Self Love Coaching: Win Clients, Change Lives [2024 Edition]

What is the one thing about self love coaching that makes you feel happy? If you ask me, it is the ability to help someone accept and own who she/he has become. Knowing that you played such an important role in someone’s life provides a huge sense of fulfillment. Does it not?

And in 2021, it can also boost your coaching practice!

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If you type out the words self love on Google, you will find several beautiful images of what it means. Some link self love with gratitude. Others associate it with acceptance. If self love is such a universal feeling, then why do you need a coach for this?

Why do you need to practice self love coaching?

Love may be a universal feeling. But in almost every media we consume, love is always projected as external. We are instructed to love our neighbours. We are taught to give. We are advised to accept others despite flaws because we love them.

But there is limited information about loving oneself.

Yet, when you look around, love is the only uniting force. And what better way to start than by beginning with oneself.

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But most people do not know where to start. Others cannot sustain the process of self love in the face of a critical environment. Bullying, criticism, abuse has sadly become all too prevalent in the world today.

Hence, there is an urgent need for self love coaches.

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Who needs self love coaching in 2021?

Is there enough need for self love coaching in the market today?

Who is your target audience?

In order for me to answer that question, let me ask you this. Are your clients suffering from any of these problems? Ask them these questions:

  • Do you feel a lack of confidence or self-worth? Do you feel like you do not measure up to others? Do you feel like an impostor at work?
  • Do you have trouble balancing your family, work and life?
  • Do you have a problem with time management and saying no? Do you worry about losing people’s acceptance if you say no?
  • Is your body or self-image making you uncomfortable? Do you feel self-conscious about speaking in public and networking?
  • Do you hesitate in putting yourself first (aka self-care)? Do you worry too much about what others are thinking about you?
  • Do you use food to alleviate stress? Are you rushing through your meals? Do you indulge in distraction eating? Do you forget to eat or mindlessly eat the wrong kind of food?
  • Do you have a troubled relationship with money? Do you feel unworthy and uncomfortable about selling or making money?
  • Do you have trouble staying focussed? Do you get distracted easily with great ideas but poor execution? Do you end up feeling overwhelmed and directionless?
  • Are you overwhelmed with where to start to grow your business? Are you clueless about how to pitch your services, what platforms and tools to use, and just not sure where to start.

Anyone that is facing these problems can be your client.

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What does self love coaching involve?

What does a self love coach do?

Your first and primary task is to help people.

But isn’t that the baseline for every coach, whether a life coach or executive coach?

Yes, it is.

But a self love coach primarily focuses on an understanding and acceptance of self. A life coach focuses on working on a certain aspect of his/her life. A marriage coach may be hired to help someone with their ability to love and trust others. Similarly a transformation coach helps a client overcome a period of transition. A self love coach focuses primarily on the self. In a way, all other coaches must use elements of self love coaching for their practice.

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What are the mental barriers self love coaching can remove?

Clients come to you when they realize that they have a problem. They can see how their self-sabotaging thoughts or talk is limiting their abilities. But they do not know how to stop.

What are the usual barriers to practicing self love? Clients often use these statements to explain why they are unable to practice self love.

  • My parents were not positive or supportive while I was growing up
  • I have not received healthy love from others
  • I was abused physically/mentally and made to feel that it was my fault
  • I am unable to practise self-love/ I feel guilty/proud/selfish practising self-love
  • Shouldn’t love come from outside/others based on how good I am?

The onus lies on the coach to make the clients realize how these barriers are limiting client’s growth.

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Which areas will self love coaching impact?

Self love coaching helps a client:

  • Thrive in health and wealth
  • Stop limiting thoughts and behaviors
  • Shift negative mental blocks related to money and prosperity
  • Let go of unreal expectations from the self and others
  • Enable him to understand his potential and embrace a new life purpose

The objective behind being a self love coach is to enable a client to live his life in harmony. He should be able enjoy to abundance in all aspects of his life, in finances or health.

Coach’s responsibilities in self love coaching

A self love coach is responsible for helping you understand your potential and set achievable goals.

To do this, the coach and client must:

  • Identify limiting self beliefs and overcome them
  • Develop new affirmative beliefs
  • Learn to keep focus on one’s life and business goals
  • Learn to be accountable for life decisions
  • Understand the tools, guidance and structure to achieve goals

This brings me to the next section. What qualities make for a good self love coach?

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What are the qualities needed for self love coaching?

There are several traits that are common for all good coaches, irrespective of a niche. I have written about it in detail in a few blogs. In my previous blog Top 10 Coaching Skills You Must Have as a Life Coach, I have mentioned several qualities. The top three qualities are:

  • Confidentiality
  • Objectivity
  • Accountability

Like I said, these are common across all coaching models. But in this blog I will talk about a few more qualities that you can apply in self love coaching practice.

