15 Life Coaching Niches to Choose From

Life coaching niches are as diverse as life is, so the niches you can offer coaching for are also unlimited. Depending on people’s experiences, their goals and hurdles, their coaching needs might differ.

If you find yourself to be a person who helps people overcome their limitations and their roadblocks in life, you can become a successful life coach. The field you specialize in should reflect your expertise and your experiences.

Being an expert in your field will allow you to offer well-curated advice that lets you guide your clients in the best possible manner.

Before we talk about life coaching specialties any further, let’s talk about some basic things.

What is a life coach?

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For a person who genuinely wants to change their life but doesn’t have the tools or support to actually do it, a life coach can bring about a transformation in their life.

In order to be a successful life coach in any niche, you will spend your life helping others become the best versions of themselves, and live a more successful life.

Most people who find that their current life doesn’t match their goals or their plans for the future have the same problem: they can’t seem to be able to overcome certain problems. These problems can be anything that stops them from living a more successful, happy, balanced, or healthy life.

Coaching focuses on making future plans and achieving them. Remember, you are not a therapist. If you think your client needs help overcoming their past and focus on mental health, it is best to recommend that they get the help they require.

If your client is focused on making changes for their future, you can guide them through the phases where they get stuck, so to speak.

What does a life coach do?

Without wings I can feel free
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A life coach can drastically improve a person’s life if the client and the coach are a right fit. A good life coach can:


There are several reasons why people live muted lives, but one of the most common ones we see is when people do not believe that they can do something. Most people’s roadblocks are self-imposed that can be overcome with empathetic support and encouragement.


In order to successfully motivate a person in the right direction, you must be able to understand the unique problems and struggles of that person. General advice helps no one and can feel disingenuous. In order for people to connect with you and for them to feel like you can help them, they must first be able to know that you can relate. If you can understand a person’s struggle and their life choices, you will have a much better chance of helping someone.


For a person who has maybe not felt heard in their life, a life coach who can make them feel heard is priceless. Listening intently will also allow you to establish a good rapport with your client and help you understand their struggle.

Improve accountability

As important it is to empathize and be kind to your clients, perhaps the most important thing you’ll ever do for them is being honest with them. Your client will not appreciate you giving them ineffective feedback just so you can continue to be “polite” to them. By making sure that they stick to the steps that you have outlined together, you respect the role that they have given you. Make sure that you do justice to the coaching role that you have taken.

If you want to learn more about how to grow your coaching business by learning the right coaching techniques, build a six-figure coaching business and learn how to get better results for clients in less than half the time, come join my Launchpad here!

How do I choose a life coaching niche?

Challenging the conventional of always arranging things in odd numbers
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As we said earlier, the diversity in the life coach industry roles matches the diversity in life. You can choose any field in life to coach people through, but make sure you follow these guidelines:

Be an expert in your field

The more you know about your field and the more experience you have, better the help that you can provide people. If you do not have expertise in your field, you will be unable to help your clients to the degree that you want to.

Make sure there is a market for your services

No matter how much expertise you have in your area, if your target is too small then you will not be able to build a large enough client base to be successful.

Do your market research

Do you know how big your market base is? What do they earn? How much disposable income do they have? Do they make self-improvement purchases? Knowing the market demographics will allow you to reach your target audience fast.

Know your marketing tools

Do you know how to reach your target audience? Do you know how to convert that audience into clients that you can help? If you cannot reach your clients, you can’t help them. So know how to reach your clients. There are many ways of doing this, and we can help.

Build credibility

We’ll talk more about this later, but it always helps to have credible skills as a coach. People are always more open to trusting people who have some skills that they can back up with a course or a valid certification. Stand out from the crowd and build credibility for your brand.

When you have done the legwork by thinking about these points, there would be some fields that would stand out compared to the others. These fields will allow you to genuinely help your clients and also allow you to be successful in your own right.

No matter how specialized your chosen field is, there would always be a degree of general life coaching involved in it. Make sure you keep an open mind and encourage your clients.

