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Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching

Sometimes we are asked what are some of the best books on Addiction Coaching worthy enough. The best addiction coaching books inform us of the similarities between sickness and the reality that a large percentage of addicts eventually do recover.

Addiction coaching is a subset of coaching that modifies a person’s set to transform their life.

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

Due to the fact that it provides behavioral health support for those who have used substances in the past but are now in recovery, this coaching specialty occasionally falls under the heading of behavioral coaching. Optimism, appreciation, creativity, and resilience are just a few of the traits that addiction recovery coaches teach their clients to identify so they can use them to overcome obstacles.

In this article, we will share the top books on addiction coaching.

In Brief : Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching

How Addiction Coaching Books Help a Coach

Similar to life and business coaching, addiction coaching employs a partnership paradigm in which the client is seen as the authority in his or her life and the one who decides what is worthwhile while the coach offers knowledge in facilitating effective transformation. Not simply recovery-related goals, but also goals that are significant to the client are the focus of addiction coaching. 

To assist the client in finding clarity and choosing the best course of action, the coach makes suggestions and asks questions. Addiction coaching places a strong emphasis on upholding values, making decisions based on moral principles, developing a clear plan of action, and utilizing one’s current assets to achieve future objectives. The coach holds the customer accountable to keep them on track.

Addiction Coaching Books help you in the following ways as a Coach:

  • Describing the treatment options you have available
  • Assisting you to develop a plan focused on rehabilitation
  • Pointing you toward tools for recovering from addiction
  • Putting you in touch with peer support groups for recovery
  • Helping patients find their way around the medical system
  • Educating you on taking responsibility for your actions

10 Books for Every Addiction Coach

A great way to fully comprehend the components of functioning in this sector is to read books. With so many options accessible, it might be difficult to narrow down a list of essential readings.

Here are our top suggestions for Addiction Coaching Books:

1. Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction and Recovery

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on April 28, 2015 by  Erica Spiegelman. Author Erica Spiegelman’s book, which is regarded as one of the best on addiction recovery in recent memory, lays out a route to recovery that is empowering and simple to follow.

The book argues that living in accordance with twelve potent, time-tested principles such as honesty, evolution, solitude, love, compassion, and hope will lead to a good recovery. The book argues that living in accordance with twelve potent, time-tested principles such as honesty, evolution, solitude, love, compassion, and hope will lead to a good recovery.

  • Change your focus, and you’ll inevitably make healthy decisions that revive your body, mind, and spirit.
  • The book contains intention-setting, action-oriented affirmations that will assist you in preventing addiction.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

2. Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on April 2, 2013 by David Sheff. He investigated the most recent findings in psychology, neurology, and medicine while spending time with several scientists, medical professionals, counselors, addicts, and their families. In Clean, he describes the true nature of addiction and offers solutions for overcoming it.

A completely updated lexicon of words, extra abbreviations, and updated appendices are all available to readers. These will help explain the quite complex and scientifically based advancements in our understanding of neuroscience and genetics studies that are so important in comprehending why addiction is such a terrible and challenging condition.

  • It is a condition that may be prevented and treated, not a moral shortcoming. 
  • The treatments that are most likely to be effective are based on research, just like with other illnesses, rather than on belief, custom, penitence, or wishful thinking.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

3. In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on January 5, 2010, by GABOR MATÉ. The Realm of Hungry Ghosts takes a comprehensive approach to dramatically re-envision this widely misunderstood profession, drawing on Gabor Maté’s two decades of experience as a medical doctor and his revolutionary work with the seriously addicted on Vancouver’s skid row.

It opposes modern health, social, and criminal justice approaches to addiction and those affected by it with strong arguments. The book is beneficial to both lay readers and professionals due to its blend of human stories including the author’s open admission of his own “high-status” addictive tendencies and science with helpful answers.

  • A non-traditional guide to addiction treatment, greater integration of addicts into society, and dispelling many of the myths around addiction.
  • Examines the prevalence of addictions in our culture, the factors that make people so vulnerable to them, and the steps that must be taken to free ourselves from their control over our feelings and actions.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

4. Nothing Good Can Come from This: Essays

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on August 7, 2018, by Kristi Coulter. With compassion and wit, Kristi Coulter explores the unpolished, quietly captivating terrain of new sobriety.

This book explores generative discomfort, unexpected sources of beauty, and the peculiar, frequently amusing business of being human.

  • Unexpected discomfort, unexpected sources of beauty, and the peculiar, frequently amusing business of being human are all topics covered in this book.
  • Perfect for anyone who has ever stood in the middle of a so-called perfect life and looked for an escape hatch.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

5. Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on September 21 2017 by Russell Brand. She shares the guidance and experience he has received over the course of his fourteen years of recovery in his writing, which is a remarkable combination of honesty, humor, and compassion about his own extraordinary story.

Speaks to folks who are struggling with addictions of all kinds, including those to caffeine, sweets, alcohol, drugs, stress, terrible relationships, digital media, and fame. It demonstrates how various forms of addiction exist and how maintaining sobriety, sanity, and freedom from addiction is a daily endeavor.