  • Practise what you preach: If you are into self love coaching, then you must practise before you preach. You are the client’s reference point for being confident and amiable but knowing your own self worth.
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  • Define criticism and self debilitating talk. Most of us human beings are equipped with a rationality that enables us to think before we act. Some clients are able to critically analyze their actions. This is a plus and should be encouraged. However, the trick is to know when self-criticism is turning into self sabotage. The best way to show this is by admitting any mistake you made. Let the client see how mistakes are natural. Constructive self criticism is welcome.
  • Remain neutral. This is the most difficult thing to do. To remain calm, unbiased and objective you must remember something. This is not your journey. This is your client’s journey. You can help them. You can teach them. But you cannot walk their path for them.

You will find some more of these pointers in my blog on self esteem coaching. It’s called Self-Esteem Coaching: How to Become a Self-Esteem Coach and Get High-End Clients.

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There are several other qualities that make for a good coach. You may want to refer to my blog on 21 Coaching Skills Every Successful Coach Needs and Top Qualities Of A Successful Coach.

These qualities mentioned are helpful for all coaches, including self love coaches.

Top qualifications required for self love coaching

Are there certain specific degrees needed to practise self love coaching?

Besides a willingness to help people, the traits that make for a good coach are common to all coaches.

However, as I always say invest in yourself before asking others to invest in you.

Techniques for Self Love Coaching

Self love coaches do not just educate clients about how to love themselves. Their main role is to bring about deeper change in self perception. They help bring about perspective shift in clients. Once a client arrives at an understanding of the self, there is a higher acceptance of who they truly are.

The intention of self love coaches is to always help clients arrive at this place of analyzing, understanding and accepting their past and future.

What are some of the techniques in

self love coaching?

  • Help the client identify strengths and weaknesses. After all this is their main task.
  • Encourage a powerful elevator pitch to sell yourself! Most often, you will hear marketing gurus talk about the importance of an elevator pitch. In 8 seconds or less, every business owner is encouraged to grab the attention of a prospective client. Yet, why do we find it difficult to sell ourselves? On the subject of elevator pitches, do check out this blog on how you can think like your customer.
  • Create a clear list of objectives after consulting with the client. Discuss and write down what success means for the client. Then, chart objectives and have a weekly/monthly tallying session to see how your clients are measuring up against these.
  • First, work on the small pain points. Then ease the client into accepting major behavior changes. For example, if your client gives too much for too little or struggles with negotiations, create scenarios to build up confidence. Prescribe small but numerous money-related homework assignments. This could be a weekly savings plan or taking an inventory of expenses. It could also include meditation for 30 minutes. Or it could be writing daily affirmations and self-acknowledgements. Cheesy, isn’t it? But your client won’t fight for himself if they don’t value themselves.
  • Be the fall-back guy for your clients. There will be a lot of times when your client will want to give up. When the words of a harsh world will ring in their ears and want them to quit. That is the time when your client will need you to be a solid pillar. Be firm and keep the client accountable. They will thank you later.

Why should a client hire you for self love coaching?

Are you switching careers to pursue self love coaching? Or are you starting out in your career as a self love coach? Or Either way, some of the concerns are the same. Most coaches ask themselves the following questions.

  1. How will I get clients?
  2. How can I get noticed in a crowded market?
  3. How will I advertise my services?
  4. Will I earn enough money?

Can you relate to these concerns? If these are some of the questions you have asked yourself, then you are in the right place. Throughout this blog, I will answer each of the queries listed above.

I would also encourage you to read my blog 5 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Your Clients Based on Your Coaching Niche.

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How much can you earn through self love coaching?

Let us start with the last question I posed above. How much can you expect to earn through self love coaching?

There is not much data available on how much self love coaches are earning. However, in my blog Life Coach Salary: Everything You Need to Know, I have spoken about the dynamics behind earning.

According to ZipRecruiter, the hourly wages for life coaches range from $71.39 to $5.29. The majority of life coach wages currently range between $13 (25th percentile) to $34 (75th percentile) across the United States. The average pay range for a Life Coach varies greatly (as much as $21), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

According to the findings of the International coaching federation, the national average oscillates between $11,000 and $114,500.

The truth is that coaching is a growing industry.

Let us look at some market realities. I have mentioned these statistics in my earlier blog posts as well. But this sets the context in terms of what you can expect to earn as a coach.

This post claims that the life coaching industry has crossed the $1 billion dollar mark.

  • The International Coach Federation boasts 53,300 members. It has a steady growth trend.
  • Average income for life coaches ranges from $27,100 to $73,100. Specialty coaches can charge more than $100,000 annually.
  • Growth projections for the life coaching industry are an estimated 6.7%. This would take revenues to $1.34 billion by 2022.
  • 92% of life coaches remain active in the field.
  • In Asia, there were around 3,700 coaches. They contributed $113 million in total annual revenue.
  • More and more corporations are hiring life coaches instead of mental health counsellors to work with employees (no stigma).
  • Life coaches remain unregulated. There are no state licensing requirements. This suggests freedom of practice, but also raises concerns about quality.
  • Executive coaches can earn a handsome salary too. Salaries start at $150 and can go up to $350 for most coaches. Executive coaches can also charge $1,000 per session.

