Coaching Models: CIGAR

Coaching is a process that helps people achieve their potential. The CIGAR model is a framework that can be used to guide the coaching process. 

The CIGAR model has four components: 

– Contracting: This stage involves setting up the coaching relationship. It includes agreeing on the goals, roles, and expectations of the coaching relationship. 

Coaching Models: CIGAR cigar coaching model

– Inquiry: This stage focuses on exploring the client’s current situation and understanding their goals. 

– Generation: This stage is about generating new ideas and options for the client. 

– Action: This stage involves setting up a plan of action and taking steps towards achieving the goals. 

The CIGAR model can be used to help coaches and clients create a successful coaching relationship. By following the four stages of the model, coaches can help clients achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

What is CIGAR coaching model and what are its key features

CIGAR coaching model stands for Challenge, Insight, Goal-setting, Action-planning, and Review. This model provides a structure for the coaching process and helps to ensure that each coaching session is productive and focused. Challenge focuses on setting objectives and identifying areas for improvement. Insight involves exploring the coach’s assumptions and beliefs about the coachee. Goal-setting helps the coachee identify specific goals and develop a plan for achieving them. Action planning ensures that the coachee has a concrete plan for taking action. A review allows the coach and coachee to reflect on progress and identify any obstacles that need to be addressed. The CIGAR coaching model is an effective tool for helping individuals to achieve their goals.

The key features of the CIGAR coaching model are as follows:

  • The coach establishes a clear and concise goal with the client.
  • The coach then identifies the key steps or actions that need to be taken to achieve that goal.
  • The coach helps the client to identify and overcome any obstacles that may be preventing them from achieving the goal.
  • The coach provides regular feedback and accountability to the client in order to help them stay on track.
  • Finally, the coach celebrates with the client when they reach their goal.

How can you use the CIGAR coaching model to achieve success with your clients

The CIGAR coaching model can be used to achieve success with your clients by facilitating lasting change, setting goals and objectives, and measuring progress. This coaching model can help you to create a supportive relationship with your client, where you share common values and respect each other’s expertise. Usage of the CIGAR coaching model will help you achieve success with your clients by providing them with the tools they need to reach their potential.

The CIGAR coaching model can be used to achieve success with your clients by creating a shared vision, setting challenging goals, taking action towards those goals, reflecting on progress made, and maintaining accountability. 

Creating a shared vision is important because it allows you and your client to be on the same page from the start. You can do this by asking your client what their ideal outcome is and what their values are. Once you know this, you can help them to create a realistic plan to achieve their goal. 

Setting challenging goals is essential in order to push your client out of their comfort zone and help them to achieve something they may have thought was impossible. Without challenging goals, it is easy for people to become complacent and give up when things get tough. 

Taking action towards those goals is obviously crucial if your client is going to achieve anything! This means helping them to break down their goal into smaller, more manageable steps and then taking action on those steps. Without taking action, all of the planning in the world won’t amount to anything. 

Reflecting on progress made is key in order to maintain motivation levels and keeping your client moving forward. This can be done by regularly checking in with them and celebrating even the small wins along the way. 

Finally, maintaining accountability will help to keep your client accountable for their actions and ensure that they are staying on track. This can be done by agreeing on regular check-ins, setting up a system of rewards and consequences, or simply holding each other accountable through regular conversation. 

By using the CIGAR coaching model, you can set yourself up for success with your clients from the very beginning. By following these simple steps, you can help your clients to achieve their goals and lead more fulfilling lives.

What are some of the benefits of using the CIGAR coaching model

The benefits of using the CIGAR coaching model are numerous. 

First, it helps to establish clear expectations and objectives. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal. 

Second, it provides a structure for coaching sessions, which helps to keep things organized and focused. 

Third, it helps to build trust and rapport between the coach and the client. 

Fourth, it allows for regular feedback and assessment, so that progress can be monitored and course-corrected as needed. 

Finally, it helps to develop a deeper understanding of both individual and team dynamics. 

Ultimately, the benefits of using the CIGAR coaching model make it an invaluable tool for any organization or team looking to improve its performance.

