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How To Write Coaching Bio That Attracts High End Coaching Clients

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For someone who is just starting as a new coach, I know how scary it can be to write their own coaching bio.

I mean all world-class coaches have gone through that phase. I had to go through that phase as well where I messed up a lot of things and attracted a lot of clients.

And eventually, I had to go through this TRIAL and ERROR method because of which I had to go through a lot of low paying and unreliable clients which were not really aligned with my style of coaching.

But in this post, I am writing about how you can NAIL the right sort of coaching bio in ONE time so that you don’t have to go through the same trial and errors that I have to do, in order to make a significant mark in your coaching niche.

Not only that but even for some of the most experienced coaches, it can be a daunting task.

That’s why I want to take this opportunity to help you all in nailing this process.

BIOs should help you in selling your coaching packages

Over the years we have worked with a lot of coaches and have helped them in fixing their bio. We have found that your coaching bio is actually your route to marketing, and if done right it can actually sell your coaching packages.

The best way to sell your coaching packages is by first putting yourself in your buyer’s shoes.

Like ask yourself this question, what do they need to know in order to buy your coaching packages.

From my experience, I believe they are looking to know a couple of quick things about you, using which they’ll be able to make their buying decision.

Key factors for buying coaching packages

1. Who are you and what is your story?
2. What is your coaching niche (or area of expertise)?
3. How your Coaching Skills can help them in solving their problems?
4. What’s the best way they can contact you?

How To Write Coaching Bio That Attracts High End Coaching Clients coaching bio
Image taken from unsplash.com

Quick things to keep in mind while devising your coaching bio

1. Use the correct verbiage

You can get your coaching bio written in the smartest possible manner, but if people can’t discover it or find it, then it is of no use.

Whenever you write, you have to write for the sake of search engines like Google and Bing.  What you can do is if you write sort of verbiage, your discoverability will increase on the search engines and more people will come to you.

For example, you can use keywords, especially long-tail phrases, and location to get some inbound traffic to your web pages. Like an example which I use in my long-tail case.

“Business Coach, Sai Blackbryn, Berlin, Germany “

So when someone looks for a business coach in Berlin in Germany they will see the name Sai Blackbyrn coming on top of everything.  The main reason is that people usually search for coaches in their local area because they want to have someone who they can engage with on a personal one on one basis.

Tip: Try to name your website as a coaches name, because people hire coaches not companies to address their own issues.

2. Be short with your bio

When you write your bio, you should focus on making it short and precise. Don’t confuse bio with writing a biography where you enter a lot of personal accomplishments and data which is of no use to your buyer.

What your dream clients are looking for is, to understand “whether you can help them or not? “

“ Do you have any understanding about people like me? “

“ Have you ever had a problem like mine? “

If you think your bio deserves lot more space, then you can simply, add a ‘more information’ link at the bottom so that they can open the details and access it in an expansive mode in a separate page.

The whole gist of your bio should be to communicate whether you can help them overcome their problems.

How To Write Coaching Bio That Attracts High End Coaching Clients coaching bio
Image taken from unsplash.com

3. Write it for your dream client

Don’t write your bio thinking as if everyone is your client. Write for the people who are specifically targeted in your niche.

But if you haven’t properly thought about your coaching niche. Then I would suggest you get that area resolved first before moving onto the writing part.

The simplest way is to build your dream client persona and write for that client.

But you can do that by interviewing your clients and asking them about their fears, hopes and dreams so that you can build phrase by phrase, and word by word copy from it.

Once that is in place, and you build your writing copy from it. When the dream clients come and look at your content, they will be strongly attracted to buy from you because they would relate to the content very strongly.

The more specific, concise and targeted it is, the better it works because the problem with most of the bios is that they are just too vague and don’t address anything in specific.

4. ‘You and I’ Usage

Whenever you write and address anything, or any client facing communication, you should address it in you and I terms. Because when you address people in a one on one format, they will start paying attention to what you’ll have to say.

When a reader sees these kinds of terminologies being used to address while speaking to them they tend to spend more time on your content, and will eventually buy more from you.