This news report reported from the 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study. The research was also conducted by PwC Research. It stated:

  • 89% people in India are aware of life coaching
  • 59% have partnered with a life coach at some time
  • 97% expressed satisfaction with the experience

Since self love coaching is in itself a very specific niche, tap into this enormous market. You may want to find out more about niches in my blog The Ultimate Guide To Finding Your Coaching Niche.

Now, you may be wondering how you will you get your brand name noticed? The market is evolving and growing. But the competition is also getting tougher. You may want to refer to my blog How to promote your life coaching business? for more on this.

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Do You Need Certification to Practise Self Love Coaching?

No, you do not!

I have explained this in my blog Do you need Coaching Certification in 2021?

Right now, the coaching industry is still unregulated. This means everyone can claim to be a coach. Your experience, marketing skills and good client recommendation will ultimately decide how successful the self love coaching practice will be.

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If you do decide to become a certified coach, there are many options. They can cost anything between $19 and $4,750. A course can be as long as 21 weeks, or as short as 7 hours. It all depends on what you choose, and how prestigious these certifications are.

Watch my launchpad, work on building a strong online presence and see how it can help you grow your business.

Do Other Coaches Need To Learn Self Love Coaching?

The answer to this is YES!

The very essence of coaching is to help clients achieve self acceptance. Self love coaching is a skill that most coaches will use to help their clients. Irrespective of whether they are a dating coach or an executive coach, all of them will use some elements of self love coaching to boost confidence.

Is self love coaching the same as self esteem coaching?

I have talked in great deal about self esteem coaching in my blog Self-Esteem Coaching: How to Become a Self-Esteem Coach and Get High-End Clients. Self love coaching will definitely involve self esteem coaching to build a client’s confidence and understand his/her self worth.

If you are still learning how to become a coach, you can take some training courses to understand the industry better and to make connections. I’ll talk about these courses in detail in my last segment.

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Resources to Boost Your Self Love Coaching Career

A simple Google search will show you several books and podcasts online. As a self love coach, you may want to look up some of these.

Books to read as a self love coach

There are several books promoting self love. Some are listed here and here.

A search on GoodReads will offer a list of books on self love coaching.

However, a more specific search on self love coaching on Google led me to the following recommendations.

  1. The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown
  2. Positive Coaching: Building Character and Self-esteem Through Sports by Jim Thompson
  3. Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Discovering Self-Love and Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein
  4. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
  5. Adventures for Your Soul: 21 Ways to Transform Your Habits and Reach Your Full Potential by Shannon Kaiser

Podcasts to listen to support self love coaching

There are several YouTube videos and podcasts on self love coaching online.

You will find a list of popular videos for self love coaching here and here. Some popular podcasts to encourage self love are listed here.

Google the word self love coaching and a number of results come up. Some are listed here. A popular podcast series for self love coaching is linked here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a self care coach? 

A self care coach is someone who helps you get the most out of the life you have. Self Care is not just about physical health, but mental and emotional as well. A self care coach helps you to discover your self care needs and helps you to create a plan, so you can consistently take care of yourself, honor your needs and live your best life.

What are the qualities needed for self love coaching?

Self love is the key to personal growth and self-improvement. All coaches work on self-love. If you can’t love yourself, then how can you love others? You need the right attitude to coach people on self love. You should be able to see the world through the eyes of others. You should be able to listen to their problems with empathy. You should be willing to guide others in their efforts at self-improvement. A good self-love coach should be able to give practical advice on how to love oneself. A self-love coach should be compassionate and open-minded. A good self-love coach is a good listener, too. You must be able to measure other people’s progress and give feedback where necessary.

How do you become a love coach?

If you are interested in becoming a love coach, upgrade your communication skills. As a love coach, you must be able to communicate well with your clients. You must also be able to understand their needs and make them feel better about themselves. When you become a love coach, you will be paid for your services. You may also be asked to keep your client’s identity secret. In other words, these are some of the qualities that you may need if you want to become a love coach: 
* A good communication 
* Compassion 
* Knowledge of the English language 
* Good writing skills 
* A good listening ear 
* Good sense of humor 
* Willingness to help others 
* Willingness to commit a certain number of hours to the job 
* Computer skills

How much can you earn through self love coaching?

Self-love coaching is in demand. If you can offer your coaching services to a target audience without any difficulty, it is likely you will earn a good amount of money through it. However, you need to be able to back up your credentials to ensure that people will take you seriously. On average, one can earn $300 per session.



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