once You Have Calmed Down.

  • Keep a daily gratitude journal

While writing about gratitude in general can be beneficial, research also shows that the more specific you are about what you are grateful for, the more beneficial your gratitude journaling will be. A study from the University of Southern California backs up this research. In this study, the researchers found that test subjects who wrote 5 sentences about one thing they were grateful for were happier and more energetic compared to test subjects who were asked to write about just one sentence about 5 things they were grateful for over the course of 10 weeks.

So when you’re journaling, make sure to be specific! Instead of saying you’re grateful for your spouse, for example, go into detail about why you are grateful for them, citing specific personality traits, experiences, and things they have done for you in the past.

  • Look from another’s perspective

You might have become so accustomed to the wonderful things in life that you ended up losing sight of their value. In that situation, find a method to see the things, people, and places you cherish through the eyes of someone else. Do the following with a friend, for example:

1. Take them to your favorite café
2. Lend them your favorite book
3. Take them to watch your favorite movie
4. Display a collection that you are proud of

This will help you to experience your life through the eyes of someone else, providing you with a new perspective and rekindling your appreciation for these things.

  • Gratitude Box 

The gratitude box is a thoughtful way to share your feelings with loved ones and cultivate your own sense of gratitude. This is another easy activity that requires only a box, some paper, and a pen or pencil to write down gratitude messages. You can make the box yourself or buy one, the prettier the better!

On the paper, write down a heartfelt message of gratitude to your loved one. If you’re not sure how to start, here are some suggestions to begin your message:

1) “Thank you for…”
2) “What I love about you…”
3) “My holiday wish for you…”

You can also collect messages from others about your loved one, to pack the box with multiple messages of gratitude and love.

  • Gratitude Tree

The gratitude tree is a great activity for children, and it can also be effective for adults who are open to experiencing a childlike sense of fun and wonder. You will need several double-sided colored sheets of paper, string or ribbon, scissors, twigs or tree branches, some stones or marbles, a vase, and a sense of gratitude.

Step 1: Make one or more leaf cutouts to use as a template for your leaves.  Trace leaves on the colored paper.

Step 2: Cut out the leaves, punch a hole at the top of each leaf, and loop your string or ribbon through each hole.

Step 3: Put the stones or marbles in a vase and stick the tree branch or twig in the middle.

Step 4: Have your (or your child) draw or write things that you (or your child) are grateful for on the leaves. You can also use photographs if you’d like.

Step 5: Your gratitude tree will take shape once the leaves are hung from the branches.

With a little bit of effort, you or your kid may create something beautiful to serve as a daily reminder of the things that bring you or your child delight. Even though it is geared at children, you can discover unique methods to grow your appreciation at any age, so get sketching!

  • Gratitude Garden

The gratitude garden activity is a good activity to follow creating gratitude trees. This is also intended for children, but adults can certainly follow along to get into the gratitude spirit.

Follow these steps to journey to the gratitude garden.

1. Get the Journey Started: Begin the journey by standing in front of the group, facing the Thankfulness/Gratitude Tree. Explain that you are all going on a trip to the Grateful Garden, but you will have to pass through three perilous locations to get there. (Use a different term than “dangerous” if it is more suited for the age range.) The Thankfulness Tree will assist you in completing each one so that you can reach the Grateful Garden.

2.The Frowny Forest: The Frowny Forest is the first place you should go. As you frown, cross your arms, and lean down, have the youngsters all do the same. In the Frowny Forest, there is a lot of wind, so act like you are being thrown around by it, turning back and forth as if you are trying to resist it. Because the only way out of the Frowny Forest is to feel happy again, have the children scream out things for which they are thankful (using the Thankfulness Tree as a prompt). After they have listed a few items, grin broadly and act relieved

3. The Sad Swamp: Yikes! The Sad Swamp is just beyond the Frowny Forest! Hunch over once again, swing your arms low and walk (in place) in huge, heavy strides as if you were going through muck or water. Allow the children to scream out things for which they are grateful so that you can all escape the Sad Swamp.

4. The Mad Mountain: The Mad Mountain is located past the Sad Swamp. Allow them to emulate you as you pretend to struggle up the mountain while making furious faces. Allow the youngsters to yell out things they are grateful for once more so that you may all feel joyful.