What are the types of life coaching niches?

Let’s talk about the broad categories of life coaching services you can offer your clients depending on the guidelines that we discussed above. All of these niches are large in their own regard, and you can further specialize depending on your target market.

Life coach

As we said, all the coaching niches we will talk about are subsets of life coaching and hence you will need the skills of a life coach to be successful in all the areas. A life coach can help you be a more successful, happy, balanced, and healthy individual.

They can help you with your self-esteem, your interpersonal skills, and your confidence. They can help you manage your goals, your stress, and even your time. Skills that you’ll need for this role are already covered above.

Health/Wellness coach

This type of coach can help you improve your health, your fitness, your general wellbeing. They can help you attain a number of goals depending on their specialization.

From helping you get into a better shape to help increase your vitality and manage stress, these coaches can do it all. Extra skills needed for these roles can be:

i) The correct training/certification: While you can start working as a fitness coach with absolutely no certification, it always adds to your brand and credibility if you have the training and certification to back it up. Health clubs in your area can help you get the certification, and networking in those circles is never a bad idea.

ii) A personal brand: As a wellness/health coach, it is imperative that you be a perfect example of your techniques to your clients. As a health coach you cannot get away with not following your own advice; so be the perfect result of your own techniques.

Relationship coach

A superset of family/parenting/dating coaching, this type of coach can help you establish better relationships and then teach you how to manage them. A relationship coach can help you improve the quality of your relationships, improve how you approach the relationships that you are part of.

You can further arm yourself with skills and training based on the study of human psychology/ behaviour.

Dating coach

A dating coach can not only help you maintain better relationships, they can help you improve the way that you begin the process of dating. They can help you improve the way you communicate, improve your self-esteem, and improve the way you choose people.

They can even give you strategies that can help you overcome your shyness.

Family/Parenting coach

A family coach can help you establish and maintain healthy family dynamics. These types of coaches can become part of your support network and thus they not only guide you, but they can also become your personal cheerleaders when you need them.

As a coach you should have some additional wisdom and perspective for this type of role, as these areas can be quite vulnerable for your clients; something you said light-heartedly can be taken out of context and alienate people.

Be aware of emotional cues your clients present as well.

Spirituality/Faith coach

A faith coach can help you be more in touch with the higher power through which you want to connect. This type of coach can help you find a better connection within a faith/religion or even just bring you more harmony with your surroundings and/or nature.

Image coach

An image coach will help you make better first impressions, can help you appear more charming/personable. Depending on the type of image that you want to create for your own personal brand, these coaches can help you leave a lasting impression.

Communication coach

For people who have problems expressing themselves and communicating with self-confidence, these coaches can make a big impact.

Retirement coach

This type of coaching is a mix of lifestyle and financial coaching. A retirement coach can help a person make financial and social plans for their retirement. This can be done before or after retirement. There is a significant change in lifestyle that accompanies retirement, and these coaches can help you develop a good plan as per your needs.

Career coach

Depending on the stage of your career growth, these coaches can give you advice relating to all things that relate to your work. This can be anything: the arc of your career and how to improve it, finding your dream job, getting promotions, adding skills to your repertoire, improving work-life balance, etc.

Business coach

A business coach can help you in all stages of your business operation plans. They can help you in tasks like team building, the launch of your business, improving employee productivity and retention, improving the company culture, etc.

Executive coach

This type of coach works with the top management of organizations to improve the way managers, executives, and team leaders approach leadership decisions and strategies. This process can improve the performance and results of the organizations.

Emotional freedom techniques (EFT)

Emotional freedom techniques (EFT) are acupressure based principles that coaches can use to help you release excess emotional energies.

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a language and behavioral techniques that coaches use to help you alter your unsuccessful behaviour patterns in order to match those of successful people. This can significantly change the way that you think and self-observe.


A hypnotherapist can help you break the cycles of bad habits, behaviours, and negative emotions by using the power of suggestion while a client is in a state of deep relaxation. This can help you accept positive suggestions more easily and then employ them in your life.




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