5. Multiple bios

If you have multiple offerings on yours or other websites, say multiple stores across the internet, then they’d be able to connect with you better.

For example, there is a coach who sells multiple courses across categories of wealth, health, relationships, and other categories.

The way he positions himself in all categories is very different, and that’s what makes people attracted to him the most because they can relate to him on a very personal level in all types of content. That is what makes them buy his content.

That is what will make your dream clients say “ Yes, he’s the right person for me “

6. Build curiosity

Building curiosity is a great copywriting skill, and copywriting is something that every world-class coach must have. Every sentence that you write has to be there on purpose. There are many ways to do this.

You could ask questions that your clients might engage with.  You can also use emotional words, high-intensity words to get them to convert more. Target the pain-points of your clients and build curiosity on how you are solving the problems.

How To Write Coaching Bio That Attracts High End Coaching Clients coaching bio
Image taken from unsplash.com

7. Build trust

If you have multiple coaching bios about you, your client gets to know more and more facets of your coaching expertise.  This will expand your client base and will help more people find you. Add all your relevant important credentials, if credentials would matter to your potential clients.

Although clients don’t care about credentials, they care more about results. So adding multiple bios makes the person go through trust building exercises.

If you can attach share related credentials, then they will be valued more since the customer cares more about them.

Tip: Don’t lie about your credentials, if your customer finds you out, then it can destroy your reputation and trust in the market. Don’t do it.

8. Get others to sell for you

Usually, people hate to brag about themselves, but not bragging what you are good at is also a great disservice to your clients.

This the main reason why a lot of customers these days rely on reviews, ratings and testimonials. If you have some space on your website, you must include testimonials, videos and other types of social proofing that confirms that your coaching is working well with people.

A certification in your coaching niche could give you the added benefit of building more credibility.

9. Be easy to find

You want to be easily accessible to your clients so that they can reach out to you with ease. That’s why joining search directories is helpful, doing SEO and running Facebook and Google Ads can give you an easy boost of discoverability.

Get a business phone number, email, address or PO box to get things started.

How To Write Coaching Bio That Attracts High End Coaching Clients coaching bio
Image taken from Unsplash.com

10. Be easy to see

Add a professionally shot photo of you, if you can. Avoid using your logo, try to go more for your images and your own face as the brand positioning.

A professionally shot photo will go really long way in establishing your brand.

11. Make yourself easy to work with

Usually, most people have never worked with a coach. So they are sort of confused on how they can go about it. And when people are confused they don’t usually buy.

12. Make it easy for them

This is super important. You have to tell people what they need to do in order to get started on working with you. In marketing speak we call it “ Call to action “ if that feels too directive, think of something that requests an invitation. Your call to action should be easy to access and available to everyone.

You want to get people to take action, you need to give them some sort of free value, to get them to take the step.

if you love this article give it a share on your socials, and it would mean the world to me and if you have any comments or questions, please write them below and I will try my best to answer them,

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Bio?

A Bio is a short description of yourself, such as your favorite quote, your pet’s name, your favorite color, your hobbies, etc. It’s just a short way to get to know someone better and a great way to get a little more attention from the person you like.

What to put in a coaching bio?

The bio should contain the relevant educational background of the coach, the professional experiences and any key achievements. A simple word of encouragement or a quote adds to the bio. Recent statistics show that a bio should be no more than 3 paragraphs. These paragraphs should be interesting enough, so that your potential client would like to read more about your experiences. That’s why a good bio is an important part of the coaching packages.

How to write a coaching bio?

A coaching bio is important. It should ideally describe what you have taught and how you’ve been able to help people. It is your opportunity to showcase your expertise and also give your potential clients and students confidence that you can help them too. 

Is bio help in selling your coaching packages?

Yes, it is. Having a good bio is helpful in making your coaching packages look more credible. Having a well-written bio lets your prospects know that you’re a qualified coach who’s been in the industry for some time. It gives your prospects a good impression about your coaching services and products. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then you need a bio that highlights your current accomplishments and your past successes as a coach. You also need to make sure that your bio looks professional and well-written.



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