5. The Grateful Garden: You have finally made it to the Grateful Garden! What a fantastic job they have done! Everyone may do a Happy Hop to celebrate!

  • Tablecloth Exercise for Thanks giving

Simply buy banner paper or a huge piece of craft paper that is large enough to span the length of your dining table. Encourage your children to draw or write about what they are grateful for. Make it a fun and interesting Thanksgiving activity by adding to it over time.

  • Look to the Future 

The key to making this exercise as useful as possible is to take your time with it. Reflect on those wonderful things and feel appreciation for them. Rushing through won’t help much.

Assume you are six weeks away from graduating in your fourth year of college. In this research, you and your classmates are asked to write about their college experiences. Considering how much time they have left in college, one-half of the group is invited to write about why they are glad for their friends. While the second half has to write about how thankful they are for their friends here, especially considering how college life will finish soon. You will discover that those who were concerned about college graduation spent more time with friends and engaged in more college-related activities as a result of which they felt better about themselves. When you think about how quickly a wonderful thing will come to an end, you will become more appreciative of it. This teaches you not to take your time with people for granted.

  • Hot Seat Exercise

This is a great activity for retreats, get-togethers, and other gatherings when there will be time for games. Make your friends or family members take turns in a “hot seat.” All the others have to express their admiration and appreciation to the person in the hot seat by telling them why they value what they do and any recent aid or kindnesses they have received, etc.

  • Participate as a Community Volunteer

Giving back as a group is a rewarding experience that strengthens our sense of purpose and increases our sense of appreciation. Identify volunteer opportunities that are best accomplished as a group and commit to working as a unit. Involve your friends and family as well. When it comes to community service, organizing a park cleaning is a wonderful idea since it gets people outside and shows the impact of their efforts instantly.

  • Share Memories

It is a fantastic time to reflect on what you are grateful for in others, so why not show your appreciation by spreading the cheer?
Sharing positive memories of those in your immediate vicinity or expressing your appreciation for their contributions can be done informally, allowing everyone to participate as they see fit; alternatively, you can ask everyone to go around the room and share their positive memories with the group. Either way, it has the potential to transmit positive emotions such as love and appreciation and perhaps become a beloved family custom.

  • Celebrate World Gratitude Day in your Workplace

World Gratitude Day falls on the 21st of September. Have a low-key party and some sweets for your employees to commemorate the occasion. Pay attention to how much you appreciate your workers. Give all employees a thank-you note from the CEO or another senior executive in honor of “World Gratitude Day.”

  • Eradicate the apologetic culture

Even the seemingly small changes can make a big difference when it comes to inculcating a sense of gratitude in your team. Here’s one example: swapping out an “I’m sorry” with a “thank you.” This concept went viral in a Tumblr post a few years ago, and it’s still a great way to make appreciation more constant on your team. Here are just a few examples:

  • Instead of saying “I’m so sorry for screwing that up,” say “Thanks for catching that.”
  • Instead of saying “I’m sorry I’m late,” say “Thanks for waiting.”
  • Instead of saying “I’m sorry for bothering you,” say “Thanks for chipping in.”

See the difference? This small word change can alter our perception of these events. And, as Dr. Alex Korb writes in his book The Upward Spiral, the act of a “thank you” forces you to notice and appreciate what you have. This will make your workers feel appreciated and they will be more productive as a result since they won’t take criticism to the heart.

  • Gain New perspective on perceived failures

Your team has to learn their fair share of hard lessons. These inevitable stumbles are more than a way to improve – they can be a surprising outlet to practice gratitude.

How could you possibly be thankful for a failure to achieve the targets? Well, it’s as straightforward as asking a few questions during a post-mortem or troubleshooting session.

I recommend posing the following questions to your team:

  • Can you find ways to be thankful for what happened now?
  • What ability did the experience draw out that surprised you?
  • Are there ways you would suggest for us to adopt to become a better workplace?
  • Has the experience removed an obstacle that previously prevented you from feeling grateful?  

These questions will help you find the silver linings in even the most challenging experiences, including your team’s failures.