  • We are all somewhere on the scale because the culture of addiction that consumerism and materialism are fostering keeps us there.
  • The 12 Steps are a straightforward system. composed of age-old rules for controlling our inner lives so that we can interact with reality.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

6. Addicted to the Monkey Mind: Change the Programming That Sabotages Your Life

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on August 29, 2018, by J.F.Benoist. Experiential Engagement Therapy (EET), a technique developed by JF, is used at the renowned skills-based facility to teach clients how to make changes that stay.JF is also the author of Addicted to the Monkey Mind, a best-selling self-help book.

You’ll discover why our thoughts are so unpredictable, why our emotions occasionally spiral out of control, why some days we feel great but other days we’re so anxious that we drink, use drugs, yell at our partners, ruin our relationships, ruin our careers, or feel so depressed that we can’t even get out of bed. Because we were raised to believe that only internal variables affect our experiences, the majority of us are mired in these never-ending, destructive cycles.

  • This book serves as a step-by-step manual for bringing about long-lasting change.
  • Dependent on the Monkey Mind provides a toolkit of useful techniques to change self-defeating, ingrained thought patterns and learn practical techniques to overcome addiction and crippling habits; resolve relationship problems; replace burnout with passion; and sustain an enduring joy.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

7. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on August 27, 2010, by Brené Brown. This book’s goal is to encourage readers to embrace their flaws and accept themselves for who they are rather than making a concerted effort to live a phony life in an effort to please others.

Every day, society and the media bombard us with images and messages that tell us what, who, and how we ought to be. The book tells us everything, and if we could just look flawless and live perfect lives, we wouldn’t feel inadequate.

  • How we can develop the bravery, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and consider good and terrible, Brown engages our minds, hearts, and spirits.
  • A method of interacting with the world in a worthy manner.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

8. Alcoholism: How to Deal With an Alcoholic Partner

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on January 3, 2014, by Stefanie May. She provides addiction treatment for patients. Her path starts after a difficult family history involving addictions to alcohol and other substances. 

This book aims to help you take back control of your life without experiencing the upheaval that comes with cohabiting with an active drinker. Author Stephanie May explains helpful new ways of thinking and acting in the pages of this special guide, helping partners of alcoholics change the unhelpful habits they have been stuck in for years.

  • How to spot alcoholism in a loved one’s behavior
  • How to deal with an alcoholic and assist them in achieving sober
  • How drinking too much affects both men and women
  • How to handle a denial-based alcoholic relationship
  • How to properly use your willpower and reclaim control over your life.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

9. Mastering the Addicted Brain: Building a Sane and Meaningful Life to Stay Clean

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on August 15, 2017 by Dr Walter Ling. Dr Walter Ling has dealt with tens of thousands of addicts, as well as their family members and other professionals. His no-nonsense, no-judgment programme, which he refers to as the “neuroscience of common sense,” promotes all-encompassing techniques to avoid relapse and form new patterns that will lead to a meaningful, sustainable life.

For anyone battling addiction, cohabiting with an addict, or assisting someone with an addiction The majority of drug and alcohol abusers eventually come to the realization that bad habits can’t be broken by having only good intentions. However, once its true nature is understood, addiction can be controlled.

  • Walks you through the process of creating a life after addiction by acquiring new habits that bring about long-lasting change step-by-step.
  • Addiction can be managed once its true nature is understood.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

10. Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Path to Recovering From Addiction

Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books

The book was published on June 10, 2014, by Noah Levine. He has developed Refuge Rehabilitation, a Buddhist approach to addiction recovery that combines peer-led sessions and a medical treatment facility.

While many people urgently require the 12-step recovery program’s assistance, the conventional AA model’s emphasis on an external higher power has the potential to alienate those who don’t agree with its beliefs of religion. Refuge Recovery is a methodical approach founded on Buddhist teachings that combine psychological, scientific, and atheistic insight.

  • Created for anyone interested in a non-theistic method of healing and requires no prior training in either meditation or Buddhism.
  • Contains regular meditation routines, written research on the factors that lead to our addictions, and guidance and inspiration for finding or starting a community that will support your healing and awakening.
Top 10 Must Read Books on Addiction Coaching Addiction Coaching Books


You might begin to recognize that a friend or family member is battling with alcohol or drug usage as you learn more about addiction coaching. Finding the best treatment center for that particular addiction is crucial. Addicts require therapy, and if they are unaware of it, they may never get the chance to get well. If done correctly, this kind of tutoring is beneficial.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is Addiction coaching?

The evidence-based treatment of addiction coaching enhances your capacity to recognise and alter unfavorable thoughts, feelings, and actions. When treating substance misuse, cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapy is extremely successful. Your capacity for communication and stress management may be enhanced by expressing your feelings and emotions in a therapeutic setting that is encouraging and helpful.

2. How to set up an Addiction coaching business?

Face-to-face encounters with community members should be had. Establishing a professional relationship with these groups will come after you have explained your services and how they can benefit individuals. A lifelong, mutually beneficial connection is built via cooperation. Create a well-defined company website to highlight your expertise and provide the credentials to support it.

3. Does reading books really help in coaching?

Yes, reading enhances analytical thinking in coaching. Readers gain more broad information, but more critically, they can identify patterns more quickly. Your analytical abilities improve if you can recognize patterns more quickly.


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