How can you get started using the CIGAR coaching model

The CIGAR coaching model is a simple yet effective way to help people set and achieve their goals. To get started using this model, just follow these four steps:

1. Clarify the goal 

The first step is to help the person you’re coaching clarify their goal. What do they want to achieve? What are their specific objectives? This step is important because it helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.

2. Investigate resources 

Once the goal has been clarified, the next step is to investigate resources. What resources does the person have at their disposal? How can they best be used to achieve the goal? This step helps to ensure that the person has all the tools and information they need to succeed.

3. Generate options

The third step is to generate options. What are some different ways that the goal could be achieved? This step is important because it helps the person to explore different possibilities and find the best path forward.

4. Activate the action plan 

The fourth and final step is to activate an action plan. Once the goal has been clarified and resources have been investigated, it’s time to put together a plan of action. What steps need to be taken in order to achieve the goal? When will each step be taken? This step is important because it gives the person a specific plan to follow in order to achieve their goal.

Examples of how the CIGAR coaching model can be used to achieve success

The CIGAR coaching model can be used in a variety of situations to help achieve success. Examples of how the model can be used include:

  • Clarifying goals and expectations: The coach can help the individual to clarify what they want to achieve and ensure that both parties are on the same page. This can prevent misunderstandings and help to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • Identifying obstacles and barriers: The coach can help the individual to identify any obstacles or barriers which may be preventing them from achieving their goal. This could include internal factors such as self-doubt or external factors such as a difficult work environment. Once these barriers have been identified, it will be easier to find ways to overcome them.
  • Generating options and solutions: The coach can help the individual to generate ideas and solutions for overcoming the obstacles which have been identified. This could involve brainstorming different ways to approach the problem or exploring different resources which could be of assistance.
  • Assessing progress and celebrating success: The coach can help the individual to assess their progress towards their goal and celebrate their successes along the way. This helps to keep motivation high and provides a sense of achievement which can spur further progress.


CIGAR coach is a great way to improve your game and take it to the next level. Overall, the CIGAR model is a great way to help individuals reach their goals. The model focuses on four key areas: challenges, impact, goals, and action steps. 

By focusing on these areas, coaches can help their clients identify the areas where they need improvement and develop a plan for reaching their goals. Additionally, the CIGAR model is flexible and can be adapted to meet the needs of any client. Overall, the CIGAR model is a great way to help individuals reach their goals. 

Frequently asked questions

What type of coaches can use the CIGAR coaching model

The CIGAR coaching model can be used by any type of coach, whether they are a sports coach, a business coach, or a life coach. The model is based on the four key elements of coaching: Commitment, Imagination, Growth, and Action. By focusing on these four areas, coaches can help their clients to develop in all aspects of their lives. For example, a business coach may help their clients to commit to taking action steps towards their goals, while a life coach may help their clients to imagine what their ideal life would look like. No matter what type of coaching you do, the CIGAR model can be a helpful tool in your arsenal.

How to get started with the CIGAR coaching model

The CIGAR coaching model is a great way to get started with coaching. Here are a few tips on how to get started:
1.Clarify your goals and objectives. What do you want to achieve through coaching? What are your specific goals?
2.Identify your key stakeholders. Who will be affected by the coaching process? Who do you need to involve for it to be successful?
3.Get buy-in from your key stakeholders. Once you’ve identified them, make sure they’re on board with the coaching process and committed to making it work.
4.Assess your current situation. How are things currently going? What could be improved? What’s working well? This will help you identify areas where coaching can make a difference.
5.Develop a plan. What will the coaching process look like? How often will you meet? What topics will you cover? How will you know if it’s working? Make sure you have a clear plan in place before you get started.
6.Implement the plan. This is the fun part! Follow your plan and start seeing results. Remember to keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed.

What makes the CIGAR coaching model unique

1.The CIGAR coaching model is built around the idea of a support network.
2.Coaches work together to help clients identify their goals, and then create a plan to achieve those goals.
3.The model emphasizes collaboration and teamwork, rather than competition.
4.Coaches are also available to provide support and feedback outside of sessions.


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