  • Begin with an icebreaker based on appreciation

As an icebreaker, you may make your team members feel more connected and jumpstart a collaborative atmosphere in your meeting or event. However, rather than settling for a haphazard icebreaker, start with an expression of appreciation. Do you not know where to begin? Then here’s the solution: this is the point of a Trello board: to keep track of everything. You may either assign your team a prompt or let each member choose from a deck of cards that speaks to them at the beginning of the meeting. Next, take turns sharing your responses with the class. To get your meeting started, have your staff give you some well-deserved praise and thanks. That is far more energizing than the standard question about surviving on a desert island.

  • Set aside time for acknowledgments or “snaps”

According to recent research, just one-third of employees firmly believe that they have gotten acknowledgement for their hard work in the last week. While many of the employees are working remotely and feeling less visible to supervisors and coworkers as a result of the epidemic, the situation has certainly become worse. You and your team must have an open exchange when it comes to praising hard work. Spend some time at the beginning of each team meeting to acknowledge the contributions of the others.


So this wraps up the most efficacious list of gratitude exercises that you can make use of!
So decide for yourself which exercise will you start with on your gratitude journey. Just by taking the first step, you will realize how much these exercises have benefited you. 

Now, I want to hear from you.What do you think of this list?
Which gratitude exercise did you find the best?
How has instilling gratitude changed your life?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized] Gratitude Exercises

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16 thoughts on “Top 50 Effective Gratitude Exercises [categorized]”

  1. The article was very informative and covered all the points that must be known to everybody on gratitude and its formation. Indeed, gratitude leads to transformative changes in one’s life and helps in defining positive aspects of life.

  2. I am a research scholar and have been researching topics related to gratitude development at an early age. This article was very briefly written and has converted several aspects of gratitude exercise and development. Wholeheartedly thankful for this article.

  3. As an elementary school teacher, I am aware of the exercise of gratitude in children at an early age. I wanted to improve my current knowledge and wanted to work for benefitting the children by practicing rightful gratitude manners.

  4. These days, we often become forgetful and lack a sense of gratitude in our daily life behavior. This article has surely opened my eyes and welcomed an existing but ignorant truth of gratitude in real scenarios.

  5. The article creatively discusses effective exercises and the benefits of gratitude over a long time. It also talks about changes in gratitude owing to different physical and environmental changes. The best thing about this article is that it is applicable for reading for any age group.

  6. Being a parent isn’t easy always. Sometimes, we need to observe the behavior of our children and bring them to the right path instead of them dwelling on the hostile. This change can be brought about by applying useful principles and measures as described in the article.

  7. The value of gratitude is very much in the field of coaching and everyone must understand these little but significant terms which can be life-saving in some situations. It is also beneficial for new readers as well as older because of its easy language.

  8. One of the best articles out there in the market which comprised essential topics about gratitude formation, development, and its practice. As rightly mentioned in the article, I support the view that gratitude should be cultivated positively at a younger or juvenile age.

  9. Glad to hear something positive about behavior and manners in the form of gratitude. It has beautifully explained different varieties of gratitude exercises that one can perform individually, with their spouse, with children, with a group, and also at the workplace.

  10. All the points in the article are very well kept. Even, I agree that studies in positive psychology show that feeling grateful is closely linked to being happier. Everyone in this era wants to lead a happier and healthy life. Expressing gratitude is an influential tool for stimulating one’s mood.

  11. A very useful guide that made me appreciate my surroundings and other wonderful things in life, such as staying healthy, managing stress, and coping up with anxiety-related disorders. It has debunked several myths concerning gratitude development and its improvement.

  12. Nowadays, children are becoming what they are seeing. So, we as parents, teachers, and other elder members of the family should teach the practice of gratitude to them from their childhood days and motivate them to lead a pleasurable life.

  13. The principles and exercise of gratitude as explained in the article cover the majority of the aspects of how to lead a healthy, positive life. It also narrates the importance of self-gratitude that can build confidence and help one face any challenge or difficulty in the road of persuasion of happiness.

  14. After a long time, I came to read a full-fledged article on gratitude development. As a culture and etiquette consultant, I can briefly explain the need for gratitude in the present times. Everyone can’t be selfish and selfless all the time, people need to be aware of the rightful means to practice gratitude.

  15. Gratitude is a making or losing factor when it comes to the coaching industry as described in the article. One’s politeness and humble gratitude can make their clients feel at ease and help them to open up about their cause of distress easily. Seriously, grateful for this wonderful article.


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